Djufaston in menopause: advantages and disadvantages


  • 1 Changes in the level of sex hormones in menopause
  • 2 The dosage form and active substance
  • 3 Features of the drug
  • 4 Effect on symptoms of menopause
  • 5 Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
  • 6 testimony
    • 6.1 endometrial hyperplasia
    • 6.2 Endometriosis in menopause
    • 6.3 fibroids
    • 6.4 HRT
  • 7 Contraindications and possible side effects
  • 8 analogs
  • 9 taking the drug
  • 10 special instructions

Entry into menopause and menopause is accompanied not only by the gradual suppression of the synthesis of the female sex hormone estrogen. Stop ovulatory ovarian function and leads to a lack of corpus luteum hormone - progesterone. The existing amount of estrogen due to lower progesterone may lead to endometrial hyperplasia, aggravation of endometriosis and fibroid growth in predisposed women. Duphaston is not only normalizes menstruation, but also stops the progression of a number of pathologies inherent in pre-menopausal hormonal changes. The drug is used in natural or artificial menopause, when a woman's uterus is not removed (intact).

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Changes in the level of sex hormones in menopause

Inhibition of fertility in women is accompanied by suppression of ovarian function. Follicles undergo atresia, and since their walls are a source of estrogen replacement by connective tissue leads to the inability of the female sex hormone synthesis. Step menopause accompanied by the following:

  • reduction of sensitivity to estrogen receptors and other sex hormones on sensitive tissues;
  • reduction oestradiol;
  • high levels of gonadotropins: first increases FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), then luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • increased production of androgens by the ovaries;
  • decrease in progesterone production.

The duration of extinction hormonal function different and individual characteristics determined.

The dosage form and active substance

The active substance is dydrogesterone duphaston - natural counterpart female sex hormone progesterone.

Available drug in tablet form for oral administration. One tablet contains 10 mg of hormonal substances. Besides dydrogesterone, Djufaston contains auxiliary components which can cause different reactions, including allergic nature: magnesium stearate, lactose, colloidal silica, starch, polyethylene glycol.

Djufaston released in varying amounts: 20, 28, 84 or 112 pieces.

Within two hours after administration of the tablet in the blood reached a maximum concentration, so Djufaston used for stopping heavy bleeding during menstruation and hyperplasia.

progesterone source of non-pregnant women is ovarian yellow body and during pregnancy - placenta. Progesterone and, in turn, Duphaston has an important role in regulating the functions of the genital organs and the organism as a whole. This hormone has an effect opposite of estrogen. If estradiol leads to the growth of the endometrium, promotes intense cell division, then it stops Djufaston synthetic female hormone function.

Duphaston is indicated for the regulation of menstruation, when they are abundant, to restore the normal endometrium structure. Duphaston stops the growth of the inner layer of the mother in women of reproductive age and during menopause.

In the treatment of myomas Djufaston aspect also helps to reduce the growth of tumors, suppress bleeding during menstruation due to inhibition effect of estradiol on tumor.

Duphaston in menopause helps to cope with hot flashes, mood changes, as is used for the regulation of the balance of the autonomic nervous system during premenstrual syndrome. In this month not only become regular, but also lose their profusion of endometriosis.

In endometriosis during menopause Djufaston relieves pain and eliminates heavy bleeding during menstruation.

Duphaston can help women only at the stage of pre-menopause, when estrogen is still produced, and gradually decreases their level. At the stage of complete ovarian failure duphaston reception is not performed.

Features of the drug

During treatment with Duphaston, in particular, women who are concerned about the symptoms of menopause, may experience breakthrough bleeding, which are not monthly. Hormone therapy should be under constant medical supervision.

Bleeding in patients receiving duphaston often develops in patients who have just come into the menopause, when the inner layer of the mother is still growing.

If bleeding or heavy periods after the abolition duphaston not stop, carry out endometrial biopsy to exclude various pathological processes, including malignant.

Before the appointment duphaston the patient should be excluded tumors whose growth depends on the level of progesterone, such as meningioma.

Appointment duphaston for hormone replacement therapy for menopause, along with estrogen, require prior thorough diagnosis. Particular attention is given to breast cancer, the presence of cysts and various tumors, blood clotting. In the course of HRT a woman should listen to all the changes in his body, to monitor the state of the mammary glands, the monthly character.

