What is a pessary to the cervix


  • 1 Features obstetric pessary
  • 2 How does
  • 3 Indications and contraindications

Obstetric pessary is a special tool having a shape of a ring, whose function is considered to be the preservation and continuation of pregnancy by installing it on the neck and supporting pregnant uterus. Pessary on the cervix can be installed starting at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Features obstetric pessary

The adaptation is made of hypoallergenic silicone and plastic rings perfectly smoothed edges, so when you place the ring into the vaginal cavity and during the wearing mucosa not injured.

The main pessary actions include:

  • cervical retention and prevent its disclosure;
  • load redistribution decrease fetal body and pressure on the cervix;
  • extension and continuation of the pregnancy at a higher risk of an interruption;
  • prevention of cervical incompetence.

The indications for the procedure for installing the pessary is considered the opening of the internal os, short and softening of the cervix, which by its parameters does not correspond to gestational age.

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Installing the device - not the most pleasant procedure, but few women complained to the development of pain during the procedure. However, the introduction of the pessary must be approached with great responsibility. Initially, you need to visit a gynecologist and make sure in the absence of any infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Before installing the device woman should empty her bladder. The procedure takes a few minutes: advance specialist puts on ring lubricating gel, and then puts it into the patient's vagina. Correctly matched the size of the ring plays a major role in carrying out this procedure, since it is a pessary has the highest efficiency and anatomic with respect to the female body.

How does

Action adaptation based on the fact that during its installation achieved a number of positive aspects:

  • reduced irritation cervical receptor by reducing its penetration into the channel membranes;
  • reduced pressure on the pelvic floor due to its redistribution;
  • cervical canal due to rings fixed closer to the posterior vaginal vault, whereby the axis of the masterbatch is distributed correctly;
  • pessary covers the cervix along its entire circumference, which leads to compression of the cervical canal;
  • when wearing ring formed mucus plug, which prevents penetration by the rising of the vaginal flora;
  • a woman feels confident and it improves its psycho-emotional state.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use pessary reduced to the presence of a woman preconditions for CIN. Pessary on the cervix set after cervimeter on ultrasound and solutions obstetrician.

  • Shortening the cervical segment up to 30 mm or less at time of 20 weeks before.
  • Neck length of 20 mm for up to 36 weeks.
  • The opening of the internal os.

Obstetric Gynecology ring used in the timing of 16 and 34 weeks. Popular and effective pessaries are Juno (production of the Republic of Belarus) and Dr. arabino (in Germany).

There are several sizes of rings that the doctor selects individually.

Pessary on the cervixQuite often wearing pessary prescribed for women with a multiple pregnancy. Pressure fruit greatly increases with gestation and the load on the cervix increases. In this situation, namely rings act as correction means which compensates and redistributes pressure, thereby reducing the risk of premature birth.

But there are contraindications to the installation of this device. For example, in situations where the extension and preservation of pregnancy is contraindicated or infectious status of the vagina does not allow to use the ring.

Installing the pessary is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • inflammatory diseases of the vagina;
  • if there is bleeding during pregnancy;
  • in advanced stage cervical incompetence;
  • in cases of suspected fading fetus in the womb.

If a woman is diagnosed after a swab infectious process, we treat local antiseptics and antibiotics. After treatment carried out installation ring.

Women celebrate amplification of light transparent discharge after the procedure and it is connected with the reaction of the vaginal epithelium in the pessary. If the discharge took a yellow tint and become unpleasant smell - should consult a gynecologist. As a rule, after the installation of the ring every 2 - 3 weeks in a pregnant take smears on the flora to control bacterial colonization and treated with a pessary.

The pregnant woman should not lift weights over 3 kg, to take a bath and to exclude sexually active. Removing the ring is carried out at time 37 - 38 weeks.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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