Candles after cauterization of erosion


  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 Symptoms and signs for different types of
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 Using candles

Candles are one of the most commonly used dosage forms in gynecology. Candles allow the active agent to act near the affected organ or tissue without causing adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often candles are used in the treatment of background diseases, particularly cervical erosion.

Background cervical diseases have a special place in modern gynecology. Primarily, this is due to their prevalence and the total number of which steadily grows. We should not forget that many benign disease if left untreated, may transform into precancerous processes and cancer.

One of the most frequently diagnosed disease is cervical erosion. With this diagnosis faced more than 50% of women at different ages. In fact, the diagnosis of "erosion" is not entirely true, because they do not reflect all of the changes that occur in the cervix. The term combines several cervical conditions that differ etiology and pathogenesis.

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When the cervix appears a defect in the form of patches or sores, talk about the development of cervical erosion. This is the background benign condition that does not always need treatment. In order to determine the tactics of treatment, a woman passes a thorough examination. Diagnosis is also necessary to avoid dangerous diseases, such as cancer or precancerous process - dysplasia.

The progression of erosion, as well as its appearance depends on the clinical varieties of erosion.

Determining the type of erosive defect is also necessary for purposes of treatment, which can be either conservative or surgical. Typically, doctors use an integrated approach that involves the use of cautery, and various candles.

Erosion can occur in several forms.

  • True erosion occurs when the surface epithelium is damaged due to the negative impact of damaging factors. Such a defect is wound or ulcer surface, tightens during ten - fourteen days.
  • Pseudo. The medical literature is more common term "ectopic" means substitution of flat epithelial cells multilayer cylindrical elements. Pseudo looks like a rough shape stain and often shows signs of concomitant inflammation.
  • Congenital erosion. This is not a pathology, and a temporary defect that occurs as a result of violation of differentiation of the flat and cylindrical epithelium. Congenital erosion is a spot the correct form, usually no signs of inflammation.

The cervix connects the body of the uterus and vagina. Inside this tube is muscular cervical canal. It provides a protective function by coating the cylindrical cells and the presence of special glands that produce mucus. The visible part of the cervix is ​​lined with flat stratified epithelium. Two types of epithelial tissue is connected in the area of ​​transformation.

Causes of

the defect mechanism is unclear exactly. It is thought that erosion can cause a variety of factors. It is noteworthy that for each species erosive spots are characteristic of certain reasons.

Gynecologists are the following reasons that may promote the formation of erosion, localized in the cervical region.

  • Congenital disorders. Sometimes a spot is found in girls and young women before the onset of puberty and sexual life. The occurrence of such a defect is associated with intrauterine disorders that result in normal epithelial differentiation is disrupted.

Vaginal part of the cervix is ​​lined with cylindrical cells. This means that the transformation zone, which should not be visible, and moves can be visualized during the examination. After completion of the sexual maturation, as stabilizing hormonal innate spot regresses.

  • Onset of sexual activity before full maturation of the cervical epithelium. Immature epithelium is susceptible to infections and external influences. Sex before the age of 18 often lead to the development of true erosion and ectopia.
  • Infection. Pathogenic microflora detrimental effect on the surface epithelium, causing erosion true, then ectopia.
  • cervical injury. Difficult childbirth, abortion, curettage lead to cervical or inversion of ectropion. Subsequently, the injured uterine cervix formed ulcers.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It was found that the erosion often occurs as a result of changes in the level of sex hormones. In particular, the sharp decline in estrogen affects the condition of the cervical epithelium, causing the formation of ulcers. Such a pathological condition is often diagnosed during pregnancy or menopause.

Gynecologists say that the elimination of precipitating factors have a significant influence on the healing prognosis. To avoid a recurrence of the disease, it is desirable to eliminate the triggers whenever possible.

Symptoms and signs for different types of

erosion risk is that it is asymptomatic. This means to identify the defect surface epithelium should consult a doctor and get tested. Often specialists determine ectopia, which means that there portion formed cylindrical cervical cells.

It is the only symptom pseudo mucus, which appear as a result of glandular epithelial monolayer on a plot of erosion. When sex or gynecological examination may occur due to traumatic bleeding spots, which is susceptible to external influences.

Signs of erosion are identified by visual examination of the cervix and assessment of its mucosa.

  1. True erosion has the form of a wound, which may bleed when in contact with the doctor tool. If true erosion often there is an inflammatory process.
  2. Congenital erosion looks reddish spot, which is different from a healthy pale pink mucous. Signs of infection are usually absent.
  3. Ectopic manifested form spots, which can have varying shape and size. Pseudo characteristic symptom is the presence of inflammation.

