Cystoma ovary: Symptoms and Treatment Women


  • 1 pathology Causes
  • 2 Cyst and ovary cystoma: unlike
  • 3 Classification of Ovarian Cysts
    • 3.1 Serous ovarian cystoma
    • 3.2 Mucinous ovarian cystoma
    • 3.3 Multi-cystoma ovary
    • 3.4 Cystoma left ovary
    • 3.5 Cystoma right ovary
  • 4 Symptoms of ovarian cystoma women
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 Assays before operation cystoma ovary
  • 7 cystoma Ovarian Treatment
  • 8 The risk of formation
  • 9 Cystoma transformation into cancer
  • 10 Prediction and prevention
  • 11 conclusion

Cystoma ovary, symptoms and treatment of women require competent approach. Pathology is the second most common and is considered a precancerous process. The progressive growth of proliferating cells provide. Cystoma different possibility sprouting into adjacent tissue. This phenomenon also contributes to the formation of malignant tumor.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

pathology Causes

Experts point out that the exact cause of the formation of cysts is not installed. However, there is a certain predisposition in women with hormonal character in history. Ovarian cystoma often occur in women with carriage of herpes virus infection, HPV and other gynecological diseases.

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Experts identify the following pathological conditions that form the risk group:

  • endometritis;
  • oophoritis;
  • coleitis;
  • cycle disorders;
  • mammary cancer;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The risk of developing cystoma higher in women, frequently interrupted by pregnancy, which leads to tissue trauma and hormonal imbalance. Often the cyst formation is observed in premenopausal and menopausal women.

Cyst and ovary cystoma: unlike

Like uterine fibroids, cystoma considered extremely common tumors of female genitals. In general they are benign nature, but we can not eliminate the risk of malignancy.

Cystoma different from the rapid growth of the cyst and the achievement of a significant size. It can also be formed on the basis of an ovarian cyst. Compound with ovarian neoplasm tissue provided by the ligaments, arteries, nerves and lymph vessels legs.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

Classification of Ovarian Cysts

There are several types of tumors, which are allocated according to the following principles:

  • flow type;
  • the nature of the contents;
  • lining of cavity;
  • localization.

During cyst is defined as:

  • benign;
  • borderline or proliferating;
  • malignant.

It is known that can transform benign and malignant a border. This occurs in the absence of required treatments.

Serous ovarian cystoma

These neoplasms are lined surface or tubular epithelium and filled with the transparent nature of serous fluid. Such cystoma typically single-chamber. They differ in size, which is 30 cm.

Serous cystoma typical for women who are 50 years of age. Malignant transformation is noted in 15% of cases.

Mucinous ovarian cystoma

Found both mucinous and pseudomucinous cysts. In their basis - the lining that resembles the cellular elements of the cervical canal. These tumors tend to have a multi-chamber character, include a secret like mucus.

Mucinous species can be observed at any age. However, the most common of identifying postmenopausal. Malignancy is registered in 5% of cases.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

Multi-cystoma ovary

Typically, the multi-chamber tumorous growths presented mucinous variety. This formation comprising several individual "cells".

Cystoma left ovary

ovarian neoplasm localization may have a left-handed, as determined during a gynecological examination and ultrasound diagnostics. abdominal growth can also be observed mainly on the left side.

Cystoma right ovary

Education is often in the right ovary. Serous cystoma have bilateral localization. right ovary cystoma involves treatment that is binding.

Symptoms of ovarian cystoma women

The clinical picture is not in the presence of pathology of small size of the ovary. Education in such cases is usually a diagnostic finding.

Large cystoma manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen aching and pulling character, which give to the groin area and buttocks;
  • visually increase the size of the stomach;
  • heaviness and distension in the projection of a neoplasm;
  • menstrual dysfunction;
  • frequent urination, constipation or diarrhea during compression of the bladder, intestines;
  • swelling of the feet while squeezing the large vessels.

