Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous


  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 Clinical picture and diagnostics
  • 3 Methods of treatment

cervical erosion is common in women of different age groups. This means that for some reason pathology may occur in nulliparous women. It is known that the tactic of eliminating erosion nulliparous different necessity gentle treatment. The reason is that the aggressive effect on the cervix can lead to dangerous consequences, such as pregnancy and childbirth.

Currently, the term "erosion" is deprecated due to the fact that he does not represent the full extent of cervical pathologies. Despite the fact that the doctor often sets the erosion and the voice of the patient the diagnosis, in most cases under this diagnosis mean ectopia or pseudo.

Thus, erosion includes several varieties state cervical epithelium, which differ in their appearance and the treatment strategy.

  • True erosion is the result of exposure to traumatic factors of various origins and is wound on the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix. This defect is formed in bacterial, viral infection often. True erosion exists up to two weeks and then regresses independently with various embodiments outcome.
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  • Pseudo next stage is the true shape. When ulcer healing wrong replacement occurs planar multilayer cell portion vaginal part of the uterus unilamellar cylindrical elements which normally cover the cervical canal.
  • Congenital erosion can occur due to violations of epithelial differentiation in the flat and cylindrical. This erosive spot is often detected in women not giving birth to twenty-five years. As the maturation of epithelial tissue and stabilize hormone levels congenital erosion in nulliparous women self disappears.

cervix connects the body with the body through the vagina cervical canal, lined with a cylindrical single-layer cells.

Gynecologists conventionally isolated supravaginal vaginal and cervical portion. Is only visible vaginal region, comprising on the surface of the multilayer flat cells. The transformation zone defined by the junction of two different types of epithelium.

Causes of

cervical erosion both in parous and nulliparous women and girls may occur for various reasons. Each option has its erosion causes of.

In general, experts identify the following causes of erosion in nulliparous women.

  • Intrauterine disorders. In young girls and adolescent girls sometimes diagnosed congenital erosion. This condition is not related to a pathology. The occurrence of the defect is due to a violation of the separation of the epithelium in the multi-layer and single layer. transformation zone is displaced and becomes visible. With the development of cervical tissue and normalization of the level of certain hormones stain disappears.
  • Hormonal disorders. On the cervical epithelium is influenced by estrogen. When changing the concentration of the hormone may experience occurrence of erosion, which is typical for pregnant women, and women after menopause. At elimination of the causes of the defect regress on their own.
  • Genital infections. It was found that most of ectopia and true erosion is accompanied by infectious lesions. Different pathogens are on the surface of the ulcer, causing its progression.
  • Early sexual activity. Intimate relationship before the end of the maturation of the epithelium is often the cause of the defect.
  • Chemical contraceptives. Overreliance contraceptive chemical action can lead to ulcers.
  • cervical trauma. Rough sex, abortion, and birth complicated by other manipulations cause the appearance ectropion, which leads to the appearance of ulcers.

The following factors may predispose to the occurrence of erosion:

  • having multiple sexual partners;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • weakened immunity;
  • concomitant inflammation of the reproductive sphere.

The exact mechanism of ulcer development the cervix is ​​not installed.

Clinical picture and diagnostics

Ectopic can lead to serious complications due to the fact that this disease is the underlying disease. Accordingly, there is a need for its early detection and treatment.

The illness is asymptomatic. Erosive progression of latent defect leads to its late diagnosis. As a general rule, identification of the ulcer occurs during routine inspection, or if the woman is drawn to a specialist in another context.

It is known that 80% of the disease is complicated by various infections. They often cause a clinical picture that may include:

  • pain syndrome;
  • cycle disorders;
  • bleeding;
  • abnormal discharge.

Erosion can sometimes causes the appearance of abundant mucous secretions due to the fact that the surface of ectopic columnar epithelium contains glands that produce mucus. Also, the contact separation may occur during gynecological examination or during intercourse.

Diagnosis erosion occurs during a visual inspection of the cervix through the speculum. Appearance of erosion depends on its species. In particular, a true defect has the form wound with signs of inflammation. Upon contact with gynecologic instrument may cause bleeding.

Congenital spot has a flat surface and sharp contours usually appearance of signs of inflammation is not marked. Ectopic detected in the overwhelming number of cases. The doctor observes the appearance of various shapes and spot size, which is sometimes accompanied by inflammation.

In order to prevent dysplasia and malignant tumors of the cervix, as well as to determine the cause of erosive spots, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis. Examination for cervical erosion in nulliparous women, women includes:

  • simple and advanced method for colposcopy;
  • PCR smear from the cervix and vagina in the genital infections;
  • general smear to identify microflora;
  • bakposev;
  • cytological diagnosis.

Malignant neoplasm of the cervix often masquerades as erosion. For this reason, gynecologists advise upon detection of background processes of cervical epithelium undergo a thorough examination.

Methods of treatment

Doctors point out that treatment techniques in parous and nulliparous women may be different. Several decades ago, surgical techniques to eliminate the disease is not practicing because of the risk of complications. However, sparing therapies used in modern gynecology, and complications can occur very rarely.

Before proceeding to surgery, it is important to eliminate the causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women. If detected the appearance of the infection process, it needs to be cured.

Drug therapy for cervical erosion in nulliparous women, women includes the following products:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal.

When cervical erosion is a small amount, perhaps treatment with drugs that contribute to its healing. Experts appointed candles and sponges, for example, based on sea buckthorn.

When cervical erosion is a significant volume or there is a need for its elimination, gynecologists used several ways to cauterization.

  • Cryodestruction pathological tissues involves freezing with liquid nitrogen. After the procedure may occur abundant mucus. Cervical erosion must have a small value, so that the treatment was effective.
  • Laser vaporization is carried out by a contactless method. The laser beam vaporizes the abnormal cells, eliminating erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women. This tactic uses in case of erosive spots and other cervical abnormalities. The disadvantages of cauterization include inability to control the depth of influence and capture the healthy tissue.
  • Radiowave moxibustion is the most effective and gentle manner. Cauterization occurs within the abnormal tissue and complications do not occur practically. This method can be assigned to giving birth to girls and women.
  • Chemical degradation using drugs such as Solkovagina or Vagothyl carried nulliparous women frequently. For small-scale cervical lesions, this method is considered the most safe and effective. If cervical erosion has large size, the possibility of repeated treatment.

Many patients have heard that moxibustion can not be held nulliparous girls and women. However, current surgical treatment can eliminate ulcerative defect without the appearance of complications.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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