Effect on symptoms of menopause

Progesterone is one of the ovarian hormones, and it is produced by the corpus luteum cells. This temporary formation in the ovary is formed on the site of the ruptured follicle. It becomes obvious that progesterone can be synthesized only in the reproductive age, as follicle growth and ovulation is possible in fertile women. As menopause ovulation occur more and more rarely, follicles undergo atresia. Accordingly, the endometrium grows and is not rejected during menstruation. Develops internal uterine hyperplasia and polyps layer. Djufaston in menopause is included in the treatment regimen hyperplasia.

Against the background of estrogenic stimulation and lack of progesterone is observed not only a violation of the regularity of monthly and endometrial proliferation, but also the growth of fibroids. Purpose duphaston at myomas leads to normalization of hormonal regulation of growth and division of myometrial and endometrial cells. Duphaston leads to a decrease in the size of fibroids, eliminate heavy menstrual period, which often accompany myoma process.

Ovarian function leads to a gradual cessation of estrogen synthesis, accompanied by a regression of myomas, complete cessation of menses. But the reduction in the size of benign characteristic of the immediate onset of menopause and postmenopause. Before the onset of menopause, when periods have not stopped, and hormonal imbalance progresses, fibroids may grow. In such cases, prescribe Djufaston for forming the second phase of the cycle, estrogen suppression effect, which leads to increased cell division.

Women during menopause having obesity, liver disease risk hyperplastic processes, as estrogen have neyaichnikovoe origin. Even against the backdrop of fading of gonadal function, continued growth of fibroids and heavy irregular periods. Appointment duphaston helps to stop the processes of cell division, growth of education and bleeding during menstruation. Particularly relevant is the use duphaston during menopause when there submucous submucosal fibroids, which lead to excessive bleeding during menstruation.

More rare occasion for destination duphaston during menopause and climacterium is endometriosis. Typically, the disease begins in the period of reproductive age, and when entering the menopause, and the presence of the prerequisites for estrogenic stimulation, does not stop the development.

Endometriosis in women in menopause also characterized by heavy menstruation, which already have an irregular character. Pain, spotting also accompany the disease at the stage of entry into the climax.

Worsening of symptoms of endometriosis due to the increasing lack of progesterone on the background of follicle atresia and anovulation. Duphaston compensates for the lack of progesterone during menopause, facilitates the course of the disease in women with the fading of the reproductive function.

Endometriosis can grow due to intense progesterone hormone deficiency. Monthly become profuse, very painful.

Endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis during menopause dangerous heavy menstruation and bleeding, which may lead to anemia. Against the background of the restructuring of the organism and its adaptation to the new conditions, anemia adversely affects the health of women. tissue hypoxia significantly exacerbates the premenopausal. Amplified dizziness, headaches, osteoporosis phenomenon.

While taking duphaston may occur spotting between periods.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Digidrogesteron very similar in structure and properties of the natural hormone, it practically does not cause serious side effects.

Unlike "androgenic" progestogens Djufaston does not lead to undesirable phenomena such as weight gain, addictive, virilization (the appearance of acne, excess body hair).

The drug is used in menopause, it retains the beneficial effects of estrogen on cholesterol and other blood lipids.

The advantages of the hormonal drugs are:

  • It does not increase blood clotting;
  • convenient form of application - tablets;
  • eliminate menopause symptoms such as irritability, mood swings;
  • normalize the amount of bleeding during menstruation;
  • slow the growth of fibroids;
  • eliminate pain endometriosis and heavy bleeding during menstruation.

One disadvantage duphaston the treatment is the occurrence of edema that is associated with the accumulation of water in the intercellular spaces.

On the background normalization Djufaston menstruation may cause profuse bleeding due to insufficient dose of the hormone during menopause.


The preparation of progesterone is shown not only in the climax, but also for the treatment of hormonal deficiency in women of reproductive age. Duphaston is used in the following cases:

  • endometriosis;
  • infertility, miscarriage on a background of progesterone deficiency;
  • irregular periods;
  • amenorrhea with early menopause;
  • Hormone replacement therapy (combined with estrogens);
  • complex treatment of myomas;
  • endometrial hyperplasia therapy;
  • uterine bleeding during hormone imbalance.

endometrial hyperplasia

Despite the suppression of synthetic ovarian function during menopause and pre-menopausal women often develop endometrial hyperplasia. Due to the development of this disease is the fact that not only the ovaries are the source of estrogen.

The causes of endometrial hyperplasia at the stage of entering the menopause are.

