Basal temperature during menopause


  • 1 Temperature and menopause
  • 2 What is called the basal temperature
    • 2.1 normal values
    • 2.2 Features of change
    • 2.3 Reasons for changes
  • 3 The reasons for increases and decreases in body temperature
    • 3.1 tides
    • 3.2 Arterial pressure
    • 3.3 Menstruation
    • 3.4 pathological changes
  • 4 relieving the condition
    • 4.1 hormonal treatments
    • 4.2 Phytoestrogens and traditional medicines
    • 4.3 Mode

One of the most common precursors are approaching menopause tides and excess sweating. Feeling of fever worried women experiencing menopause symptoms as natural and artificial medication and early menopause. Often the measurement of basal body temperature marked its highest value, that causes women to think about whether this is due to the tides. Consider the look of the temperature curve during menopause.

Temperature and menopause

menopause period is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms that complicate the lives of women who are forced to abandon the usual way. Hot flashes, depression, decreased libido, hypertensive crises often require medical intervention.

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Change of estrogen at menopause originates in the hypothalamus. Regulation of production of sex hormones, engaged in reproductive function, achievable only with the coordinated work of the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, adrenal glands. During the pre-menopausal when change begins, causing the start of menopause, women often develop hot flashes. The mechanism of their development due to changes in the hypothalamus work.

Centers in the hypothalamus, which are responsible for production of releasing hormones, responsible for the work of subordinate departments (pituitary, ovaries), upon the occurrence of menopause significantly change their job. Near these centers are located nuclei which regulate body temperature value. Nerve impulses generated by the centers of production of releasing factors, cover and thermoregulatory centers. As a result, the neurons of the nuclei of thermoregulation also change the principle of its operation.

Hot flashes are a result of changes in operation of the hypothalamus, their symptoms are caused by dysregulation of the state of the vascular wall. Vasomotor "game vessels" leads to feelings of fever and skin reacts to it enhanced the work of the sweat glands.

What is called the basal temperature

The basal or core body temperature - is the internal temperature which can be measured only in natural body orifices. Typically, it is measured in the mouth, rectum or vagina. Basal temperature value is the result of the action of progesterone on the metabolic processes in the body, which are designed to prepare a woman's body for pregnancy.

a woman's menstrual cycle, as is known, consists of two phases. The first phase is due to a normal level of estrogen in the blood, which is provided by the growing follicle. In turn, the follicle grows thanks to cyclical and balanced development of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing. After the follicle reaches the size limit (about 19-23 mm), ovulation is accompanied by a peak of estrogen production.

After ovulation occurs during the corpus luteum, which is considered to be a function of progesterone production. It is this hormone provides growth temperature values ​​and their retention at a consistently high level throughout the second phase of the cycle.

The procedure is called basal temperature test temperature. This is one of the varieties of methods of functional diagnostics in gynecology. Measurement of temperature values ​​included in the set of methods for assessing hormonal balance, the presence of ovulation. In addition to the basal value, used to track ovulation follikulometriyu by ultrasound, a special test strip.

The basal temperature is measured in women of reproductive age to plan pregnancy or prevent it - as a contraceptive method. Due to the method can determine favorable and unfavorable days for conception.

Premenopausal women when fluctuations in hormone levels just beginning, can use a method for determining the basal temperature two-phase cycle of contraception. At the stage of menopause basal temperature curve will be changing, which could have a diagnostic aid in the early stages of its inception. Women in the period of decay of the reproductive function can still get pregnant, because the egg ripens intermittently. For tracking ovulation and prevent unintended pregnancy in premenopausal use of basal body temperature method. The method is simple to use and is available for each woman.

normal values

Progesterone, which is produced by the ovary yellow body in the second phase of the cycle has a direct impact on the center of the brain thermoregulation.

Normal temperature curve has a biphasic pattern: the first half at the temperature described, the second part has a difference from the first, equal to 0,4-0,8 ° C.

In the second phase due to progesterone basal temperature rises and looks like a pretty sharp rise. Prior to this, a sharp rise is often retraction - the maximum reduction in temperature values ​​during the day. This decline is characterized by ovulation has occurred. If the woman measures the basal temperature for a few months, it can itself carry out an analysis of its temperature curve and anticipate favorable days for conception.

The value of the temperature in the first or second phase of the cycle is of less importance compared with the difference of two phases, which should be at least 0,3 ° C are normal. The first phase is characterized by low values, the second - stably high.