Serous formation lead to the development gidrosalpinksa and ascites.

Torsion legs causes of acute abdominal symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • temperature rise;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • heart palpitations.

When physical stress, trauma or careless inspection possible apoplexy body.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is


Determine ovarian pathology can be in the process of a pelvic exam. The formation of a type of tumor and the leg is located posterior to the mother's body. Cystoma may be solid or elastic, depending on the number and size of chambers.

Diagnosis is performed by instrumental methods:

  • ultrasound of the organs in the pelvis;
  • MRI and CT scans.
Cystoma ovaries: what it is

Cystoma purity confirmed by analysis on a tumor marker CA-125, as well as cytological examination content (puncture through the posterior vaginal fornix). The survey can be supplemented with a biopsy of the inner layer of the uterus and breast ultrasound.

Require differential diagnosis with ovarian cancer, cysts (follicular, luteal), ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis, malignant tumors of the intestine and bladder. In connection with this diagnosis may include:

  • gastroscopy;
  • ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • X-rays of the stomach;
  • barium enema;
  • consultation of specialists related specialties.

If necessary the diagnostic laparoscopy which sometimes goes to the therapeutic manipulation. Laparoscopy necessarily involves a biopsy of the ovary. View cystoma be confirmed after histological examination.

Assays before operation cystoma ovary

Removal formation is carried out in a hospital environment. Before hospitalization the patient passes a standard examination, which implies:

  • KLA and OAM;
  • blood biochemistry, Rh factor, group affiliation:
  • screening for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV;
  • smears on flora, onkotsitologiyu, genital infections;
  • therapist consultation (ECG, coagulation);
  • ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

With the development of complications the woman is hospitalized urgently. This usually happens when torsion legs, apoplexy.

cystoma Ovarian Treatment

In the pathology of surgical treatment, despite the volume of formation. Cystoma ovarian larger is the need for surgery. This is due to the possibility of effects from the functioning of the internal organs and the risk of malignancy.

During the intervention it is important to not only remove but also to confirm the purity of the process. The volume of the operation depends on the size of tumors, its classification, age and other individual characteristics of the patient. Intervention can be laparotomy and laparoscopy.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

Ovarian cystoma treatment can be both gentle and radical. In some cases, may conduct cystectomy with preservation of organ tissue. However, serous and mucinous varieties require removal of appendages. In the period after menopause recommended removal uterine body and ovaries. If diagnosed malignancy formation, treatment is supplemented by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, hormonal drugs.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

The risk of formation

Despite its prevalence, pathology can be dangerous. Upon reaching the new formation of considerable size, there are signs of compression of internal organs. Intense exercise can cause twisting of the legs and apoplexy.

Together with the flow of lymph and blood may penetration of the infection and the appearance of suppuration. Violation formation integrity leads to intraperitoneal bleeding, peritonitis, severe pain.

Development of complications increases the volume of surgical intervention.

Cystoma transformation into cancer

No treatment can lead to malignant transformation, which involves the progression of the malignant process. This complication was regarded as the most dangerous consequence of tumors. That is why cystoma necessarily require exclusion of malignancy.

Different types of tumor formation have varying malignant risk. Cystoma right ovary during menopause has an increased risk of malignancy. Nevertheless, the detection of pathology recommended treatment only with surgery.

In identifying pathology before the main treatment is required to exclude malignant nature of the process. This is necessary for proper clinical management.

Cystoma ovaries: what it is

Prediction and prevention

Prevention of the disease includes routine inspections, which must be regular. Hormonal dysfunction, inflammatory processes are subject to mandatory treatment. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of abortion, sexual infections.

Prognosis depends on the purity and the timeliness of the treatment process. After the operation required conservative treatment and observation by a gynecologist.


Cystoma ovary, symptoms and treatment of women in need of special attention. This is due not only to the rapid growth of tumor growths and the possibility of complications, but also the risk of a malignant tumor.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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