- 1 Causes of
- 2 Symptoms and Diagnosis
- 3 therapies
Among the various cervical benign pathologies occupies a special place congenital erosion. This state of the cervix, which does not lead to cancer. Congenital uterine cervical erosion requires observation, treatment in most cases is not carried out.
Cervical erosion is a so-called defect, which is localized in the mucosa of the cervix. The spot appears on the visible portion of the cervix, which is located directly in the vagina.
Uterine cervix investigated gynecologist at survey. It is the lower uterine department and serves as a connection between the body cavity and the vagina.
Vaginal portion physiologically lined stratified epithelium of the planar cell components. In the external os squamous epithelium passes into a cylindrical single-layered fabric which forms the surface of the cervical canal.
Cervical canal protects the uterine cavity from infections which may penetrate from the vagina. This protection mechanism is caused by the presence of glands that produce the necessary amount of mucus.
Flat and cylindrical epithelium differ in appearance. The surface of the vaginal part of the cervix has a pink hue and smooth texture, while the cervical canal characterized by a reddish tinge, and velvety.
About congenital erosion tell if the vaginal portion of the cervix is lined by columnar epithelium. For many years, this state of the uterine cervix was considered pathological. However, modern science has proven that congenital erosion is a step in the development of sexual organs. It was also found that the congenital defect of the uterine cervix is not the cause of cancer.
The reason that congenital erosion was considered a pathology, was the lack of knowledge of the condition. The girls before sexual debut detect birth defects is not possible. Accordingly, the researchers did not have data that congenital erosion, ectopia scientifically, there is still in utero. She originally could not be equated with pathology, as it is due to the appearance of physiologically.
Causes of
Causes of congenital ectopia are the peculiarities of fetal development of the reproductive system. It is known that epithelium girls called cylindrical localized on the outside of the uterine cervix. Contrary to popular belief, this process can not be the cause of the pathology.
Coating uterine cervical vaginal area is normal to a certain age. Before reaching the age of a woman of twenty-five congenital erosion should regress. Untimely regression erosive congenital spots often causes connection infection.
Congenital erosion is a step in the development of the female body. However, experts distinguish the causes that result in the stain does not regress and is diagnosed in adulthood:
- unfavorable heredity;
- hormonal disorders;
- malformations;
- inflammatory process.
Treatment of congenital erosion carried out very rarely, because it is not cause of serious diseases. Nevertheless, the detection of cervical this condition need regular follow-up.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
cervical erosion, including the congenital form is asymptomatic. The spot is detected during the inspection gynecologist by using a special mirror.
The clinical picture depends on whether accompanied by the erosion of the uterine cervix other gynecological diseases. the following symptoms can be isolated in the absence of inflammation:
- spotting occurring on contact with gynecologic instrument or after sexual intercourse;
- mucus associated with the operation of ectopic glands;
- increased content of leukocytes in the vaginal smear.
In the case of infection of connection and presence of inflammatory process the patient may experience the following symptoms:
- abnormal discharge as the odor, and without;
- pain localized in the lower abdomen;
- bleeding;
- menstrual irregularities;
- discomfort in the genital area.
When the uncharacteristic for congenital erosion symptoms, you should see a specialist and get tested. It must be remembered that sometimes a background process may be masked dysplasia, which can cause cancer.
In order to differentiate congenital defects and other pathologies of the uterine cervix, it is necessary to pass inspection. Congenital ectopia detected during inspection of the cervix. Gynecologist defines rounded reddish spot at the external os, which is rarely shows signs of inflammation.
A feature inherent to erosion is the presence of visible transformation zone. Normally, the transition from the cylindrical squamous not visualized because this portion is in depth of the external os formed cervical canal. However, in congenital transformation erosion zone it is ectopic.
Columnar epithelium in the cervical vaginal part quite vulnerable. Erosive spot may bleed when a doctor examination.
To identify the causes of erosion and the exclusion of other diseases is necessary to carry out a survey.
- Colposcopy. The procedure is performed in a simple and extended embodiment. Simple colposcopy involves examination of the cervix using a colposcope. Lighting and magnification system allows to visualize particular spots on the uterine cervix. During the extended colposcopy cervix is treated with special solutions for colposcopic evaluation of the picture.
- Biopsy. This study is only recommended for oncological alertness. During colposcopy, the doctor makes a small piece of tissue sampling for histological examination, which is carried out under a microscope in a laboratory.
- Analyzes. The patient recommend the implementation of a common smear, bacterial inoculation test. Of particular importance is the diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections by using modern PCR.
- Cytological examination. This basic method of examination, which implies the implementation of a smear to identify abnormal cells. Smear on onkotsitologiyu shows the development of inflammatory and precancerous process.
Ultrasound as a diagnostic in congenital cervical erosion does not apply.
Elimination of congenital spots on the cervix is performed rarely because of the gradual regression of education. As the maturation of the epithelium of uterine cervix ectopia usually disappears.
Nevertheless, in some cases the connection of infection. In this situation, the patient is recommended conservative treatment, which is aimed at the normalization of the vaginal microflora and elimination of inflammation.
Medical treatment for congenital erosion uterine cervix comprises:
- antibacterial agents having a broad spectrum of action;
- antiviral drugs in the presence of HPV, herpes virus;
- Antifungal candles, ointments or pills;
- antiseptics for local processing.
Before assigning therapy desirable to perform PCR with the definition of diagnosis of sensitivity of microorganisms. This will increase the effectiveness of the therapy and to prevent a recurrence of inflammation.
Typically surgical tactics are not shown with congenital ectopic nature. Sometimes, when this condition occurs constant recurrence of infection because of the trauma and the functioning of the cylindrical cells in an unusual environment for them. In such cases, we consider the question of cauterization congenital ectopia.
Several decades ago, surgical techniques have been contraindicated for nulliparous girls due to the aggressive effect on the uterine cervix. Eliminating ectopia conducted after the reproductive function. In modern gynecology apply effective sparing technique that allows to treat ectopia in patients of different age groups.
Congenital cauterization spots may be conducted by the following methods.
- Chemical coagulation. The process is effective with little tissue lesion. In the process of chemical coagulation of the cervix treated with special solutions several times, causing a burn. As healing tissue erosion portion covered flat cells.
- Diathermy. Cauterization electric current is conducted only in parous patients because of the high traumatic fashion. After diathermocoagulation cervix may lose elasticity due to scar deformity.
- Cryodestruction. Freezing of the affected portion of the liquid nitrogen is recommended during ectopia insignificant value. After the procedure, there are copious watery discharge.
- Laser vaporization. Cauterization by the laser beam is carried out in a contactless manner. Some gynecologists believe that this tactic has the highest percentage of relapses due to contamination of the cylindrical tissue cells in the process of evaporation.
- Radio wave cauterization. Using the machine "Surgitron" can disinfect education painlessly and effectively, and to sterilize the wound simultaneously. Radiowave treatment is the most preferred method of removing an ectopia.
Congenital cervical erosion does not pose a risk, and may not cause formation of malignant tumor. However, as with any background process, this condition needs monitoring and treatment when indicated.
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