- 1 What is retention cyst Ovary
- 2 pathology Causes
3 Retention symptoms of ovarian cysts
- 3.1 Signs retention formation of the right ovary
- 3.2 Signs retention formation of the left ovary
- 3.3 Symptoms of retention of education of both ovaries
- 4 Retention cyst of the ovary in a postmenopausal
- 5 Diagnostics
6 Treatment retention of ovarian cysts
- 6.1 medication
- 6.2 Puncture retention education ovary
- 6.3 physiotherapy
- 6.4 Treatment retention cysts of the ovary folk remedies
- 7 possible complications
- 8 disease prevention
Retention ovarian cyst - a fluid-filled cavity, which is formed from glandular tissue. The reason for its occurrence is a blockage of the gland ducts, through which the secret is to be output. There is a tumor in the ovary predominantly in women who are in their reproductive years.
What is retention cyst Ovary
Retention cysts may form on the left or the right ovary. Externally, it looks like a capsule with the transparent walls, the liquid stored therein. Retention refers to the following types of cystic tumors:
- follicular;
- endometrioid;
- paraovarialnye;
- corpus luteum cyst.
Get rid of parovarian cyst can only be surgically amenable to endometrial inclusion of hormonal therapy, other types may disappear on their own.
Attention! Retention cystic neoplasms do not degenerate into malignant tumors.
Learn what are the different types of cystic lesions, what they are, you can from the video:
pathology Causes
Appear retention formation of ovaries can be at any age. The most common reason for their occurrence is called hormonal disruptions. When excessive estrogen production in the female body, enhanced mucus secretion process, it becomes denser. The result produced by the secret becomes more viscous. He scores excretory ducts and begins to accumulate in the gland, increasing its volume.
Retention cyst of the right ovary can form at the site of the follicle that does not burst, or yellow body. Normally, follicles gradually increases in size and in the middle of the menstrual cycle bursts. From it leaves the egg. If the follicle does not burst, then a follicular cyst may appear in its place. Most often, the pathology occurs at puberty. One reason is an excess of estrogen in the body.
luteum tumor detected when this temporary iron does not regress, and continues to grow. Normally, the corpus luteum to produce progesterone needed to maintain the pregnancy. If fertilization has not occurred, it resolves to the beginning of menstruation. Cyst can occur if a woman:
- I take the drug for emergency contraception;
- I saw drugs which stimulate the release of an egg;
- He is starving;
- I experienced a lot of stress.
Occurrence cystic inclusions in chronic diseases appendages and after frequent abortion.
Endometrial cysts appear in patients suffering from endometriosis. Inside the cystic cavity are the remnants of the blood, which is released in women during menstruation. They may appear when:
- immune disorders;
- hormonal failures;
- entering the cells of the endometrium with the blood flow in the ovaries;
- transfer of mucosal cells in the operations.
Parovarian cyst located in the area between the ovary, broad ligament and fallopian tube. This fluid-filled cavity. It appears because of intrauterine disorders bookmark genitals.
Retention symptoms of ovarian cysts
Many retention inclusion revealed accidentally. If they are small, the unpleasant symptoms can not be.
Most often asymptomatic pass corpus luteum cyst. They resolve on their own in 2-3 months almost 90% of women. Some observed when they occur:
- weak pain in the abdomen;
- lengthening the duration of menstruation;
- menstruation;
- a feeling of heaviness, fullness sensation in the stomach.
When follicular cysts disturbed menstrual cycle. Retention cyst of the ovary causes of bleeding in any day of the cycle, many women with acyclic bleeding often reveal benign novobrazovaniya.
Typical symptoms arise in the development of endometrial cysts. Women complain of:
- constant aching pain, interspersed with sharp;
- urination disorders;
- painful periods;
- infertility.
When parovarian cyst symptoms occur if the diameter is greater than 12-15 cm. Patients disturbed menstrual cycle appear acyclic uterine bleeding, menstruation becomes painful.
Signs retention formation of the right ovary
When the retention inclusion in right ovary patients, pain may appear on the right side. If cysts burst or twisting the leg, then determine the precise location of pain will be difficult.
In women with follicular cystic tumors in the right ovary, the right may arise pain during ovulation. Their women feel during 1-2 days.
Signs retention formation of the left ovary
Even in the absence of symptoms physician for manual inspection may reveal retention inclusion in left ovary. Gynecologist in the research should feel mass lesion located in the left iliac region.
Symptoms of retention of education of both ovaries
If a woman having pain in the appendages of the left and right, it is possible to suspect the appearance retention cysts on both ovaries. Most of these symptoms occur in the development of endometrial cystic tumors. After all, the corpus luteum cysts and follicular cystic neoplasms rarely appear on both sides. They affect only one sex gland.