Basal temperature should be measured by the same thermometer in the same anatomical region. Typically, measurements are performed in the mouth, rectum or vagina. It is more expedient to carry out the manipulation of the rectum, because the body is less susceptible to various inflammatory processes. Basal temperature during the month continued to be measured, so that the picture was authentic and complete. Therefore, it is the rectum is suitable for this purpose the most.

In order to properly carry out the measurement, it is necessary to do it in the morning on an empty stomach, without getting up from bed. If a woman works at night or often rises, the temperature measurement is considered invalid. It should be noted in the chart.

The level of the basal values ​​in the first half of the cycle averages 36.3 - 36.6 ° C, in the second - 37 - 37,4 ° C. Normal temperature is different for each woman, and is largely due to the individual characteristics of, for example, the level of metabolism, thyroid operation. Most often marked fluctuations basal values ​​downward. Thus, basal temperature in the first phase may be 35.9 - 36.2 ° C, in the second - 36,6 - 36,9 ° C. Meaning impart precisely the temperature difference. If the basal body temperature curve has a clear two-phase, that suggest the presence of ovulation.

In order to adequately assess the hormonal regulation of basal body temperature method, you need to take measurements continuously for at least 3 cycles.

Features of change

When the temperature evaluation pay attention to the following points.

  • If the basal temperature in the first and second part of the chart does not differ by more than 0.2-0.3 ° C, then one speaks of the corpus luteum insufficiency.
  • In the event of minor fluctuations throughout the schedule without a clear rise of the temperature values ​​indicate a monophasic curve. Ovulation in such cycles do not occur. Thus basal temperature is kept within 36,2-36,6 ° C (depending on the individual).
  • Consistently high value throughout the cycle also shows the pathology and the absence of ovulation.
  • If the two-phase cycle basal temperature is held at high numbers for more than 18 days, it is believed that the pregnancy. At its current favorable during the first 4 months of the basal value is high. When it is suspected decrease insufficient progesterone production.

Basal temperature during menopause has no transition and divide into phases. This is due to a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone. In the early stages of menopause in a woman's blood observed time giperestrogeniey. In this case, progesterone levels gradually drop. This happens after 35 years. For several years, the basal temperature is not always characterized by a two-phase. Some cycles have a constant low temperature value and are without ovulation. Gradually develop delay menstruation chart of basal body temperature is not clearly expressed by the second phase.

Monthly at women who have menopause, do not stop abruptly. Follicular unit for several years continues to produce estrogen. With the reduction in progesterone production recorded an increase in estrogen levels in the blood. This is often the cause of mastitis, hyperplasia of the endometrium, fibroids, endometriosis.

If a woman is at a stage early phase menopause measures the temperature, it may find that some graphics have not increase the temperature value in the second phase, and the cycle is shorter (24-26 days). After several years of irregular menstruation and possible profuse bleeding occur delay. In this graph of basal body temperature curves are monophasic.

The closer the age of the woman approaches the menopause, the less often recorded increase in basal body temperature. As a rule, the monotonous schedule and single-phase.

Reasons for changes

menopause period in women, as well as a number of pathologies, in particular chronic nature, may have a significant effect on the basal temperature. Among the factors that directly increase or decrease the value of local and general recovered.

The local include:

  • infectious-inflammatory processes in the vagina, rectum and oral cavity: colpitis, proctitis, anal fissure expressed, exacerbation tonsillitis, stomatitis, glossitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • worm infestation;
  • extensive warts.

Common factors that increase the basal temperature value include:

  • acute respiratory disease;
  • aggravation of any chronic infection;
  • improving thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • pregnancy;
  • endocrine diseases and metabolic diseases that can lead to an increase in temperature.

In addition, night climbs out of bed, eating well increase the temperature. Intense physical load daily nature, sleep less than 6 hours as well increase the basal temperature.

Monotonous graph of basal body temperature without division into phases observed at:

  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • increasing prolactin levels;
  • increasing the production of male sex hormones and their metabolites;
  • hyperplastic endometrium expressed in nature, when present fact increase the level of estrogen;
  • anovulatory cycle;
  • menopause, including early;
  • artificial menopause (medical).

Low total temperature is observed in hypothyroidism.

The reasons for increases and decreases in body temperature

Hormonal changes the body of the woman in menopause is associated not only suppression of reproductive function. The main sex hormone - estradiol - affects the functioning of the vital organs and systems. Receptors for it are contained in the tissues of the skin, heart, blood vessels and bones. By reducing the level of estrogen and endocrine changes adrenal function, metabolism, in particular carbohydrates and lipids. It was during menopause in women begins atherosclerosis, as lipid metabolism leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.


