1 Feminal and menopause
- 1.1 Structure
- 1.2 Form release drugs
- 1.3 Act
- 1.4 Advantages and disadvantages
- 2 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
- 3 Indications and contraindications
- 4 Adverse reactions
- 5 Dosage and overdose
- 6 Interaction
- 7 Terms of sale and storage
- 8 analogs
9 Additional Information
- 9.1 Shelf life
During menopause accompanied by complex transformations organism. The drug Feminal assigned patients in menopause to eliminate estrogen deficiency syndrome. Changes in the hormonal regulation causes unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes a woman carries climax "calmly". In most cases, complaints interfere with normal life, a significant effect on performance. Preference is given to doctors in menopause homeopathic remedies such as Feminal. Tablets cope not only with the typical symptoms of estrogen deficiency reproductive system, but also to normalize the activity of bone, nerve tissue.
Feminal and menopause
Menopause is caused by age cessation of estrogen production by the ovaries. As a result, the menstrual cycle occurs, which leads to a complete cessation of discharge. Deficiency of female hormones triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions manifesting as unpleasant symptoms.
- Tides: a sense of elevated temperature and pressure, facial flushing, tinnitus, increased heart rate, which pass shiver.
- Atrophy and dryness of the vaginal walls.
- Decreased skin turgor.
- Changes in the nervous system - depression, insomnia, mood swings.
- Osteoporosis is when the leaching of calcium from the bones.
- Breast tenderness.
- Acquisition or exacerbation of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
According to the research, aimed at the study of menopause, it turned out that half of the patients improvement was observed with placebo. However, hormone replacement therapy remains the main drug of unwanted tides.
We have been actively studied less aggressive tablets based on phytoestrogens. Feminal - active formulation comprising the composition of the natural hormone analogues. Well-studied bioflavonoids with estrogenic effect of isoflavones and the League considered. Tablets referred to bioadditive. The action is aimed at the normalization of the reduced estrogen concentration. As a result, it decreases or completely disappears manifestation of the symptoms of menopause.
The biologically active additive (BAA) Feminal comprises a complex of useful components that have a positive influence on the reproductive system. In medicine there are:
- red clover extract - base material containing isoflavone fitoestronen;
- silicon dioxide;
- magnesium stearate;
- gelatin;
- crystalline cellulose.
Among the components of the drug are no synthetic material. Rarely develop allergies and side effects. The drug contains no sugar - application for diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance.
Isoflavone red clover consists of 4 factions:
- biokanin A;
- formononetin;
- daydezein;
- ginestein.
These active agents are most close to the structure of the human estrogen readily undergo biochemical reaction.
Form release drugs
Feminal pills - the most common and easy-to-use form of the production of the drug. The package of 30 capsules of pink color, designed for a minimum monthly rate. Medicine in the form of droplets is not officially registered.
Feminal estrogenpodobnoe drug has effects on the target organs. Active ingredients mimic the effect of female sex hormones. By reducing the production of estrogen in menopause, medication compensates ovarian hormones, eliminates the symptoms of menopause:
- decreases the frequency and severity of hot flushes;
- disappear headaches;
- normal mood;
- reduced bone fragility;
- improves skin condition.
Unlike receiving natural estrogens, plant hormones sparing drugs affect other organs and systems. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. Regulating the work of the heart and blood vessels.
It is believed that Feminal most effective in mild to moderate severity of the symptoms of menopause. In fact, the drug has a purely personal action. After discontinuation of the drug complaints resumed.
Advantages and disadvantages
Positive aspects of the treatment of menopause drug Feminal are:
- natural composition;
- a minimum of adverse reactions;
- reducing the risk of cancer of the sexual sphere;
- the use in diseases of the endocrine system.
The drawback is the absence of drug randomized clinical trials confirming the action tablets.
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
The structure of isoflavones is similar drugs with female estrogen. It is known that certain tissues contain a large number of receptors to sex hormones. Reducing the concentration of the latter during menopause leads to the appearance of symptoms. When administered phytoestrogen compound occurs with free receptors. The body perceives plant substances for their own, start a normal reaction.
Estrogens have Feminala angioprotective effect: normalizes blood pressure. In tablets bone system to prevent calcium release, reducing the risk of fractures. By binding to receptors in the brain, the drug blocks the autonomic manifestations of menopause. Tides, which are most concerned about patients who are not formed.
Feminal suppresses the effect of aromatase - reduced the development of breast cancer.
Indications and contraindications
Feminal tablets used to reduce the symptoms of menopause in women. The drug is used in the beginning of the cycle of violations - premenopausal directly with hormonal adjustment and after menopause. The use of medication is justified for:
- pronounced tides;
- excessive sweating;
- constant headaches;
- sleep disorder;
- depression, nervousness, irritability, abrupt mood changes;
- increased heart rate, seizures, tachycardia;
- increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
Menopause should not affect the sexual life of a woman. The drug helps relieve discomfort, abdominal pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness minimizes the walls. The use of funds before menopause reduces the amount of discharge, helps with menstrual irregularities.
Experts believe that even in the absence of obvious manifestations of menopause, It recommended to take homeopathic medicine Feminal. Pills help neutralize hidden hormonal imbalances.
The main purpose of the drug contraindications:
- hypersensitivity to main or auxiliary component;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- presence of estrogen dependent tumors.
Adverse reactions
Undesirable reactions homeopathic preparation is small. Self-medication is not recommended appointment. Side effects observed in the form of allergic reactions, worsening symptoms of menopause.
Tablets are cumulative. The first manifestations of Feminala efficiency appear a week after the start of the reception. In the case of means of an overdose the following symptoms appear:
- dizziness;
- fatigue;
- drowsiness;
- feeling the chill;
- nausea.
In case of overdose it is important to stop taking the medication and seek help.
Dosage and overdose
Feminal pills must be taken daily, for one, combining with the main meal. The minimum drug treatment - a month. Between courses you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks. Accumulative funds. The first positive or negative symptoms appear after 5-7 days. The medicine is intended for long-term use 2-3 years.
The tablet contains 100 mg clover extract, 40 mg of which in the phytoestrogens. Do not exceed the recommended dose to prevent the development of an overdose.
The drug is allowed to be consumed with other drugs. the negative interaction data are not available. It is believed that in the complex therapy side effects Feminala develop less frequently.
Terms of sale and storage
Before applying the obligatory consultation of the gynecologist. Buy the drug can be in the pharmacy. Available without prescription.
Keep the medication in a dry, cool place, away from children, which did not penetrate direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed 30 C. Failure to comply with the conditions of storage tablet lose medicinal properties.
Drugs with an identical composition are not logged in. There are drugs with other active substances, to eliminate symptoms of menopause. The most common drug analogues:
- Klimaksan;
- Abyufen;
- Chi-klim;
- Klimaton;
- Klimaktoplan;
- Duphaston;
- proginova;
- Femoston;
- Femikaps Isi Life;
- Femivel;
- Estrovel;
- Deklimans.
Additional Information
Feminal tablets are shown only for the regulation of the state of women during menopause. Children and men drug contraindications. Perhaps the use of artificial drugs after menopause. However, it is important to consult a gynecologist. Independent use of the drug can lead to irreversible consequences. The use of tablets in adolescents to establish normal cycle remains quite controversial. At present there is no indication of instructions.
Shelf life
Date of manufacture of the drug is indicated on the packaging. Shelf life 2 years. medication should be applied after the expiry of this period.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.