Retention cyst of the ovary in a postmenopausal
In postmenopausal women functional cysts can not be formed. Therefore, the appearance of any tumor entities should be alerted. At this age, preferably not cysts arise and cystoma - true tumors which may degenerate into malignant.
After menopause there is the likelihood of endometrioma. It occurs when the growing of the endometrium in the ovary. This pathology occurs in no more than 3% of the patients who come climax. In identifying ovarian endometriomas postmenopausal surgical treatment.
To identify the retention cysts of the ovary gynecologist should hold two-handed examination of the pelvic region and the formation of suspected tumors referred for an ultrasound. On examination the doctor can see the location of the tumor, its structure, shape, size. According to the obtained parameters to specify the diagnosis.
corpus luteum cyst looks like a circular cavity with clear contours, it differs anechogenic structure. Endometrioid tumors are characterized by a heterogeneous internal ehostruktura, they are seen multiple echoes. Follicular cysts hypoechoic, thin-walled, located inside only one camera.
Attention! If necessary, make medical and diagnostic laparoscopy. During it the doctor can not only view and delete retention cyst of the left ovary, but also examine the appendages on the right.
Treatment retention of ovarian cysts
In identifying the corpus luteum cyst or follicle treatment is not immediately administered. Doctors recommend watching them for 2-3 cycles. If the situation does not change or retention cystic tumors begin to grow, selected drug therapy.
Conservative treatment is given to patients in identifying endometriotic cysts. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms complained of by the patient and prevent the progression of disease. In identifying parovarian cyst of small dimensions, it is recommended to observe their growth and development. If the diameter exceeds 10 cm, the surgery is indicated.
To get rid of follicular tumors administered to patients, gynecologists hormonal agents which include progestins and estrogens. The effect of treatment should occur within 1.5-2 months.
When the corpus luteum cyst, which does not pass on their own, the doctor may prescribe progesterone reception of preparations for the second phase of the cycle. An effective method to combat existing cystic inclusions are hormonal contraceptives. They help to prevent the emergence of new kistoobraznyh tumors.
When endometriosis is prescribed:
- estrogen-progestin agent: Diane-35, Femoden, Marvelon, Anovlar;
- antioestrogens: Tamoxifen;
- progestogens: Duphaston, Gestrinone, Norkolut medroxyprogesterone;
- Androgens: Sustanon-250 Testenat;
- anabolic steroid drugs: Metilandrostendiol, Nerobolum.
The duration of therapy with endometrial identifying formations is at least six months. Tactics of hormonal treatment is to choose a doctor. In addition to the hormones prescribed vitamins, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications.
Puncture retention education ovary
With the ineffectiveness of drug therapy is prescribed operation. Benign formation can be removed during the medical diagnostic laparoscopy. The doctor may vyluschit cystic cavity or completely cut it out.
In some cases, make a puncture retention of Education under ultrasound guidance. The doctor punctures the wall of the cystic special needle therethrough and extracts the contents of the capsule in sterile tubes. The resulting liquid is sent to inspection, and in cystic cavity sclerosing agent is introduced. Under the action of its wall and glued formation resolves.
When the formation of functional ovarian retention, the doctor may recommend addition of drug treatment, physiotherapy. They are used primarily for corpus luteum cyst. The doctor may prescribe:
- phonophoresis;
- electrophoresis;
- SMT-phoresis;
- magnetic therapy.
Use as mud, laser therapy and irrigation of the vaginal medicinal solutions.
Treatment retention cysts of the ovary folk remedies
Rid of lutein benign tumors by using folk remedies. Some recommend using an alcohol tincture of raisins. For its preparation 0.5 L of vodka must pour 150 g of raisins. Fluid should insist week. Accepted three times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Drinking fans of alternative medicine are also advised burdock juice three times a day on a tablespoon. Squeezed juice should not be stored for more than 3 days in the refrigerator.
possible complications
In rare cases appeared retention formation cause complications:
- twisting of the legs;
- cystic cavity gap;
- suppuration.
Under these conditions requires emergency surgery.
Reference! Suspected complications can be at dagger pain, drop in blood pressure, paleness of the skin.
disease prevention
Prevent the occurrence of retention cysts is not always possible, because the mechanism of their formation is not fully understood. Women are advised to monitor the status of reproductive health and visit a gynecologist regularly. An effective method of prevention of tumors is the functional hormonal contraceptives.
Women who have ovarian retention cyst was found, should closely monitor the health of and comply with all recommendations of the physician. It may disappear on their own, but there are some species that can get rid of only by surgery.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.