1 Climax and pressure
- 1.1 Risk of hypertension
- 1.2 Norm
2 The causes of high pressure
- 2.1 Manifestations of menopause, leading to increased pressure
- 3 symptomatology
4 Treatment
- 4.1 behavioral therapy
- 4.2 medicine
- 4.3 Homeopathy and folk remedies
- 4.4 Diet
- 4.5 prevention
Lack of sex hormones produced by the ovaries during menopause is the cause different changes in the female body. Often women during menopause and jumps observed increase in blood pressure, which are directly connected with the main manifestations of the age period.
Climax and pressure
Contrary to popular belief, menopause can not be considered a disease, despite the emergence of a variety of data indicating that the troubles in the body. Climax is a long flowing age stage in a woman's life, during which there is a gradual fading of hormonal function.
In fact, when the climax is reduced and ceases production of sex hormones by the ovaries. However, to produce hormones regulate the functioning of the female body. In sharp cutting, and then terminate the synthesis of sex steroids, there are numerous failures in the internal organs. However, in healthy women, these failures go unnoticed, as have the nature of lung ailments. While patients with various somatic abnormalities can develop menopausal syndrome, which requires a serious correction.
Menopause occurs more than one year. For a long time it is necessary not only for the gradual ovarian failure, but also to adapt the woman's body to the new conditions.
Gynecologists identify several phases in the course of menopause.
- Premenopausal. Similarly, it is impossible to determine the age at which women in particular there are the first symptoms of menopause. It is believed that the extinction of hormonal function occurs in 45 years. However, the advent of menopause until after forty or fifty-five years is not always pathological. At this stage, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. The woman observes an irregular cycle, for example, its shortening or lengthening. Isolation during menstruation may become scarce or abundant. Sometimes there are acyclic bleeding. Reproductive function is preserved under the condition of having spontaneous ovulations.
- Menopause. This period starts from the last menstrual period and ends one year later with the complete absence of menstruation during this period. Accordingly, the absence of menstruation means to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. It is noteworthy that some gynecologists believe that the menopausal period should be extended to two years after the cessation of menses.
- Postmenopause. The period begins one year after the last menstrual period and ends at 65-69, which means old age.
Gynecologists also secrete stage of perimenopause, which combines the first two stages of menopause.
Risk of hypertension
It should be noted that a single character of the pressure increase is not considered dangerous. However, if hypertension is observed regularly, it indicates the progression of the pathology.
During menopause there is a reduction in estrogen levels and elastin in the female body. As a result of the elasticity of vessel walls is reduced, which manifests their constriction. There is a chronic increase in pressure.
High blood pressure causes damage to the vascular wall. In places microcracks form cholesterol deposits. Thus, the vascular lumen narrowed intensively, causing hypertension.
The increase in pressure can cause:
- stroke;
- heart attack;
- hypertensive crisis.
Vascular pathological condition can be regarded as a prerequisite for the premature development of dementia, in particular when burdened family history. The greatest danger is persistent increase pressure to the heart muscle.
It is noteworthy that the blood pressure has a different character during the day. In particular, the night time differs decreasing pressure. After exercise noted pressure.
It is known that an increase in pressure can occur at stress, after reception of coffee and tea. Some medications can also affect the pressure.
Hypertension or hypertension is called high blood pressure, which is persistent. If there is a sustained decrease in pressure, a pathology called hypotension or hypotension.
Normal adult human is considered to be pressure from 110/70 to 130/85. At the age of 40-60 years old will be considered as normal pressure up to 140/90. In humans, after age 60 may be pressure to 150/90.
The causes of high pressure
The main reason for the increase of pressure in women during menopause is hormonal changes. Hormones affect the operation of the heart muscle and blood vessels. While dramatically reducing the level of sex steroids are observed in various disorders, including high blood pressure.
Manifestations of menopause, leading to increased pressure
Identify the following factors increase blood pressure during menopause.
- Disorders originating in the water-salt metabolism. It is noted insufficient circulation of fluid in the body, leading to stagnation and accumulation of sodium in the particulate cell elements. Salt can increase blood volume and cause dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
- The instability of the functioning of the nervous system. As a rule, women in menopause emotionally unstable, often are in a depressed and prone to long experiences. Unstable emotional state has a negative impact on the character of pressure.
- Insomnia. Often in women during menopause are observed sleep disturbances. Chronic lack of sleep triggers changes in emotional state, reduces efficiency and contributes to pressure surges.
- Tides. Burning sensation and redness of the skin is accompanied by sweating and high blood pressure. The situation worsens if flushes occur in severe form.
