The cervix under a microscope


  • 1 testimony
  • 2 Contraindications
  • 3 technique
  • 4 species
  • 5 Training
  • 6 conduct
  • 7 after the procedure
  • 8 possible complications

A study of cervical vaginal part of the microscope is called 'colposcopy'. The technique allows for detailed examination of the pathological changes of the surface epithelium, invisible to the naked eye.

The main purpose of the cervix such research - diagnosing cervical intraepithelial benign neoplasms, as well as signs of degeneration began (the formation of cancer tumor). Examination of the cervix under a microscope is required to be appointed to patients in whom there are visible changes on the cervix in the mirrors, cytology smear revealed abnormal cells.

Further diagnostics, colposcopy is used to obtain a biopsy sample, allowing the impact fence tissues. It histology plays a decisive role in choosing the type of subsequent treatment. The process of obtaining tissue for biopsy is practically painless and can only cause a feeling of mild discomfort.

At the disposal of physicians are several methods for the study of vaginal segment of the uterus under a microscope to diagnose all possible anomalies.

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That is why such a gynecological examination recognized as the most efficient method to detect cancer processes in the initial stage of development.


Inspection of the vaginal uterine segment with a microscope is recommended for all women after reaching 30 years of age.!!! Colposcopy - one of the main screening methods that identify the existing pathology.

For cervical studies with a microscope there are many indications. But it sure is assigned in the following cases:

  • if you suspect the presence of flat cervical warts;
  • the detection of precancerous changes in internal and external genitalia;
  • in diagnosing vaginal onkoobrazovaniya, cervix or vulva.

cervical examination will be displayed after the treatment performed, as well as to survey women belonging to onkoriska group.

A study of vaginal segment of the uterus under a microscope frequently given to pregnant women. The purpose of the procedure - identify the existing pathology and appointment of adequate therapy.

The fact is that pregnancy for many couples - a spontaneous decision, but because of the previous conception of the planned medical examination of the woman does not go. In the presence of the cervix due to lower immune defenses of the disease, which is the period of gestation of the physiological norm, there is a progression of changes. This can be dangerous for both mother and bear a child. For this reason, the cervix with a microscope for a pregnant woman is a mandatory procedure. Fence diagnostic tests are not carried out in this period, and because examination by colposcopy made safe and nurturing does not threaten.


Despite its safety, inspection of the cervix with a microscope has its contraindications. These include:

  • the first two months after delivery;
  • month after the aborted fetuses;
  • in the case of the recently executed procedure cryodestruction warts or cervical surgery.

If a woman is assigned an extended type of research, the ban on the procedure of getting an allergic response of an organism to acetic acid or iodine.

The application of iodine is contraindicated for women with pronounced autoimmune thyroiditis and of thyroid cancer treatment step.

Relative contraindications are:

  • uterine bleeding, including menstruirovaniya period;
  • acute form of inflammation of the cervix;
  • vaginal atrophy of its segment.


Examination of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​carried out in gynecological surgeries with the help of a special device - a colposcope. This is sort of a medical microscope, which allows to increase the output image in 15 - 40 times.

The device is placed approximately 25 cm from the cervix, allowing a thorough inspection of all surfaces.

During the study, the woman is placed on a gynecological chair. Colposcopy is always performed before the two-hand inspection, but first with the surface of the cervix are removed all selections.

In the study, should the need arise, the gynecologist is able to remove tissue for further analysis. Its results are used by the gynecologist for setting a more precise diagnosis and adequate therapy.

A study of cervical vaginal portion of the microscope itself is painless, but the sampling of tissue for analysis may cause short-term discomfort.


Colposcopy is of several types.

  • Simple cervix. This examination of her vaginal or cervical segment. Any additional manipulation gynecologist does not hold. It helps to obtain information about the shape and size of the neck, the presence of microscopic surface epithelium, as well as other necessary parameters.
  • Examination of the cervix can be performed using the color filters.
  • Extended colposcopy. Method represents examination of vaginal cervical segment with its subsequent treatment with special substances for determining the nature of the changes identified in a simple colposcopy. Most commonly used mixture of acetic acid and glycerol with Lugol that identify portions neoplasmic mucosa. Modified epithelium is not supplied staining, and therefore clearly visible.
  • Hromokolposkopiya. The study also provides cervical staining hromokrasitelyami.

We should kolpomikroskopii technique. On examination, the resulting image is increased by several hundred times, which allows to evaluate the structure of the cells.


examination of the cervix under medical microscope executed outside the period menstruirovaniya. It is best to carry out the procedure or before the beginning of menstruation or immediately after their completion.

Three days before the visit to the gynecologist is necessary to give:

  • from sexual relations;
  • application of various lubricants and chemical spermicides;
  • vaginal irrigation any medication and folk remedies.

Shortly before the start of manipulation is recommended to take a tablet of paracetamol.


Inspection of the cervix under a microscope does not last more than 20 minutes. It is held in the gynecological chair. The procedure is as follows.

  • Located in the vagina expander mirror, allows you to open the cervix for visual contact. Throughout the procedure, the expander is in the vagina. During the inspection of mucosal surfaces will be periodically moistened with a solution of sodium chloride concentration of 0.9%, to avoid their drying out;
  • Then, the visible part of the uterus is processed with an aqueous solution of acetic acid, followed by mild discomfort and tingling. Thereafter applied Lugol solution.

If necessary, It will be made fence tissues.

Gynecologist need a small piece of no more than 2 - 3 mm. Thanks to the microscope he can get tissue from the exact desired area.

A can also be conducted curettage cervical canal. All prepared materials will be collected in a separate tube. Shoe accompanied by unpleasant spasms in the neck area.

after the procedure

During colposcopy sometimes damaged small vessels, so women may be slight spotting a dark color. This will require the use of sanitary napkins. The use of tampons is not highly recommended, especially if the procedure included curettage.

As it will be banned within the next week the woman:

  • to enter into an intimate relationship;
  • conduct vaginal lavage;

possible complications

Although the study of the vaginal part of the uterus using a microscope - a safe procedure, in rare cases, after examination by a woman following complications may occur:

  • severe bleeding;
  • Body temperature rise;
  • uncharacteristic for patient selection;
  • pain in the stomach, which lasts more than one day.

If signs persist for more than two days, a woman needs to get urgent medical advice. Undesired symptoms may be due to infectious or inflammatory pathologies of blood coagulation system.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 57
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