Dizziness during menopause: the causes, signs and symptoms


  • 1 Dizziness and menopause
  • 2 Kinds
  • 3 natural causes
  • 4 disease
  • 5 Symptoms and signs
  • 6 Treatment
    • 6.1 of drugs
    • 6.2 behavioral therapy

Menopause is accompanied by various signs and symptoms caused by fading ovarian hormonal function. One of these symptoms and signs are frequent vertigo. It is noteworthy that dizziness may differ by several species. Moreover, the causes of abnormalities may be associated with changes in menopause, and with various diseases.

Dizziness and menopause

Called menopause age period in a woman's life, which is accompanied by a gradual fading of the reproductive function. In fact, menopause affects directly the functioning of the ovaries, which produce the necessary hormones to the entire body. One of these hormones is estrogen.

Initially, a woman's body to learn to function in a reduction in the number of estrogens, and then - when their total absence. Hormonal changes affect the condition of the female body, causing the appearance of various signs and symptoms.

female organism adaptation occurs more easily in the absence of various pathologies, gynecological and extragenital character. Intensity of signs and symptoms varies depending on the phase of menopause.

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Gynecologists identify several stages of menopause.

  1. Premenopausal. At this point the first occurrence of marked signs and symptoms of hormonal function fading. Premenopausal begins a few years before the last menstrual period. Typically, signs and symptoms are not pronounced and appear in about 45 years. Premenopausal ends with the beginning of the last menstrual period.
  2. Menopause. Many women equate the concept of "menopause" and "menopause". However, menopause is one of the stages of menopause, which means an offensive last month. Menopause is continued for a further year. And some experts believe that menopausal duration should be increased to two years after the last menstrual period.
  3. Perimenopause. This phase covers the first two stages, ie, premenopausal and menopause.
  4. Postmenopause. This is the last phase of menopause, after which old age begins. Postmenopause lasts up to 65-69 years.

Correlation phase and age of menopause is rather arbitrary. In fact, you can not clearly indicate the beginning of menopause due to unexpressed symptoms and signs. It is believed that the onset of menopause is typical for women who have reached 45 years of age. However, menopause can occur before 40 and after 55 years, indicating that early or later process.

Early pathological menopause It has certain causes and is associated with ovarian failure.

almost all organs and "suffer" With the onset of menopause. The reason is the influence of the hormones produced by the ovaries, on the whole body. However, women differ in good health may experience minor discomfort. In the presence of various pathologies menopause can cause serious disturbances and pronounced signs, symptoms.

At the climax among the various signs and symptoms may occur headaches and dizziness. This symptom is often a concern on the part of doctors. This is due to the fact that the dizziness can occur in several forms and have many causes.

Almost always accompanied by changes in the course of menopause being due to hormonal changes. Gradually decreasing estrogen production, which provide reproductive function, affect the metabolism and give the elasticity of tissues.

Dizziness usually occur along with other signs and symptoms. When the discomfort becomes a regular character, it makes a woman see a doctor to determine the cause of pathological symptoms.


Vertigo is characterized by different forms. Experts call several varieties of ailments.

  1. Vertigo. This causes a feeling of vertigo rotation. And sometimes it seems that things are increasing or decreasing in size. In this form it may appear ripples and blurred vision, sensation of darkening, e.g., with a sharp character movements. The illness can be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness in the limbs, intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights.
  2. imbalance. In this form of disturbed coordination of movements both during the walk or at rest.
  3. Headedness. This type is characterized by a sharp blackouts, palpitations and nausea. Increased symptoms or syncope are often observed due to the change in body position.

When menopause is more common in the form of dizziness, vertigo. In addition, this kind of may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the ears;
  • impaired vision or hearing;
  • pain.

In the event of any type of vertigo a woman should see a doctor in order to identify pathological features.

natural causes

Sometimes vertigo arise from natural causes that are linked to the extinction of hormonal ovarian function. Several distinct physiological causes of dizziness during climax.