  • Obesity. Cells contain adipose tissue estrogens that when entering the blood bind to the receptors to the hormone to stimulate growth of the uterus and the inner layer of the uterus.
  • liver disease. Organ that metabolizes the female sex hormone, not a proper degree to perform its functions if pathology is present. As a result, an excessive amount of hormone affects the functional layer of the endometrium, resulting in a widening of its abundant and month, profuse bleeding.
  • Increased production of androgens in women during menopause, from which estradiol is formed.
  • Reducing the production of progesterone due to anovulatory cycles, which leads to the impossibility of the transition cycle of the first phase to the second. Thickened endometrium, this process leads to abundant month, coming after a delay.

The women in the period before the onset of menopause, heavy periods should be a cause for seeking medical attention.

endometrial hyperplasia It creates a higher risk of developing uterine cancer in women in the menopausal stage and menopause.

Estrogennnaya endometrial stimulation of cells leads to their excessive division, thickening of the layer, which may be total and local. Local thickening of the leads to the formation of polyps. Against the backdrop of a lack of progesterone is no rejection of the internal layer of the uterus during menstruation. The cycle goes astray, menses come too late and are characterized by heavy bleeding outside of menstruation.

Duphaston taken for 3-6 months.

Endometriosis in menopause

Djufaston has an antiproliferative effect, which means suppression of cell division. In endometriosis during menopause brings a state of anovulation, which leads to a progesterone deficiency. This leads to uncontrolled division of cells of the endometrium and aggravation of the disease in step of entering the menopause, when estrogens are still produced.

Duphaston use for a long time under ultrasound, hormones, tumor markers. The drug eliminates pain, reduces bleeding during menstruation, inhibits the growth of endometriotic lesions.


Interstitial and submucosal fibroids cause location of such clinical manifestations as pain, heavy periods, impaired functioning of the intestine and bladder. Fibroids during menopause gives a woman a lot of inconvenience along with other manifestations of menopause. To reduce the size of fibroids take Duphaston. In addition, the circuit includes Djufaston postoperative treatment of fibroids.


Duphaston when joining the climax part of the scheme of hormone replacement therapy in women. This means that while taking estrogen drugs, patients receiving progesterone and tools, such as Duphaston.

Duphaston tablets with HRT use after estrogen. Typically, the modulation is carried out monthly by two hormones. Modeling of the first phase of the cycle is carried out by estrogens, for example, proginova, and the second phase drink duphaston tablets. Periods become regular and moderately abundant.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug was well tolerated, as a rule, patients often complain of weight gain in the range of 5 kg, nausea and minor headaches. But such undesirable effects often occur at high dosages duphaston.

Side effects:

  • hemolytic anemia;
  • allergy;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • jaundice and pain in the right upper quadrant;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • increased sensitivity of mammary glands;
  • edema (very rare).


  • presence of allergic reactions in the anamnesis;
  • the presence of itching during a previous pregnancy;
  • severe liver function;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome.


Analogues preparation containing progesterone, are:

  • utrozhestan;
  • Norkolut;
  • Pradzhisan.

Replacement duphaston to another analogue can be carried out only after medical consultation.

taking the drug

  1. In order endometriosis therapy during menopause tablets drink 1 thing from the fifth to the 25th day cycle 2-3 times per day. Possible a continuous treatment regimen, which is most often used in menopause.
  2. The symptoms of menopause, premenstrual syndrome aggravation at the stage of entry in menopause: from 11 to 25 day cycle drink 1 tablet in the morning and evening.
  3. Violation monthly rate: 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening from 5 to 25 a day, or 11 to 25 day cycle.
  4. Hormone replacement therapy for amenorrhea (early menopause) estrogen taken from day 1 monthly (in their absence, any day) for 25 days, and Duphaston begin with 11 days and end on 25 day. About a week starting monthly and repeat the course. Duration scheme denotes a doctor.
  5. Hormone replacement therapy in menopause if estrogen taken continuously, then Djufaston drink 1 tablet for 14 days in the cycle. If estrogens drink cyclically (1 to 25 day of month), then take Duphaston over the last 12-14 days of use of estrogen.

This breakthrough in menopause monthly dose of progesterone is increased twice (20 mg per dose).

To use caution in diabetes, migraine, epilepsy.

special instructions

Djufaston used during menopause in various ways and dosages depending on the purpose of its use. The preparation may be used in isolated form, and include the treatment regimen.

progesterone drugs, like any other hormonal agent, before the appointment requires performing a blood test for hormones, as well as the passage of other diagnostic tests.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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