Diet for PCOS: nutritionists advice, a daily menu, reviews


  • 1 Why get fat with polycystic ovaries
  • 2 Can I lose weight with PCOS
  • 3 Diet for PCOS Tips nutritionists
  • 4 Authorized products
  • 5 That can not be eaten with polycystic ovaries
    • 5.1 Polycystic ovaries and alcohol
  • 6 Diet for PCOS: the menu for each day
    • 6.1 The first day
    • 6.2 Second day
  • 7 Reviews, how to lose weight with PCOS

Malfunction of the hormonal and endocrine system of the woman often lead to the development of polycystic. These diseases in 70% of cases affecting women in premenopause period - 45-55 years. Diet for polycystic ovary is an effective way to get rid of excess kilos and partial recovery. It is easy to comply with, the main thing to know the basic principles of good nutrition.

Why get fat with polycystic ovaries

Medical statistics show that half of the women suffering from PCOS are obese. This is a natural fact. The appearance of cysts on the ovaries is due to an imbalance of hormones, as a result of chronic infectious diseases and stress. As a result of disturbed metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and there is enhanced production of the male hormone testosterone.

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Even with a modest daily menu woman with polycystic ovaries observed an increase in body fat, especially in the abdominal area of ​​the male type. After delivery of analyzes is a tendency to an increase in blood sugar levels and the risk of developing diabetes.

How to lose weight with PCOS

Why does a woman with polycystic getting fatter? This stems from the higher levels of the male hormone, which violates the normal digestion of fats and carbohydrates. The metabolism slows down, and quickly consumed calories are deposited in adipose tissue. Proper nutrition in polycystic ovaries and dieting are considered to be the first measure in the struggle with hormonal and endocrine problems. With a decrease in body weight even at 10% markedly improved health and normal menstrual cycle. That is why the diet for polycystic doctors put on the list of binding measures of cure.

Can I lose weight with PCOS

Metabolic disorder complicates the process of dumping of excess weight in women with PCOS. But to sit on a rigid diet is not necessary in this disease. The main thing - to reduce the intake of the fats and carbohydrates, and increase the proportion of protein in the diet. Especially dangerous for a woman to fast carbohydrates - sugar, baking, confectionery. They disrupt blood sugar levels.

How to lose weight with PCOS

This is dangerous, since polycystic often develop insulin resistance, which further stimulates the development of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, sugar and insulin in the blood should be normal. If a woman eats right, literacy is a diet menu, leads an active lifestyle and controls blood counts - you can lose weight. Polycystic ovaries and obesity - two interconnected state of the female body. If you are overweight will begin to leave, and to improve the condition of the reproductive system. Doctors know that you can get pregnant with polycystic only after normalization of weight, dieting and course of hormone therapy.

Diet for PCOS Tips nutritionists

In this disease the woman will reduce the average daily calorie at 400 units. On average, the rate is 2400 kcal, that is, diet menus are about 2 thousand. kcal per day. Nutritionists with polycystic ovaries is recommended to focus on protein and vegetable diet. All products with a low glycemic index are welcome. They do not cause a jump in blood glucose levels and do not cause increased appetite soon after ingestion.

How to lose weight with PCOS

Experts say that any exercise before dinner accelerate metabolism, so the sport need to move on the morning rather than the evening.

German scientists in numerous studies have found that keeping blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as to suppress the increased food cravings, can the following actions and products:

  • frequent eating small portions of food;
  • grain products;
  • restful sleep for 8 hours a day.

Slimming with polycystic ovaries depends on the well-prepared diet. It is based on proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and dietary fiber. To control hunger pangs, nutritionists recommend drinking plenty of water, stewed fruit, juice. In quantitative counting, per day woman must consume about 50 grams of pure protein and from 35 to 45 g of mineral fats. The rest of the diet is complex carbohydrates for digestion of which requires more energy than is produced at the output. Each meal at the polycystic ovary should contain a protein component - a piece of fish, poultry, meat.

Authorized products

Natural products with a minimum of heat treatment - this is a source of beneficial amino acids, omega-3, vitamins and minerals. When it comes to meat products, the list of useful - poultry, lean beef. Fish useful whole, including fatty varieties such as herring, mackerel, salmon and others.