  1. Tides. This symptom accompanied by a feeling of heat and sweat glands enhanced performance. Despite the fact that the tides differ brevity, they become a cause of stress on the brain and blood vessels. After watching the tides woman signs frazzled.
  2. Increased blood pressure. With age, blood vessels lose their elasticity, and on their walls often appear fat. The cause of these changes is a reduction in estrogen levels. Furthermore, there is high blood pressure, blood flow to the heart and worsens brain. This leads to insufficient preparation of the various organs of oxygen that can be expressed in vertigo.
  3. Nervousness. One of the signs of menopause is unstable emotional state. Women become irritable and whiny. Heightened emotionality and anxiety can also cause dizziness.
  4. Headache. Usually, women in menopause cause of headaches is vasospasm. If headaches occur in the form of migraines, the risk of dizziness increases.
  5. Insomnia. This symptom often accompanies menopause. Women suffer long to fall asleep and fitful sleep due to frequent urination and increased emotionality. Thus, chronic fatigue causes dizziness.


Sometimes dizziness can cause serious causes, such as a variety of diseases. Often menopause contributes to the progression of many pathologies.

  1. Peripheral kohleovestibulyarny disorder. This pathology affects inner ear region and can occur before the onset of menopause. When hormonal reorganization pathology is accompanied by vertigo. The reason is the insufficient supply of oxygen of the inner ear.
  2. Vestibular neuritis. This pathology involves nerve stimulation. As a result, dizzy when climbing up or turns aside. The origin and termination of vertigo has a sharp character.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. When the disease is disturbed blood supply to the tissues, particularly the brain. The reason is clamping nerve. At sharp movements there is pain and disorientation.
  4. Brain tumor. Benign tumors may progress to compress the surrounding tissue. Over time, develops dizzy that appears when taking a certain posture. Dizziness may be accompanied by pain, deafness and visual impairment.
  5. Stroke. There is a sharp dizziness, double vision, weakness, loss of coordination. A woman can not pronounce the words clearly.
  6. Perilymphatic fistula. The cause of such injury or disease is chronic otitis. Leakage of various calving ear lead to the outpouring of fluid. Dizziness accompanied by symptoms such as hearing loss and poscholkivanie.
  7. The defeat of the optic muscle. Dizziness may occur as a result of the rapid flickering of images directly in the sight. However, when this disease dizziness passes quickly.
  8. Meniere's disease. The cause of the disease is called infection, trauma, vascular problems. Meniere's disease on the inner ear exerts pressure liquid accumulated in its cavity. Suspected pathology may be due to grounds such as nausea, ringing in the ears, sweating and dizziness. The most dangerous symptom is loss of balance.
  9. Multiple sclerosis. The cause of this disease is an inflammation of the nerve sheath. Dizziness are vulnerable symptom of multiple sclerosis.

The emergence of dizziness during menopause It is a symptom that can not be ignored. It is necessary to see a specialist, who will recommend the necessary examination.

Symptoms and signs

Dizziness may be accompanied by different manifestations, depending on the reasons that caused pathological sign.

In particular, the malaise may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • disorientation in space;
  • double vision;
  • noise in ears;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of vision and hearing;
  • headache;
  • tides.

Dizziness may have a different duration, which indirectly indicates the cause of the pathological condition. The appearance of symptoms during menopause often the result of hormonal changes. However, if the dizziness associated with other serious symptoms, you should see a doctor and find out the cause of illness.


Methods of treatment involve the reception of drugs and behavioral therapy. The doctor recommends treatment conducted after pre-examination.

of drugs

If the cause of pathological symptoms are hormonal disorders, the doctor prescribes the appropriate medication dosage group.

Hormonal treatments include the following drugs:

  • Divigel;
  • Dermestril;
  • proginova;
  • Estriol.

Acceptance of hormonal drugs is not always possible. The reason is the presence of significant side effects and somatic diseases in women. In such cases it is possible appointment of homeopathic remedies:

  • Chi-Klim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Klimaksan;
  • Remens.

If patients need to recommend affecting the vestibular apparatus of the means:

  • Vestibo;
  • Vazobral;
  • Tagista;
  • Betaserk.

behavioral therapy

If dizziness is the only symptom, pointing to a malaise, and the survey results did not reveal any abnormalities, the patient shows behavioral therapy.

Elimination of symptoms and signs of sickness is possible with compliance with several rules:

  • should not be carried away by a strict diet;
  • from the diet is desirable to exclude salty, fatty and smoked dishes;
  • useful to consume vegetables, dairy products and slow carbohydrates;
  • you should regularly take vitamin complexes;
  • a day you need to drink up to two liters of water;
  • It recommended to choose the type of physical activity, where there is no abrupt change in body position.

Various means of treatment of the national It can be used only after consulting a doctor.

A beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus exercise. You can go for long walks, jogging and swimming. Before going to bed is not recommended to engage in sports, in order not to provoke tides.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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