Feeling of fever - a rush of heat - is not inherently fever. The deterioration in health women during menopause due to pathological impulses from the hypothalamus nuclei which lead to such vascular cutaneous manifestations. Increase the basal body temperature is not marked. The graph in menopause and flushes remains monophasic reflecting total internal temperature.

In premenopausal happen and ovulatory cycles, whereas the basal temperature curve has a biphasic appearance. Progesterone possible failure, in such cases, the temperature in the second phase will have a small difference with the first.

Arterial pressure

High blood pressure often characterizes menopause, rather than the previous period. Along with hypertensive crisis, developing, and osteoporosis. These changes take place upon the occurrence of climacteric phase, when the sensation of temperature rise is not disturbed. If a woman has manifested hypertension prior to menopause, the stage of pre-menopausal and will be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, and tides. Patients with the presence of various cardiovascular changes before menopause heavier carry it. The graph of basal body temperature changes when no increase in blood pressure.


Fertility decline does not directly lead to a complete cessation of menstruation. The process develops gradually. As a rule, in the phase of entry into the climax, there are shorter cycles without ovulation. On the chart of basal body temperature is noted monophasic curve. Shortening the cycle time due to the increase of estrogen on the background of low levels of progesterone, as the follicles do not reach the size necessary for ovulation. Yellow body is not formed and, accordingly, does not generate progesterone. In some women, aged 35-45 years amid hyperestrogenia developing endometrial hyperplasia, bleeding, endometriosis.

Gradually lengthen the cycles, periods become more scarce and rare. Basal temperature curve during climax keeps monotonous pattern without transition into the second phase.

pathological changes

When using techniques woman basal temperature during menopause can be traced to various changes occurring in the body. Since the normal temperature and basal monotone curve is not described in the second transition phase, increasing values ​​should alert the woman.

Climax is characterized by the restructuring of the whole organism. And this period is dangerous development of tumors of the reproductive organs, intestines, breast. Changing the work of the endocrine glands, blood vessels, metabolism may lead to chronicity of many infectious processes. The graph of basal temperature curve during menopause can occur jump values ​​so as pathological processes (tumors, inflammation) in the rectum, and pelvic organs in the body accompanied by an increase in the overall temperature.

If background monophasic basal temperature curve for climax noted a persistent increase in value, you must consult your doctor.

Should visit a therapist, oncologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist and pass a series of tests that identify the causes of increasing temperature values.

relieving the condition

The issue of therapeutic interventions, allowing for ease menopause interested all women, in particular, suffer from frequent hot flashes, depression, insomnia, hypertension crises. To do this, use a variety of methods, which are based not only on the suppression of symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes.

If a woman monitors her basal temperature curve, the graphics it has to show the doctor. If there are deviations in the form of higher temperature value in menopause, you should find out the reason, receive appropriate diagnosis and then begin treatment.

hormonal treatments

Classical technique to combat the sensations of temperature rise, and other manifestations of menopause is hormone replacement therapy. For this purpose, preparations containing estrogen only (Proginova) or combined means consisting of estrogen and progesterone (Angelica Femoston).

Before the appointment of hormones a woman must undergo a thorough diagnosis for detection of mammary tumors, reproductive organs, diseases of blood clotting. Hormones are appointed as part of substitution treatment for a period of 5-7 years under the supervision of the state of the breast, uterus and ovaries.

Phytoestrogens and traditional medicines

An alternative to hormonal agents are plant analogs of female sex hormone. Sources of phytoestrogens are legumes, greens, soybeans, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Furthermore, phytoestrogens are a part of a number of drugs for the treatment of manifestations of menopause (Klimadinon, Qi-klim, Remens and others). If a woman is contraindicated replacement therapy for menopause, phytoestrogens treatment is carried out.

Among popular broths folk remedies and herbal infusions containing phytoestrogens, such as red clover or camomile.


To facilitate the restructuring of the body during menopause is necessary to observe a number of principles.

  • Nutrition should be a rational and balanced, overeating and exclude one-sided diet, fatty red meat, fried, smoked food, plenty of sugar. The diet should include fatty fish, rich in vitamin E and omega acids, nuts, seeds, herbs, fruits and vegetables, consume enough drinking clean water.
  • Eliminate or minimize smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid falls due to softening of bone tissue.
  • moderate physical activity lead (walking, walking, water aerobics, Nordic walking).

It should monitor blood glucose levels, as well as control their lipid profile - cholesterol, lipoproteins and low density, triglycerides. Climax requires careful tracking of health, timely and regular treatment to specialists in various fields.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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