- Vasoconstriction and reducing their elasticity. This factor leads to the formation of cholesterol deposits, which also causes an increase in pressure.
- Admission hormone pills. Hormonal drugs have many contraindications, because what should be appointed on an individual basis. Long term use of hormonal tablets uncontrolled can lead to permanent pressure increase.
- A tumor of the adrenal glands. In the pathology of the blood gets higher dose of corticosteroids. This factor is also considered as a cause of increase of pressure.
- Obesity. Overweight in most cases is a consequence of malnutrition, low physical activity, which also provokes an increase in pressure.
Sometimes, the pressure increase is registered in menopause in women who have not seen such a disease earlier. Hypertension can recognize the following symptoms:
- headache;
- frequent urination;
- dizziness;
- changeability of mood;
- heart palpitations;
- tides.
Experts pay attention that pressure peaks - the norm in menopause. However, you should pay close attention to the triggers. Duration of attacks depends on the patient and most of the measures it has taken.
Hypertension can be observed over several hours and several days. In general, pressure surges are marked throughout menopause. If you ignore the symptoms and untreated hypertension becomes chronic.
hypertension transition risk chronic increases at low physical activity, stress, malnutrition.
To eliminate the disease takes an integrated approach, which includes the appointment of hormonal pills, homeopathic medicines, folk remedies, the use of diet.
behavioral therapy
Despite the wide range of drugs, a lot depends on the image of a woman's life. In order to normalize the pressure must be:
- eliminate fatty, salty and spicy food, which is a bad influence on the state of the vascular walls;
- give preference to vegetables, fruits, dairy products, sea fish and legumes, which contributes to liquefaction of the blood;
- move and walk outdoors that allows tissue enriched with oxygen, resulting in normal metabolism, for example, water-salt balance;
- give up bad habits, such as alcohol consumption and smoking have a negative impact on the female body;
- keep drinking regime, consuming plenty of fluids.
Experts say that the pressure should be measured twice a day. With a sharp deterioration of health, occurrence of headache, vomiting and a veil before the eyes need to call an ambulance.
Often during the chronic pathology becomes necessary to admission drugs. Among hormonal pills are appointed:
- klimonorma;
- Cico-Proginova;
- Divina.
Hormonal drugs prevent the emergence of characteristic symptoms, which usually accompanies hypertension.
If necessary, prescribers, acts directly on the blood vessels:
- Benazepril and captopril;
- Enalapril and lisinopril;
- Fosinopril.
These tablets can be used with concomitant diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Medicines protect the heart muscle from hypertrophy and prevent the appearance of renal failure and edema.
For removing excess fluid from the body appointed diuretics:
- furosemide;
- indapamide;
- Veroshpiron.
Keep in mind that these drugs also excrete calcium, which is extremely undesirable. That is why the appointment of drugs must carry a doctor.
Homeopathy and folk remedies
It is known that many hormones exert significant side effects, which are undesirable during menopause. That is why sometimes doctors prescribe homeopathic remedies. Especially effective phytoestrogens, which are analogues of female sex hormones.
Phytoestrogens are soft, with virtually without causing adverse reactions. As part of homeopathic treatment, your doctor may prescribe:
- Remens;
- Klimadinon;
- Klimaktoplan.
Homeopathic remedies can eliminate gipegidroz, hot flashes, nervousness, and improve vascular tone.
When emotional instability and insomnia recommend the use of motherwort, hawthorn and valerian. Sedatives eliminate spastic condition of vessels, thereby eliminating the risk of developing hypertension.
traditional medicines commonly used to treat hypertension. In particular, using the means with hawthorn:
- 40 drops to a glass of water hawthorn taken three times a day;
- flowers or fruit hawthorn infused cup of boiling water for half an hour and drink before a meal three times a day.
For the prevention of hypertension is essential diet of women. For example, the salty, fatty and fried foods, pastries adversely affect the blood vessels, leading to hypertension.
The diet of women in menopause should be present in a large number of vegetables, herbs and fruits. When choosing meat, preference should be given vegetable species, eg, chicken or rabbit.
proper nutrition as is the prevention of obesity and diabetes.
It is known that hypertension is easier to prevent than to cure. Delays in access to a doctor and a lack of treatment leads to a transition of pathology in the chronic phase.
As preventive measures, experts advise:
- use relaxation techniques, such as massage, meditation;
- stick to a healthy diet;
- to refuse from bad habits;
- to regularly take a multivitamin complexes;
- do sport;
- go to the doctor when a malaise.
For the stability of the emotional background is extremely important positive emotions. It is important to find new hobbies and activities for everyone.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.