Puncture of ovarian cysts: What's up, the consequences reviews


  • 1 Why take a puncture of ovarian cysts
  • 2 Indications for puncture
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Puncture of ovarian cysts before IVF
  • 5 Preparation for the procedure
  • 6 How is an ovarian cyst biopsy
  • 7 The consequences of a puncture of ovarian cysts
  • 8 conclusion
  • 9 Reviews

Puncture of ovarian cysts - a minimally invasive method of diagnosis and treatment of cystic formations by pumping their contents. In modern gynecological practice such intervention is very common, as it was an ovarian cyst can be a barrier to pregnancy. Leave the cyst untreated extremely dangerous.

Puncture of ovarian cysts

Why take a puncture of ovarian cysts

Biopsy of ovarian cysts in most cases, makes it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis. Some patients such interference makes it possible to completely cure the pathology.

Important! With this manipulation physician can determine the root cause of the disease, as well as distinguish it from oncological formation.

Puncture of ovarian cysts is considered to be a simple operation, which is performed under ultrasound control. Decide that the patient required such intervention could only watch the doctor after a full examination of the woman, and the study of the results of its preliminary analysis.

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Indications for puncture

Puncturing ovarian cyst has the following indications for:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • search for causes of bleeding;
  • detection of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruption of closely spaced to the brush bodies;
  • suspected Cancer type of education.
Puncture of ovarian cysts

Important! Despite the fact that this operation is considered to be minimally invasive, its implementation should be approached very seriously.

A woman should perform all the doctor's advice and rules for the preparation for the procedure. This will allow her to avoid negative consequences.


Puncturing cysts in the ovary in women is not dangerous, but it does have a few limitations to run.

The main contraindications for such surgery are:

  • during menstruation;
  • pregnancy in any trimester;
  • malignancy;
  • percolation period of infectious diseases;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • idiosyncrasy anesthesia patient;
  • allergies to medications to be administered directly during or after the procedure.

Warning! It is not recommended to perform a puncture of women in menopause. Since a large risk of repetition occurs in this state.

Before you decide on the need for surgery, the physician should consider the patient's age, the location and size of education. Only after this set is a real need for the procedure.

Puncture of ovarian cysts before IVF

In most cases, ovarian biopsy before IVF is performed on day 13 of the menstrual cycle. The procedure may be performed for the primary diagnosis, treatment, and conservation of follicles in the future (for example, prior to the need of radiation therapy).

Puncture of ovarian cysts

After sampling follicles and their fertilization, the embryos are transferred into the uterus. A similar process takes place of origin within 4-5 days.

Preparation for the procedure

That the operation was successful, the patient should follow the following guidelines for the preparation of:

  1. A week before the procedure to abandon the use of alcohol, indigestible food and soft drinks.
  2. 5 days to stop taking medications that contribute to liquefaction of the blood.
  3. During 8 hours before the operation to fast. An hour before she did not drink the liquid.
  4. Immediately before the puncture to conduct hygiene genitals.

Remember! It is mandatory prior to puncture the patient need to pass urine and blood samples, perform ultrasound and cardiogram. In some cases, you may also need an MRI.

How is an ovarian cyst biopsy

Performed puncture of ovarian cysts under ultrasound guidance. The general course of operation is as follows:

  • The introduction of anesthesia.
  • Tracking cysts using ultrasound.
  • Doing needle puncture.
  • Retraction of fluid from the formation.
  • Filling the cavity formation alcoholic solution.
  • Extraction of the needle, the wound treatment and bandaging.
Puncture of ovarian cysts

Important! Many women are not willing to do anesthesia for cysts biopsy before IVF, believing that it can harm the fetus. In fact, modern anesthesia is safe and does not have a bad effect on the embryo.

The consequences of a puncture of ovarian cysts

After puncture of ovarian cysts in women are often observed various negative consequences. It can be a pain in the abdomen, bloating, vomiting. Also, within a few days is often a fever, weakness, lack of appetite.

In case of violation of the diet may be a problem with a chair. Complications are eliminated from the operation through diet and their regimen.

Puncture of ovarian cysts


Puncture of ovarian cysts is now considered an ode of the most common gynecological operations. This intervention is often not only helps determine the cause of the disease, but also to completely get rid of it. The most important thing in this case - not to self-medicate, and immediately seek medical attention for suspected cystic formation in the female reproductive system.


Maria A. Korzh, 35 years, city Moscow

I have long suffered from aching pain in the abdomen, which is amplified, then fell silent again. Also I watched discomfort during intimacy. These symptoms alarmed me, and I turned to the gynecologist. He immediately sent me for examination. The first ultrasound revealed a huge cyst in the ovary. It was a valid reason for the formation of a puncture. The operation was successful. I have introduced anesthesia, no pain so I did not feel. I woke up at the time when all done. There is nothing bad I can say about the procedure.

A. Stepanova Valentina, 47 years, city Voronezh

On a planned inspection I found a cyst. The doctor immediately suspected oncological education, but understand that it is cancer, it was quite difficult. The only way out was the biopsy of the ovary. The surgery was unpleasant, but it turned out to be even more difficult rehabilitation period. I was tormented by nausea and abdominal pain. Only after a few days my condition returned to normal.

Oksana Martyniuk S., aged 28, was St. Petersburg

I did a biopsy of the ovary with the cyst before IVF. This was a necessary procedure, after which I finally managed to get pregnant for many years attempts. Of course, the operation is quite painful and unpleasant in itself. However, to become a mother, I was ready to endure such. Restored after an intervention within a month.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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