Delaying menopause: drugs and folk remedies


  • 1 Introduction to
  • 2 phases of menopause
    • 2.1 During the onset of menopause
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 The possibility of postponing climax
  • 5 How to push the offensive
    • 5.1 hormonal therapy
    • 5.2 phytoestrogens
    • 5.3 Folk remedies
    • 5.4 Healthy lifestyle

Climax - time when a woman's body is changing. Quenched reproductive function, there are problems with the cardiovascular system, decreases collagen synthesis and hyaluronic acid, whereby the skin thins and becomes flabby. Menopause symptoms can severely restrict and disrupt your normal rhythm of life.

Since ancient times, women are concerned about the issue of how to delay the onset of old age. Currently, the use of modern medicine, traditional medicine recipes that can effectively ward off the approaching climax.

Introduction to

Menopause - the natural process of waiting for every woman of a certain age. The average age of onset is 50 years. Symptoms arising in connection with menopause are associated with the extinction of the production of female sex hormones. Thanks to advances in medicine, the correct way of life can delay the approach of menopause.

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phases of menopause

The entire period of menopause can be divided into three phases:

  1. Premenopausal. This step can be prolonged. Usually it takes from 2 to 10 years. Characterized by the beginning premenopausal ovarian failure. Trying to push the approach of old age, it is best at this stage.
  2. Menopause. This term is used to denote the last menstrual period in a woman. Date of menopause is established retrospectively, not less than one year.
  3. Postmenopause. Longest phase of menopause during which menstrual fluid is completely absent.

The appearance of bleeding from the genital tract after menopause should be the occasion for immediate treatment for medical assistance.

Clinically, during the pre-menopausal woman following symptoms can be observed:

  • menstrual disorders: the intervals between menstrual bleeding may increase or, conversely, to decrease.
  • change the nature of menses: hormonal fluctuations in women lead to a violation of the laws of development of the functional layer of the endometrium. Thus, the amount of precipitates may be substantially different from the usual. Generally their amount is reduced. But in some cases it is possible, and the reverse scenario. menstrual period may be accompanied by pain pulling character in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • occurrence of hot flushes and excessive sweating: these symptoms in pre-menopausal women are most pronounced. Due to the fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, for a few minutes, the woman feels a sharp "wave of the heat," rushed to the face, neck and chest. The heat is replaced by a sense of fatigue, chills, cold sweats, and headache;
  • sense of "tension" in the breast in the absence of communication with the day of the menstrual cycle;
  • decreased libido;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased performance, increased fatigue;
  • unstable psycho-emotional sphere - a woman feels rapid mood swings, become excessively irritable, touchy, whiny;
  • by improving cholesterol levels are prerequisites for the development of atherosclerosis;
  • there are the first manifestations of advancing age - the skin gets thinner, looks flabby, sagging, increasing the number of wrinkles. Hair and nails lose their natural shine and become brittle;
  • possible increased frequency of urination, urinary incontinence.

In postmenopausal can distinguish two stages:

  • early (menses absent from 1 to 5 years);
  • late (after 5 years).

Push the arrival of old age, delay the onset of unpleasant menopausal symptoms - the desire of each of the fair sex.

Postmenopausal special. Often women, feeling unwell, cease to feel beautiful and desirable. In order to return the love of self, a woman needs to take his age, to realize that it does not become worse, but simply entered a new phase of his life. Delay the unpleasant symptoms of menopause will appeal to the specialist. Having come to the doctor, many patients following complaints:

  • Blood pressure drops;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • sagging skin, brittle nails and hair;
  • reduction or lack of libido;
  • disruption of the heart;
  • frequent hot flashes;
  • instability of the emotional sphere.

Delay the data displays, you can use well-chosen therapy.

During the onset of menopause

The time of arrival of menopause individually. It is considered that the average age of menopause varies in the region of 50 years. Predict the onset of ovarian function can be based on the family history of the women. Numerous studies have proven that there is a relationship between the age of menopause among blood relatives.


After menopause, most women placing similar complaints. Their intensity, however, can vary. So, for some menopause occurs almost imperceptibly, and other quality of life significantly disrupted.

The most common symptoms of menopause are:

  • emotional disorder component;
  • the appearance of the tides;
  • rash;
  • blood pressure fluctuation;
  • headache;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • brittle and dry hair;
  • rapid appearance of wrinkles;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the emergence of excess weight;
  • related disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems.

Each woman entering into menopause, should know by what methods it is possible to push the signs of wilting

The possibility of postponing climax

Feeling the approach of menopause, a woman asked about the possibility to push his offensive. Even taking into account genetic characteristics of the patient's medical history, it is likely that the menopause in daughters will come at a later age than her mother.

Trying to delay the natural process attenuation of hormonal ovarian function should be at the very beginning, when the first failure in the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

How to push the offensive

Menopause may push a number of measures.

hormonal therapy

  1. Estrogen substitutes: Trisekvens, estrofem, klimonorma, Divina, Proginova, Premarin, Gormopleks.
  2. If there are limitations to receive oral medications help delay climax help transdermal gels (Estrozhel, Divigel) or patches (CLIMAR).
  3. Progestin drugs: Duphaston, Norkolut.
  4. Combined: Triaklim, Angelique, Ovestin.

In order to effectively postpone the menopause, hormone replacement therapy should conform to the principles:

  1. The use of minimal doses.
  2. The use of preparations identical to natural hormones, most preferably.
  3. To ward off old age with the greatest efficiency, it is necessary to use combinations of estrogen with progesterone drugs.
  4. Women with hysterectomy possible to use only estrogen drugs.

Term treatment of hormonal therapy should be 5-7 years.


These funds are of vegetable origin. The woman's body they have an effect similar to the natural estrogen. Their use can help ward off the coming climax, delay aging, relieve symptoms, harassing a woman after menopause.

The most common drugs are: Remens, Klimadinon, Estrovel, Klimaksan.

Folk remedies

Push back the approaching old age, improve health, calm the nervous system to help recipes of traditional medicine. For this purpose, effectively used decoctions following plants:

  • dill;
  • sage;
  • upland uterus;
  • red clover;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile.

Healthy lifestyle

The correct mode of the day in the complex therapy of menopause can help delay the natural withering body.

To ward off old age for a long time, you must follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Proper nutrition. The daily diet of women should include a large number of foods rich in fiber, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Such a diet can help to delay the appearance of wrinkles, a positive effect on digestion and appearance.
  2. From drinks should be preferred herbal teas, freshly squeezed natural juices. Drinking coffee, strong black tea, highly carbonated beverages must be limited. These guidelines can help ward off a blood pressure drop problems.
  3. Exclusion of bad habits: smoking and alcohol can help a woman look good, to delay or avoid problems with the respiratory and digestive systems.
  4. Daily walks in the fresh air should be an integral part of a woman's life.

Compliance with the doctor's recommendations, proper nutrition, moderate, regular exercise can help women ward off the approach of menopause.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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