Puncture of ovaries during IVF: How is the condition after, videos, reviews


  • 1 Why take a puncture of ovarian cysts
  • 2 Preparations before the procedure
  • 3 How the ovarian puncture IVF
    • 3.1 Pain Relief follicle puncture
    • 3.2 Puncture of ovaries during IVF without anesthesia
  • 4 Recovery and well-being after the procedure
  • 5 recommendations
  • 6 possible complications
  • 7 conclusion
  • 8 Reviews

Needling ovarian - diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, which consists in carrying out the puncture body tissue pathologic hearth vessel, a method of using a needle or trocar. Using the prepared puncture biopsy, which is sent for histological (cytological) study. puncture is often carried out at the existing cyst in the body and before IVF.

Why take a puncture of ovarian cysts

Pathological called ovarian cyst neoplasm internal contents of which - a liquid or semi-liquid exudate. The disease has an increased risk of relapse even after complete treatment.

Important! Needling formation, when the available cysts is carried out in each case, and allows to determine the source of pathology, the method further treatment.

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Specific indications for puncture no ovaries. Determine the need for the appointment can only physician. Typically, the needling is carried out for the diagnosis of disease and simultaneous removal of the neoplasm.

ovarian puncture

Puncture often held with functional tumors that can not be eliminated conservative therapy

Before embarking on ovarian puncture the patient must pass some tests and get tested. This will reduce the risk of negative effects during the procedure.

Manipulation requires the use of general anesthesia, wherein the medicament is administered intravenously. The duration of the manipulation - about 40 minutes. Already after 1-2 hours a woman can go home. Overall condition is normal.

Advantages of ovarian puncture following:

  • determining a shape and body size of the pair;
  • detection of the inflammatory process in the ovary;
  • clarifying the nature percolation tumor or cyst;
  • determining the cause of internal bleeding.

In the case of ovarian punctures in medical purposes, the internal contents of cysts removed completely, the resulting liquid injected region antibiotic or an alcohol solution.

ovarian puncture

The puncture is performed under the control of SPL

Introduction of the preparation allows to fasten wall neoplasm. Cyst removal by this method is prescribed for neoplasms amount not less than 16-18 cm. Smaller tumor nodules correct puncture impossible.

Preparations before the procedure

After puncture of ovarian egg IVF prepared which involve further fertilization. Before carrying out the diagnostic procedure, the following apply:

  1. In the preceding 7 days graduate to be sexually active.
  2. Lead control medication. The doctor finds out what means takes a woman, especially important ones that are used in the treatment of chronic diseases. This is necessary to rule out contraindications and side effects.
  3. In the evening, the morning before the operation is forbidden to eat food. Allowed to take a light supper, consisting of products which do not burden the digestive tract. In the morning before the intervention of the food they do not eat as well as water.
  4. 7 days before the operation is stopped loading organism physical work. These include fitness, trips to the gym.
  5. Before puncture empty the bladder and bowels.
  6. 7 days before the operation the woman should begin to stick to the protein diet, and include in the diet as much vegetables as possible.

Tip! It is important to stick to the doctor's recommendations and carry out the procedure exactly on the appointed day. It is especially important to do this in the subsequent IVF.

ovarian puncture

Vegetables allow to eliminate from the body and other harmful substances

How the ovarian puncture IVF

Therapeutic and diagnostic procedures performed at 35-36 hours after stimulation of the ovulatory process (to this end, a woman is administered trigger - hCG). Needling before IVF is performed in an outpatient setting, using sterile pretreated, tools. Control procedure process using ultrasound.

On the Internet there are a lot of videos about ovarian puncture IVF, its preparation and the peculiarities of manipulation.

Before the introduction of a surgical instrument when needed ovarian puncture processing of the external genitalia, which is carried out using a special solution. Next administered anesthetic to anesthetize the desired allowing separated.

