Remens in menopause: drops and tablets


  • 1 Remens in menopause
  • 2 Composition and dosage forms
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for acceptance and benefits
  • 5 instruction
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 special instructions
  • 8 analogs
  • 9 Conditions of supply of pharmacies and periods of storage

Sooner or later, in every woman's life comes a difficult period, called menopause. Its symptoms may cause discomfort, affect the emotional state and mood. Because of him, once balanced and calm woman becomes excessively irritable, whiny. Combat manifestations of menopause can be. This homeopathic medicine helps Remens. It effectively cope with the symptoms of menopause, a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere.

Remens in menopause

Comparing the effectiveness Remens with hormonal agents used for removal of climacteric symptoms can conclude their equivalence. However, more and more practitioners in the treatment of their patients prefer to assign it Remens.

The drug contains a part of only natural ingredients. Dosages of active ingredients get. Through this Remens has virtually no contraindications.

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Composition and dosage forms

Remens produced in the form of two dosage forms.

The form

physical properties



They have the form of a liquid having a faint yellowish tint. They have a specific smell.

  • 20 ml
  • 50 ml
  • 100 ml


The tablets are round, Valium shape and chamfer risk, white with yellowish white color, no odor.


  • Table 12 .;
  • Table 24 .;
  • Table 36 .;
  • 48 Tab.

Tablets and drops have a similar composition in which each component has its point of application:

  • Surukuku snake venom effectively restores sleep, improves mood, reduces anxiety;
  • pilocarpus reduce hyperhidrosis, relieves hot flashes;
  • racemosa black cohosh normalizes the production of estrogen;
  • secret gland cuttlefish improves microcirculation in the pelvic area and reduce inflammation;
  • Sanguinar Canadian normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels: disappearing headache, seizures, heart palpitations, high blood pressure drops.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The composition Remens included many components. Its therapeutic effect is connected with their combined action. For this reason, kinetic studies were not carried out: to track each component separately using biomarkers impossible.

Acting on the female body, Remens affects the following processes in women of reproductive age:

  • It is regulated by the balance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian;
  • normal menstrual function;
  • It is regulated by the strength and duration of the bleeding;
  • reduced pain during menstruation;
  • the weakening of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome: tearfulness, resentment, irritability, aggression;
  • decreases puffiness.

Women suffering from menopause manifestations, Remens causes the following action:

  • positive effect on the emotional background: reduced resentment, nervousness, restores normal sleep;
  • restoration of disorders of the autonomic nervous system: reducing the amount and strength of the tides disappear tachycardia attacks, normal sweating;
  • obstacle to weight gain;
  • improvement of blood circulation of tissues of the reproductive system;
  • prevention of ovarian and endometrial inflammatory diseases.

Indications for acceptance and benefits

Drug or its analogues can be assigned as part of a comprehensive treatment of the following disease states:

  • violation of ovarian function;
  • Pathology menstrual cycle secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • state of menopause and menopause.

Remens is highly effective and safe health tool. When the first symptoms of impending menopause its use would be the best solution. This is confirmed by a large number of women already taking drops or tablets Remens. In preparation, there are many advantages.

  1. As part of no synthetic hormones.
  2. A small number of contraindications.
  3. No risk of weight gain.
  4. Minimal side effects.
  5. Interaction with virtually all groups of drugs.
  6. Availability. When you purchase the drug at the pharmacy, the prescription is not required.


Drops and tablets Remens recommended to take a 30-40 minutes before or 1 hour after meals.


release Form



The tablets should be kept under the tongue until they dissolved.

Drops may be used in pure form or diluting them 1 tablespoon of water. Before ingestion is recommended to hold the liquid in the mouth for 30 seconds.

Pathology of the menstrual cycle

1 tablet 3 times daily. Duration of 3 months. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after 30 days.

10 drops. Multiplicity of reception at various diseases coincides with the tablet form.


1 tablet 3 times a day. The minimum duration of treatment - 6 months. In cases where the symptoms are pronounced, the multiplicity of the drug per day may be increased to 8 times. After normalization of the frequency should be reduced to 1-2 times per day.

Inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere

1 tablet 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 3 months. If necessary, the course may be repeated after 1 month.


Thanks to the natural composition, contraindications to receive drops and tablets Remens minimal:

  • age less than 12 years (clinical studies have not been carried out);
  • Individual hypersensitivity to the components.

special instructions

Deciding to use Remens, you must take into account the following data:


Drops and tablets


The cases are not fixed.

Pregnancy and lactation

Application can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Impact on the mechanisms of control

It does not affect the ability to control.

drug interactions

No clinically relevant interactions between registered.

The use in children

Clinical studies in patients under 12 years have not been conducted. For this reason, the use of pills and drops Remens prohibited in children.


In some cases, Remens analogues can be used in menopause.

  • Tablets Klimadinon: Remens as this analogue consists of natural components and is able to reduce symptoms of menopause. It has contraindications - estrogen-dependent tumors, lactose intolerance, individual hypersensitivity. Possible side effects - increase of body weight, epigastric pain, allergic skin reactions;
  • Tablets Qi-Clim: active analogue is contraindicated in the presence of estrogen dependent tumors;
  • pills Saguenay: contraindicated in dysfunctional uterine bleeding. While receiving this analog may cause side effects - skin rash, dizziness, diarrhea effects (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain), swelling of the eyelids. From the positive side low cost analog;
  • Estrovel capsules: the majority of reviews on this analog positive. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to combine with taking vitamin supplements, as there is the risk of developing hypervitaminosis;
  • tablets Klimaksan: experience with contradictory. In some patients the analogue quickly relieves clinical symptoms of menopause, while others do not notice the effect. The advantages Klimaksan applies its low cost, the minimum number of contraindications and complications;
  • Capsules Onagris: the manifestations of menopause analogue sufficiently effective. Reception in combination with antibacterial agents may weaken its therapeutic effect. Use of the drug has a number of limitations, pre-treatment is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Despite the fact that analogues Remens These are similar to the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the original tool. Thanks to its active ingredients it most effectively stabilizes the condition of the female body during menopause, has minimal contraindications and no side effects.

The use of analogues in the treatment of menopause is a good alternative if you can not buy the original drug.

Conditions of supply of pharmacies and periods of storage

For the acquisition of drops or tablets Remens prescription is not required.

Tablet form must be kept at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a dry, dark place inaccessible to children. Shelf life 3 years.

Drops should be stored no more than 5 years in a dry, dark, place inaccessible to children.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 79
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