- 1 Menopause and discomfort in the intimate area
2 Causes
- 2.1 Diabetes
- 2.2 Diseases of the urinary system
- 2.3 Dermatitis
- 2.4 STDs and violation of the vaginal microflora
- 2.5 Tumors
- 3 Diagnostics
4 Treatment
- 4.1 of drugs
- 4.2 Homeopathic remedies and methods of traditional medicine
- 4.3 behavioral therapy
Hormonal changes that occur during menopause, have a significant effect on the mucous membrane of the vagina. Often, women experience significant discomfort in the intimate area, which is manifested by burning and dryness in the vagina. The reasons for discomfort in the intimate area are numerous. They identify causes a different approach to treatment.
Menopause and discomfort in the intimate area
Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, causing burning and itching of the intimate zone, during menopause is an inevitable phenomenon. In addition, the mucosa loses its protective properties, which manifests the development of the inflammatory process.
Itching and burning in the vagina are considered to be a natural consequence of the changes that occur during menopause. This period is characterized by a gradual fading of hormonal ovarian function. Despite the fact that menopause affects directly the functioning of the ovaries, the process covers virtually the entire female body.
The hormones produced by the ovaries are necessary for the smooth operation of all, without exception, organs and systems of the body women. In particular, the hormone estrogen affects the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, various glands, including the thyroid and dairy. The necessary level of estrogen is important for emotional background.
Changes in appearance of the vaginal mucosa and itching, burning due to the reduction, and then the total absence of estrogen. Extinction hormone function occurs over many years, which reflect the different phases of menopause.
- Premenopausal. At this stage, there is a natural decline in estrogen production. Menstrual cycles may be lengthened or shortened. The changes also concern the volume of bleeding during menstruation. Some women are observed acyclic bleeding. The beginning conventionally considered premenopausal gynecologists age of 45 years. However, ovarian functioning may occur earlier or later. In the presence of single ovulations retains the ability to conceive.
- Menopause. Phase different short duration and covers the date of the last menstrual period, including the subsequent year thereafter. Some gynecologists believe that menopause duration should be increased to two years after the last menstrual period.
- Perimenopause. This is a long stage, which includes both premenopausal and menopause.
- Postmenopause. This phase is the final, because after it comes old age at the age of 65-69 years.
The first changes that occur in menopausal phase is negligible. As a rule, healthy women suffer only light discomfort intimate zone. Gradually, unpleasant sensations in an intimate area occur with decreasing the amount of estrogen. Many women notice a feeling of dryness and burning, which significantly impair the quality of sex life.
Burning and itching become aggravated after the hygiene procedures. This is due to the removal of a thin layer of the protective sheath. Women in menopause experience:
- irritation of the labia minora;
- loss of sensitivity of the clitoris;
- unpleasant sensation under the skin;
- a burning sensation during urination, sexual intercourse, contact with mucous underwear.
Dryness of the vagina and burning is one of the manifestations of menopause. However, it should be noted that the data discomfort in the intimate zone may indicate different pathologies. To eliminate itching and burning need to make a differential diagnosis. Treatment depends on the results of diagnostics.
changes in the vaginal mucosa due to hormonal changes during menopause. Female body begins to operate in conditions of deficiency of hormones. In the later stages of menopause there is a complete lack of synthesis of estrogen, which causes a variety of symptoms from the organs and systems.
The biggest impact the lack of the necessary amount of sex hormones have on the vaginal mucosa. It is known that the vaginal mucosa has a protective function. Due to the female sex hormones at the mucosal surface is formed glycogen, which is converted to lactic acid by lactobacilli cleavage. The acid maintains the required level of acidity of the vagina. The optimum acidity helps protect from pathogenic microflora. On the surface of the mucosa is also formed glycocalyx - a thin protective biofilm. With a sharp decrease of estrogen is broken acidity of the vagina, and weaken the protective function.
Estrogens also affect the production of cervical mucus of the cervix. Mucus is produced by glands cervical canal. Its optimum consistency does not allow to penetrate into the sterile uterine cavity of the vagina, which is populated by various microorganisms.
Thus, hormonal changes cause changes in the mucosa which appear subjective sensations of itching and burning sensation in the intimate area. Moreover, this factor is a prerequisite for the development of the inflammatory process at the expense of weakening the protection mechanism.