Course of the procedure before IVF, is as follows:

  1. Enter a thin needle into the ovary, piercing the vaginal wall. The outer portion of the needle attached syringe, the required intake content.
  2. After diagnostic procedures woman for some time, it must be in an outpatient setting. It is necessary to monitor the general condition, and monitor the dynamics of waste from anesthesia.

On the day of the puncture before IVF, it is recommended to exclude from the diet of savory products and alcoholic beverages. During this period, the norm is slight malaise and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

If there is no pathological changes in the general condition, the woman is allowed to leave the hospital walls within a few hours

Having puncture before IVF biopsy obtained is sent to a study: determining presence of the the oocyte is separated from the blood cells and follicular exudate was placed in specific conditions to pre incubation.

Pain Relief follicle puncture

In most cases before IVF procedure is performed using an anesthetic drug, administered topically or by general anesthesia. When this procedure is completely painless and without the slightest discomfort during collection.

Some women have a psychological discomfort, and it is considered the norm.

Puncture of ovaries during IVF without anesthesia

In some cases, anesthesia puncture before IVF is not carried out. This is necessary when the existing contraindications to the administration of the anesthetic drug, and the increased risk of adverse effects. The woman herself can give up the pain relief.

Recovery and well-being after the procedure

Most of the ladies are worried about how their health change after a puncture. Do not worry, because in this period there is significant discomfort.

She puncture before IVF is usually carried out using anesthesia, and the woman does not feel anything. After puncture of the general condition, generally satisfactory, but can occur temporary adverse symptoms associated with administration of an analgesic drug.

Side effects include:

  • malaise;
  • desire to sleep;
  • selection of bloody exudate from the vaginal cavity;
  • light pain in the lower abdomen on the part of the ovary.
ovarian puncture

Eliminate pain symptoms will help painkillers.

Nonsteroidal tablets possess antiplatelet effect and contribute to the lung bleeding from the vaginal environment.


In the first few days after the puncture, the woman is necessary to ensure complete rest. Body weight is not recommended. This applies to both physical and emotional stress. Sports activities in the period ends.

Driving a motor vehicle is not recommended.

In the appointment of doctor of any medications, you should not miss is out of focus. Otherwise, you can cause negative consequences and impair the general condition that will require a specific therapy. If you have any warning signs require consultation with a specialist.

possible complications

In some cases, follicular puncture carried out before IVF is complicated by adverse conditions that may require emergency surgical intervention. Among them:

  • hemorrhage ovary occurring during sampling or biopsy in the first hour after the procedure;
  • trauma organ, which is expressed in a sudden breakage - break;
  • Ovarian torsion, characterized by clamping neurovascular bundle. Thus there is a failure in the blood supply, innervation violation pair organ death of tissue;
  • unintentional injury to the bowel or bladder. As a rule, such a complication caused by insufficient training of doctors and errors during manipulation;
  • formation of abscess in the ovary or purulent salpingitis. It occurs against a background of joining a secondary infection, which is included in the body treated with enough tools.
ovarian puncture

Bleeding - one of the most frequent complications

Important! Self complications strictly prohibited. In such cases, immediately start carrying out appropriate remedial measures.


Of course, not always the case that the puncture painless and without negative consequences. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is advisable to stick to doctor's instructions and follow his advice.


Verevicheva Irina Ivanovna, 31 years, city Novosibirsk

I decided to do IVF because she could not get pregnant on their own. Before the procedure, fertilization Ovarian puncture conducted without anesthesia. Terrified as bad bear any, even slight pain. My fears were unfounded. Overall condition after ovarian puncture before IVF were satisfactory. Discomfort similar to the one that happens during menstruation.

Pertsov Anna Nikolaevna, 26 years, city MoskvaImya, age, city City

For the second time I decided to IVF. First puncture was performed using an anesthetic drug. Second time without. Procedure tolerant, low intensity pain occurred only at the time of puncture the ovary and lasted no more than 5 seconds. More afraid of, but really nothing serious.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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