Cauterization of cervical erosion


  • 1 The main methods of physical elimination of erosion
  • 2 Chemical
  • 3 laser
  • 4 nitrogen treatment
  • 5 radiowave
  • 6 Home
  • 7 When you can not do
  • 8 Effects

Moxibustion cervical erosion - generic name for a group of medical measures, which are aimed at eliminating the disease. The disease is diagnosed in 30% of women, therefore, how the procedure improving all the time. Most modern methods for safe, highly effective and virtually painless in all versions.

The main methods of physical elimination of erosion

The term "cauterization" is not intended for forming a burn epithelium erosion frozen, evaporated, treated with drugs.

What methods are used for cauterization of cervical erosion:

  • Chemical cautery - the procedure is performed using drugs that cause necrosis of the tissue;
  • cryosurgery - cauterization method using liquid nitrogen;
  • laser vaporization - evaporation erosion occurs at high temperatures;
  • the use of radio waves - one of the most painless ways to remove ulcers on the cervix;
  • argon-plasma coagulation - for the treatment of cervical erosion is used ionized nitrogen. A process expensive, the procedure is carried out not at each clinic;
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  • Ultrasonic removal of erosion.

Previously used method of treatment of ulcerative lesions of the cervix current, but due to the large amount of pain and side effects of such therapy method is practically used.

Any method of cauterization of cervical erosion involves carrying out a comprehensive survey to identify contraindications and latent infections. Required research methods - the general, biochemical analysis of blood, testing for HIV, hepatitis, HPV urine test, colposcopy, smear on the flora and onkotsitologiyu.

Cauterize only pseudo. When stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by cylindrical tissue - formed ectopia. For congenital and true form of ulcer formations used other therapies.


Erosion processing is carried out on the cervix using Solkovagina solution in which the composition contains organic acids, nitric acid, and zinc nitrate.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the almost complete absence of unpleasant sensations;
  • low cost;
  • rapid restoration of the epithelium;
  • simplicity of the process - the erosion was treated 2 times with intervals of several minutes.

chemical coagulation Disadvantages - low percentage of efficiency, the method is only suitable for the removal of small erosions.

The chemical method of removal erosion has no effect on reproductive function of women.


Lazerovaporizatsiya - one of the most modern and popular contactless methods of getting rid of erosion. Pre neck surface treated with a solution of acetic acid for vascular spasms, iodine encircle ectopia boundary. The affected area is treated with a beam of laser rays - under the influence of high temperature liquid evaporates, the cells are destroyed.

Advantages of laser removal of erosion:

  • high efficiency;
  • with this method cauterization discomfort during the procedure and after the closure absent;
  • after the restoration of the epithelium of the scars are formed.

laser cauterization - costly procedure, for which special equipment is required in the process of removing the affected healthy tissues.

nitrogen treatment

Cryodestruction - Treatment pathological nidus cold liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide, which is sprayed by means of a special apparatus. During processing, the erosion of color changes, loses its sensitivity, the liquid in the cells is converted into crystals, which are rapidly destroyed.

Benefits cryodestruction:

  • Length of procedure - 15 minutes;
  • high efficiency;
  • painless;
  • with this method of removal is not broken structure surface epithelium.

After removal of erosion abundant nitrogen appear watery. Restoration of the epithelium begins a week, for full healing will take approximately 1.5 months.


Cancers considered radio wave removal erosions most secure contactless method of therapy. During the procedure, an electrical current is converted into a radio frequency by means of electrodes directed to the affected area. The likelihood of burns ruled out.

Radio waves contribute to the evaporation of the liquid from the cells - they disintegrate in the process of cauterization unaffected healthy tissue. painless, but the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Pros remove erosions radio waves:

  • Efficiency - 100%;
  • bleeding are extremely rare;
  • moxibustion can be carried out at any day of the cycle;
  • for complete healing requires not more than three weeks;
  • scar deformation of the tissues of the uterus does not occur.


Some experts recommend to do moxibustion at home, provided that the erosion is small, contraindications for manipulation are absent.

For home use cautery natural antibacterial agent Polikrezulen.

Stages of the procedure:

  • Soak a tampon solution, introduce it into the vagina.
  • Excess medication removed with a cotton pad.
  • The tampon removed after 3 minutes.
  • Within a week, you need to make 3 sessions.
  • After 7 days, the damaged tissue will be separated.

After such removal method is not scars, cervical healing process takes place quickly disappearing inflammatory foci. But the drug can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. Any self-erosion dangerous to life and health.

When you can not do

Cauterization of cervical erosion of any kind has a number of contraindications, when they identify a patient offered by other therapies.

The main contraindications for cauterization:

  • the presence of inflammation in the pelvic organs, exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • diseases of the blood clotting;
  • tumor malignancy;
  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;
  • diabetes decompensated type;
  • mounted intrauterine device;
  • schizophrenia, addiction to mental seizures.

After cauterization should refrain from sexual intercourse for 1,5 months, you can not lift weights, swim in open water, visit the baths and saunas. Until complete healing of cervical erosion can only take a shower.


After any method of cauterization of the cervix ulceration there are consequences. Pathological complications arise when non-compliance with post-operative precautions.

Consequences of moxibustion:

  • Pain pulling character in the lower abdomen - disappear within 3-5 days, to eliminate discomfort can take Nospanum, Spazmalgon;
  • spotting dark red, pink for 11-14 days - this way out cells subjected to destruction;
  • sometimes begins the process of scar tissue on the cervix, causing its narrowing - in the future may have problems with conception and child-bearing;
  • inflammation of the tubes, ovaries - with ascending infection;
  • Endometriosis - when traumatic procedure performed may develop adenomyosis.

It occurs rarely infectious and inflammatory complications of the wound, which remained after cauterization - the situation requires immediate treatment because increases the likelihood of disease recurrence.

The average term of the restoration of cervical epithelium after cauterization - 4-8 weeks subject to all the rules and recommendations of the doctor.

When the diagnosis of cervical erosion, the doctor selects the best way to remove it, depending on the lesion size and severity of the disease, age of the patient, presence of concomitant diseases. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the pathology can cause dysplasia and cancer.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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