Radiowave cervical destruction


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Preparation and conduct
  • 3 Properties recovery period

Radiowave cervical destruction is considered one of the most effective treatments in modern gynecology. The methodology of contactless influence is different and relatively small traumatic brief recovery period.

Destruction of radio waves used in various gynecological pathologies and conditions. In particular, the strategy is successful in eliminating papillomas, endometriosis, genital nevi. In most cases, the use of radio-wave cervical destruction carried out in respect of erosion.

Ectopic or cervical erosion is a benign background process, which means the appearance of stains on the cervix. It is noteworthy that a defect occurs in the cervical area, which is adjacent to the vagina.

When the examination of the cervix is ​​visualized a pink squamous epithelium of the vaginal portion, which is lined with flat multilayered cells. Inside the neck is cervical canal, which is produced using a sterile mucus protects the uterus from infection. Cervical canal comprises on its surface a single-layer cylindrical cells, imparting to it a reddish hue and velvety.

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Cervical erosion may occur in representatives of all ages. Among the causes of cervical epithelial defect experts allocate:

  • cervical trauma, resulting in ectropion and erosion;
  • infection;
  • early sexual activity;
  • lack of monogamy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the age factor;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • inadequate contraception.

Certain reasons cause the appearance of a particular type of erosion.

  1. Congenital ectopia represents substitution squamous cylindrical. The defect is temporary in nature and linked to cervical cervical cells prenatal coverage. By the end of puberty, congenital ectopia usually disappears.
  2. True erosion occurs when the cervix adversely affected by various unfavorable factors, which leads to disruption of its integrity. The resulting wound is self-heal within a few days.
  3. Acquired ectopia or pseudo-recovery is the consequence of improper cervical epithelium. In this case, the true erosion covered cervical cells. Pseudo as a true defect is usually accompanied by inflammation.

Erosion usually has no symptoms. Available clinical picture usually indicates the presence of comorbidities. It is known that the erosion is typically carried out concurrently with other gynecological pathologies. In this situation, a woman may notice the following symptoms:

  • allocation, indicating the inflammatory process;
  • acyclic bleeding and spotting;
  • pain syndrome;
  • disorders related to the duration of the cycle.

Women should be remembered that only symptom possible erosion are mucous discharge or contact. The appearance of large amounts of mucus indicates the activation of the glands of cylindrical cells. After intercourse or cervical gynecological examination instrument may occur spotting called contact.

necessary to carry out the survey for the diagnosis of ectopic, which includes:

  • visual inspection of the cervix;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • Smear on the flora, bakposev, onkotsitologiyu, PCR method for diagnosis of STIs.

ectopia treatment is carried out on the grounds. Congenital defect needs dynamic observation. In the presence of the inflammatory process is carried out by its elimination of drugs. Pseudo requires cauterization process is performed in which the defect removal.

Moxibustion erosive spots can be carried out by various tactics. In modern gynecology most effective and gentle method of non-contact exposure is considered to cervical destruction of radio waves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many gynecologists prefer the treatment of gynecological pathologies using radio wave cervical destruction. In the first place - this is due to the advantages possessed by the radio wave method degradation.

Among the advantages of the cervix degradation of radio waves can be noted:

  • one-time process;
  • speed and ease of implementation;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • insignificant possibility of recurrence;
  • high efficiency in advanced forms of disease;
  • painless;
  • moxibustion within diseased tissue;
  • sterilization chamber;
  • non-contact method;
  • the possibility of nulliparous patients;
  • there are numerous indications for the procedure.

Cervical destruction by means of radio waves is characterized by numerous positive aspects. However, as with any other method of treatment, destruction of radio waves has certain disadvantages.

When choosing a method of treatment of pathological conditions of the cervix patients should pay attention to the following disadvantages destruction by radio waves:

  • the high cost of the procedure;
  • the possibility of private clinics;
  • a relatively long period of recovery.

Disadvantages cervical destruction It boils down to a lack of prevalence and implementation method.

Preparation and conduct

Despite the fact that the method belongs to the gentler tactics, we need some training to intervene. In just a few days the patient eliminates sex, reception of medicines, douching. In addition, prior to the method of radiowave cervical destruction doctor prescribes the following types of studies:What is radio wave method of cervical destruction

  • blood tests for tumor markers, syphilis, hepatitis and AIDS, in particular, C, and B;
  • PCR for determination of genital infections;
  • colposcopy;
  • bakposev;
  • smear on the flora and onkotsitologiyu.

Essential to the exclusion procedure has potential pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the method of radiowave destruction is not recommended during pregnancy.

Application of the method of radiowave destruction of the cervix is ​​recommended after month, that is, in the first days of the cycle. This period is considered the most favorable, since before the onset of the next menstruation epithelium usually succeeds heal. Furthermore, in the beginning of the cycle are produced hormones that promote tissue regeneration.

radiowave cervical destruction method is considered painless. However, to avoid discomfort doctors perform local anesthesia by administering the lidocaine or novocaine solution.

Moxibustion is performed by means of the apparatus called "Surgitron". This gynecological apparatus generates radio wave radiation, wherein a certain frequency.

Under the influence of the direct radio wave occurs increase of the energy level inside the cells of pathological tissues. It generates heat, which causes destruction of cells.

In the treatment of plastic is introduced into the vagina the device tip, which produces radio wave pulses. However, the tip is not in contact with the epithelium. By the time the procedure takes about five minutes.

Before the radiowave destruction doctor opens the cervix through a speculum. During exposure to the cervix, the patient may experience discomfort. After the procedure may cause dizziness and weakness.

Properties recovery period

radiowave cervical destruction method is generally well tolerated by patients. After cauterization observed slight brownish allocation and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

As a rule, these symptoms disappear within a few days. If you experience intense pain possible appointment painkillers. To accelerate tissue regeneration gynecologist may recommend cleaning the herbs and use spark possessing anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

radiowave destruction method relates to surgical interventions. Nevertheless, after its implementation the patient can return to normal life with some limitations.

In order to prevent adverse effects to the patient is not recommended:

  • swimming in the waters;
  • sauna visit;
  • lifting weights, which weigh more than three kilograms;
  • sex life;
  • intense physical activity;
  • the use of tampons.

Not earlier than two weeks, the patient passes inspection. The doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the method and give necessary recommendations.

radiowave destruction method can be used in nulliparous women. Despite the safety of the method, radiowave destruction is not appointed during pregnancy and inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. Contraindication to the use of the method is also wearing a pacemaker.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 9
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