Preparing for the cauterization of cervical erosion

Diagnostics, including a variety of tests and studies, gives significant importance in gynecology. It helps to identify the associated pathological processes, oriented in methods of treatment, to assess the effectiveness of the therapy.

In gynecology there are different tests and diagnostic methods as laboratory and instrumental. An important role is conducting tests to prepare for surgery, in particular, cervical cauterization. It is known that before any surgical intervention, for example, diathermocoagulation, should be carefully examined.

Cauterization includes several ways to influence the pathological tissue, which cause their destruction. Usually about moxibustion say when they mean the treatment of erosion by diathermocoagulation. The other technique is inherently cauterization are not, but in common usage, the term firmly strengthened. There are several methods of cauterization. One of the most frequently used methods of cauterization is diathermocoagulation - electric shocks.

The erosion means a group of pathological states of the cervix, which are manifested in the formation region of the surface epithelium ulcer or spots. In reality, the true erosion is only one kind of pathology, while other processes observed congenital or acquired the replacement of one species by another tissue.

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The neck is one of the departments of the uterus that connects the body and the body of the vagina. Sterile uterine cavity protection against infections provides cervical canal coated with a layer comprising cylindrical cells and mucus glands to produce.

Experts identify the visible and invisible supravaginal vaginal part of the cervix. Vaginal part, visualized during the inspection, is lined by stratified squamous epithelium.

Two types of epithelium differ in texture and color. Cylindrical or cubic epithelium has a velvety structure by small glands and red. Squamous epithelium differs pale pink color and a shiny smooth surface. Invisible transformation zone connects two types of tissue. In some pathologies, it shifts and becomes visible when viewed from a gynecologist.

Erosion can occur in one of three selections.

  • Congenital variant erosion diagnosed in girls and young women up to 25 years of age. This defect, wherein red, smooth shape and the absence of inflammation. Congenital erosion - the result of improper distribution of flat and cylindrical epithelium. Intrauterine disorders cause the coating of the vaginal portion of the cervix cylindrical cells.

Congenital erosion does not need treatment in the absence of inflammation. This ectopia usually disappear on their own after the maturation of the epithelium and the normalization of the necessary level of hormones. If the stain does not regress, erosion typically associated infection. This condition requires medical treatment.

  • True erosion is characterized by the formation of the wound surface epithelium. The plague is often the result of infection, trauma or burns. The defect is diagnosed very rarely, which was caused by short-lived period of its development.

In true erosion heals within two weeks. If recovery is correct, from the erosive defect is not a trace remains. However, there is often a wrong wound and the wound is delayed cylindrical cells. If true erosion diagnosis treatment is aimed at eliminating the factor of tissue destruction and its regeneration.

  • Ectopia. Acquired or pseudo ectopy is the result of the healing process, which occurred correctly. On the surface of the cervix appears defect of columnar epithelium, which is often accompanied by inflammation. Pseudo-subject to surgical treatment.

Erosion occurs hidden. The only symptom that can occur when erosion are mucous discharge and contact.

Mucous secretions character due to the presence of ectopia glands on the surface. Contact allocation occur during sexual intercourse or gynecological examination - they contain blood.

In order to determine the tactics of treatment must pass certain tests. These analyzes and preparation for treatment are essential. Analyzes help eliminate precancerous processes and related diseases. Assays are considered as a preparation for cauterization, which is often used in ectopia.

Performing the analysis is not only preparing for the cauterization. Analyzes of the survey can detect the cause of cervical erosive spots.

Experts identify the following reasons, which can be determined at the time of preparation for assays for cauterization.

  • hormonal disorders;
  • intrauterine disorders;
  • infection;
  • mechanical trauma during curettage, abortion, difficult births;
  • weak immunity.

Often the erosion occurs in girls who have early sexual initiation. The girls of about eighteen years of cervical tissue is immature and prone to damage, as well as susceptibility to infection.


Ectopia in most cases recommended to be treated by cauterization, to which you need to prepare. Before the cauterization procedure is shown as a performance analysis preparation. In general, to prepare for possible cauterization, having passed the necessary tests.

Assays for cauterization of cervical erosion include:

  • smear on onkotsitologiyu, flora and bakposev;
  • PCR genital infections;
  • biopsy in the course of performance of colposcopy.

Preparing for the cauterization of cervical erosion is carried out before the next surgery.

  • Diathermy. Before cervical uterine cauterization current need to prepare for and pass the required tests. In particular, the need to eliminate the precancerous process. Diathermy is a fairly traumatic way of cauterization. As a result diathermocoagulation formed crust.

Analyzes before cauterization of cervical erosionComplete healing occurs within two months after diathermocoagulation. In order to avoid complications, the preparation before the cauterization of cervical erosion method diathermocoagulation includes tests to exclude infections.

  • Cryodestruction. Unlike diathermocoagulation, freezing occurs cervical sites in this method cauterization. Before the procedure must be prepared for cauterization, in particular, to estimate the value of cervical erosion. If the defect has a substantial size, burning will be ineffective.
  • Laser vaporization. Before laser cauterization have to prepare and be sure to do a biopsy. This is due to the fact that the laser vaporization of pathological tissue is evaporated and the histological diagnosis is no longer possible. Preparation also includes tests for the exclusion of pre-processes.
  • Radio wave cauterization. In modern gynecology, this method is considered to be the most effective and gentle. Action is carried out without contact by means of the apparatus "Surgitron". Moxibustion involves the standard preparation for surgery.

Before cautery, for example, diathermocoagulation, you need to carefully prepare. Preparation will increase the effectiveness of treatment and to avoid complications.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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