Erosion does not cause pain, disruption cycle, bleeding acyclic nature. However disease is usually accompanied by other diseases gynecological plan, whereby there is a typical clinical picture of each pathology.


Timely detection of disease prevents serious pathologies. Since erosion is different symptomatic, gynecologists pay attention to the importance of preventive examinations. Regular screening allows early detection of cervical defect and on time to start the necessary treatment.

The main treatment involves the implementation of different methods of cauterization. at an early stage of the definition of erosive spots can be used as a candle therapy, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action.

The doctor makes a diagnosis during the inspection and evaluation of cervical mucous in the mirrors. In addition, the external view of the defect can be differentiated his appearance. However, a survey of the gynecologist is not enough. It is known that under the erosion may be hiding dangerous diseases, including cancer.

In order to prevent precancerous processes and cancer, to identify related gynecological diseases, need to be examined:

  • Smear on the flora;
  • cytology;
  • bakposev;
  • PCR diagnosis of genital infections;
  • colposcopy;
  • a biopsy.

The main diagnostic methods are visual inspection and colposcopy. These two studies are similar. The difference lies in the fact that during colposcopy the doctor examines the cervix through the colposcope. This device consists of magnifying and lighting systems, allows us to consider in detail the mucosa.

In order to pinpoint the affected area, the doctor conducts an expanded version of a colposcopy, in which the cervix is ​​treated with special solutions. Bare land may indicate the development of dysplasia.

In order to prevent dysplasia and cervical cancer, the gynecologist conducts a biopsy. It produces a piece of fence the affected tissue for examination under a microscope, which will be carried out in the laboratory.

Careful diagnosis is essential in the appointment of treatment. For example, to carry out the method of moxibustion diathermocoagulation or otherwise contraindicated in the presence of a malignant tumor. Application candles also in this case is not justified.

Using candles

The therapeutic strategy depends on the type of erosive education. Congenital form of regress on their own, treatment of candles is only required when connecting infection. True erosion rarely diagnosed because of the very short period of progression. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause of the fault and the stimulation of the healing process, it is possible to carry out reception of different suppositories, e.g., Depantola.

Moxibustion is performed upon detection of ectopic. Before you carry moxibustion, is necessary to eliminate the infection and inflammation. Cauterization performed by several methods, one of which is diathermocoagulation. After the patient prizhgla erosion, gynecologists recommend sometimes reception suppositories, e.g., Depantol.

Candles after cauterization of cervical erosion, promote healing of epithelial tissue, dissolve the scab or crust, impede the accession of infection. However, not every tactic cauterization requires the use of candles. After the woman prizhgla diathermocoagulation defect, it is desirable to use candles, in particular, Depantol.

After cauterization doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing and other varieties of candles.

Ectopia can be eliminated by using the following methods of cauterization and spark rate.

  • Diathermy. One of the most effective ways to cauterization, called diathermocoagulation, has many negative aspects. Erosion can cauterize electrocution or diathermocoagulation then formed a crust on the surface of the cervix, called eschar. The disappearance of the crust observed on the tenth - fourteenth day. Tissue regeneration or after cauterization current diathermocoagulation occurs within two months. The healing period can not be excluded and sukrovichnye bloody discharge.

During the recovery period after a woman diathermocoagulation recommended to use candles, have anti-inflammatory and healing action. Candles promoting tissue regeneration, is used after normalization precipitates. Quite often, gynecologists recommend candles Depantol, after a woman prizhgla diathermocoagulation erosion.

Candles after cauterization of cervical erosionDepantol has several dosage forms. In particular, many women use Depantol in gel form, suppositories, ointment or spray. Depantol has good absorbability and high efficiency.

  • Radio wave cauterization. Once the patient prizhgla erosion radio waves, complications usually do not occur, unlike diathermocoagulation. Radiowave moxibustion is the most gentle method to eliminate erosion, which does not require the use of anti-inflammatory suppositories. As a precaution, you can use candles Depantol.
  • Cryodestruction. Cauterize liquid nitrogen may be just a small size erosion. After escharotomies regenerating suppositories may use, for example, or Depantola methyluracil.
  • Laser vaporization. The method moxibustion - using a laser beam, evaporated erosive cells. When the patient prizhgla defect by laser vaporization, in a few days, you can use Depantolom or other healing candles.

Apply candles after cauterization of erosion, in particular, by diathermocoagulation, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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