- 1 Can hurt the ovaries during pregnancy
2 Why hurt the ovaries during pregnancy: Causes
- 2.1 Physiological pain in the ovaries
- 2.2 pathological pain
- 2.3 non-obstetric pain
- 2.4 psychogenic pain
- 3 Appendages ache during pregnancy: what to do
- 4 When to contact a doctor
- 5 The main ways of diagnosing the causes of pain in the ovaries during pregnancy
- 6 conclusion
Many expectant mothers greatly hurt the ovaries during early pregnancy. This may be accompanied by unpleasant stitching, pressing or pulling sensations that a woman will deliver a lot of trouble. On what may be the causes of this condition, as well as what to do - later in the article.
Can hurt the ovaries during pregnancy
Immediately it should be noted that the tingling in the ovaries during early pregnancy may not always indicate a pathology. In this state, substantially changing the function in these organs, because they have a greater hormonal load.
To avoid complications, experts recommend a check-up in the development of the following symptoms:
- fever;
- abdominal discomfort;
- uterine bleeding;
- occurrence of abnormal discharge;
- acute backache in the ovary;
- observation extreme fatigue and nausea;
- loss of consciousness;
- dizziness.
Why hurt the ovaries during pregnancy: Causes
In pregnancy, pain in the ovaries is observed in 30% of women. The causes of this symptom may be as follows:
- Physiological pain. They are associated with changes in the body that are completely natural. Unusual sensations thus considered as the norm.
- Pathological pain. They arise when developing abnormalities in the fetus, ectopic fertilization and other pathologies.
- Non-obstetric types of pain. They are usually associated with other gastrointestinal diseases, which may be given in the lower region of the abdomen.
- Psychogenic pain. Arise in great excitement, anxiety or stress in women. Such reasons are among the most frequent perpetrators of discomfort.
Physiological pain in the ovaries
Most often, pain in the ovaries following provoke physiological reasons:
- Sprain. Discomfort in this case will be aching in nature. With increasing uterine ligaments will stretch, which may provoke pain. Fortunately, such a state passes its own. It does not require treatment.
- Digestive problems. The reason for this may be the reception of alcohol, the use of a large number of sweet, salty or fatty. To normalize the chair, it is important to enrich the diet of healthy food in the form of fruits and vegetables, soups and dairy products.
- Increased physical activity. Heavy lifting, tilting, push-ups or sit-ups change the position of the uterus. This may appear a negative state of health of women.
pathological pain
Such pains are the most dangerous because they can cause miscarriage or pregnancy fading. Their reasons may be:
- inflammation of the reproductive system;
- half-baked ovarian disease;
- administration of drugs that impair tone of the uterus;
- different types of tumors;
- acute peritonitis;
- fluid accumulation;
- internal bleeding.
To establish the exact reason for which pull the ovaries during early pregnancy, the doctor can only watch. Trying to diagnose at departure, and even more so to treat it in such a state is extremely unwise. All your actions should coordinate with a specialist.
non-obstetric pain
Sometimes discomfort in the lower abdomen during childbearing non-obstetric cause of pain. Among them are the following are the most common causes of pain:
- ovarian rupture;
- bacterial intestinal lesions;
- infections of the intestines;
- infectious diseases of the bladder;
- lesion of the gallbladder.
psychogenic pain
If the above possible causes that hurts right ovary during pregnancy has not been confirmed, women need advice of an experienced psychologist.
In some cases, the physiological changes can cause depression, neurosis, apathy. In this state, the timely psychological support will be able to save a woman from her problems and normalize mood.
Appendages ache during pregnancy: what to do
When aches ovary during early pregnancy, it is important to choose the right treatment. It will depend on the specific causes of violations and results of analyzes.
When the physical type of the expectant mother is recommended to take prescribed pain gynecologist facilitate the preparations and also comply with the peace (to reduce physical exertion, to spend more time outdoors, stick to rational power).
If the source of pain in the left ovary during pregnancy become pathologic causes (disease, inflammatory conditions and m. P.), While women showing medication. When diagnosing such diseases as a cyst, treatment can be delayed until the child is born. This is required in order not to harm the fetus takes medication and perform procedures.
When psychogenic pain woman is important to avoid stress. It is also possible to change the situation, to visit a psychologist.
Important! Use a variety of folk remedies to be very careful, otherwise the wrong selected broth may harm the fetus.
When to contact a doctor
To sound the alarm and immediately turn to the doctor is necessary when strongly hurts the ovary during pregnancy in the second trimester, as in this period, no discomfort should not be.
Go to examination and consultation with a specialist is necessary with the rapid deterioration when pain persists even after the rest, and is further strengthened and extended to the whole abdominal cavity.
Calling an ambulance is necessary with nausea and sensation of abdominal solidification (can be felt by palpation).
The main ways of diagnosing the causes of pain in the ovaries during pregnancy
If after IVF during pregnancy hurt the ovaries, the doctor may prescribe the patient the following diagnostic procedures:
- General blood and urine tests. They show the overall clinical picture of the patient's health, as well as help identify inflammation. This will install the correct diagnosis.
- Ultrasound study.
- Analyzes on hormones.
- CT or MRI. Such studies are one of the most informative. They provide an opportunity to examine the internal organs, blood vessels and tissues in the diameter of 3-5 mm. It can detect even initial forms of pathologies.
- Consulting of a therapist, endocrinologist and gynecologist mandatory inspection.
For suspected tumors, cysts or other ovarian disease, the patient can be assigned to puncture. She performed as a last resort, because such a procedure significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.
If a woman's ovaries ache during pregnancy for more than two days in a row, it is necessary to address to the observed gynecologist.
To prevent the emergence of such symptoms, it is important to avoid stress, overwork not physically, but also to eat right. Then the risk of complications during childbearing will be minimal.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.