How to lose weight with PCOS

The priority of the following dietary products:

  • Brown rice;
  • whole grains (wheat, oats, buckwheat);
  • flax seeds, sunflower;
  • olive oil;
  • avocado;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • low-fat milk and yogurt.

Vegetable useful zucchini, peas, whole herbs, cabbage, cucumbers. Fruit - oranges, fresh figs, pears, apples, kiwis. Diet welcomes all berries.

That can not be eaten with polycystic ovaries

Refined and trans fats products deep thermal treatment, candy, pastry, fast food, salt - all contribute jumps in blood sugar and insulin in the blood, loads the digestive and cardiovascular systems, it contributes to excessive recruitment weight.

How to lose weight with PCOS

Diet for polycystic ovary excludes:

  • preserves and pickles;
  • chips;
  • candies;
  • confectionery made from wheat flour;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • sweet and fizzy drinks;
  • margarine;
  • sweet desserts;
  • pasta.

You need to limit salt intake, drink tea and coffee without sugar.

Polycystic ovaries and alcohol

Any alcoholic beverages, including beer, are harmful when polycystic ovaries. Their use triggers hormonal shift in the direction of increased testosterone production. If this fact has already taken place, the situation is getting worse. Perhaps the appearance of body hair on the male principle, or baldness. In addition, the use of alcohol provokes increased appetite, so weight gain is more intense.

A woman can occasionally afford a glass of dry wine with a slice of cheese or a savory fruit. Regular use of alcohol combined with tobacco - a direct path to a deterioration, infertility, diabetes, malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Polycystic ovaries and obesity, as interrelated conditions will worsen. Any recovery diet excludes alcohol.

Diet for PCOS: the menu for each day

Knowing the principles of proper nutrition, easy to make a diet with polycystic ovaries, which is quite a varied menu. Nutritionists recommend that breakfast to strengthen and facilitate the lunch and dinner. Therefore, most of the calories necessary on the morning when the most intensive metabolism.

How to lose weight with PCOS

Below is a diet menu with polycystic ovaries on day two as an example.

The first day

Breakfast: salad of arugula, spinach, cucumber with olive oil, 2 boiled eggs, a slice of whole-wheat bread.

Lunch: low-fat plain yogurt, fruit or berries.

Lunch: vegetable soup, baked tuna.

Snack: a handful nut mixture.

Dinner: Curd cheese pancakes, vegetable salad

Second day

Breakfast: wholegrain porridge without butter, fruit salad with yogurt.

Lunch: Rye bread with avocado.

Lunch: vegetable soup, chicken breast, fresh salad.

Afternoon snack: fruit or berry puree.

Dinner: Baked salmon with zucchini.

Between meals, drinking water, green tea, smoothie, vegetables and greens, nonfat yogurt.

Reviews, how to lose weight with PCOS

Svetlana, 48 years, city Moscow

I read numerous reviews of polycystic ovaries and excess weight in forums and specialized sites. I realized that the most important thing in the treatment - to change the lifestyle and diet. More movement, less than half-finished products and self-discipline. Active swimming, jogging in the morning, regulate diet. I do not go to pastry shops, bars and eat candy. To make it easier to get used to the new diet was trying to be less at home and more walking, distracted. Already I feel better.

Kristina, 32 years, city Sevastopol

With PCOS faced after the first pregnancy, the doctors said that the hormonal recovery went wrong. It recovered on 8 kg, although it slightly. It is very difficult to lose weight, every 100-200 grams are difficult. Do sports, abandoned sweet, keep to a diet, trying to recover.

Margarita, 40 years, city Ivanovo

In a review of the diet with polycystic ovaries have found a rough menu for a couple of days. Practicing 2 months, kilograms began to leave, albeit very slowly. To power used to quickly try to eat raw vegetables and fruits, as well as boiled meat and fish. I hope that with such diagnosis as polycystic ovaries do not turn into a pot-bellied man.

Diet for PCOS - base in the treatment of disease. Strict adherence to it to minimize the risk of complications, helps normalize weight and improve overall health. This is the safest method of treatment, allowing to reduce the intake of synthetic medicines or completely reject them.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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