The occurrence of burning and itching of the vagina may be caused by several pathological conditions. Their detection is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of treatment.
It is known that elevated levels of glucose in the blood causes various disorders of the blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply to tissues is degraded. Gradually, there is an increase of glucose in the urine, which is accompanied by irritation of the vaginal mucosa. It is noteworthy that for patients with diabetes often develop chronic thrush. The main symptoms of candida or yeast infection are a burning sensation and itching in the intimate area.
Diseases of the urinary system
Urethral discharge products contain urea decomposition. This factor may be the cause of vaginal irritation, dryness and burning. Furthermore, bladder diseases are often accompanied by frequent urination, which is also an irritant. In gynecological practice, there are cases of ascending genital infection that affects the urethra and bladder.
Often cause itching and burning becomes normal dermatitis. This pathology occurs due to improper use of the woman to her hygiene products. It is known that certain hygiene composition are aggressive and can cause allergic reactions. Vaginal mucosa may be scratched due to wear synthetic clothes or wash specific detergent. Burning and itching may be caused by daily sanitary napkins, especially with the addition of flavored components.
STDs and violation of the vaginal microflora
At menopause there is a violation of the intimate composition of the microflora, which is associated with a sharp decline in estrogen levels. This leads to loss of barrier properties. Conditionally pathogenic microflora present in the vagina in small quantities, is in a favorable environment for their reproduction.
For women in menopause there may be bacterial vaginosis and thrush.
Typically, infection of the vagina combined with the multiplication of pathogenic microflora. This is due to the mechanism of their occurrence. When infecting specific flora, opportunistic microorganisms also begin their growth due to changes in characteristics, such as the cervical mucus. In addition, agents can enter into microbial associations. For example, chronic thrush often indicate the presence of the pathogen specific pathogenic microorganisms.
Many infectious diseases are accompanied by vaginal itching and burning. In particular, candidiasis is manifested in severe discomfort intimate area. In turn, when raschosah mucosal lesions appear, which can lead to infection connection, hyperemia. With the development of bacterial vaginosis or bacterial vaginosis itching and burning complemented malodorous vaginal discharge.
Intense burning and itching observed in recurrent herpes infection. In addition to discomfort in the intimate zone observed rashes on the vaginal mucosa. Strong burning sensation during urination occurs when infected with trichomoniasis.
Burning and itching appear on the progression of malignant tumors. Development of cancers have harmful affects on the local immunity, which promotes adherence infections.
Before treating burning and itching of the intimate zone, you need to find out the cause of discomfort in the vagina. As a rule, the survey includes different laboratory diagnostic techniques that allow us to determine the level of glucose, hormones, infectious agents.
Diagnostics for burning and itching of the vagina involves the following types of studies:
- Smear on the flora;
- PCR study;
- cytological examination;
- colposcopy;
- bakposev;
- a blood test to determine the glucose level;
- urine analysis, in particular, to identify the infection;
- Hormone diagnostics.
diagnostic results greatly influence the choice of treatment.
Since the factors and causes itching and burning sensation in the intimate area during menopause quite a lot, there is a need to conduct the survey. After the diagnosis the doctor selects the best method of treatment. Gynecologists emphasize that the means for independent selection of treatment is unacceptable and could lead to a worsening intimate problem becomes chronic.
of drugs
Medicamentous preparations are assigned in accordance with the cause of itching and burning the intimate area. In particular, atrophic vaginitis treated by topical application of creams, gels and suppositories based on estradiol. Furthermore, treatment with these drugs has antiseptic and emollient effect. Gynecologists atrophic vaginitis usually treated with the following medications:
- candles Ovestin, Estroil, Estrokad, Ortho-Ginest, Ovipol, Clio;
- Gels: CLIMAR, Dermestril, Ovestin, Divigel.
Possible treatment by moisturizing and soothing oils:
- Montavit;
- Feminela;
- Ginokomfort;
- Tsikatridin;
- Vagikal.
In diabetes, there is a need to maintain optimal blood glucose levels:
- metformin;
- Siofor;
- Manin.
The treatment is supplemented by topical agents for the elimination of burning and itching of the vagina.
Thrush includes drugs for treatment in tablet form or in the form of gels, creams, suppositories, having antifungal activity. Recurrent thrush requires complex treatment for several months.
If bacterial vaginosis, or bacterial vaginosis is necessary to restore the composition of the vaginal microflora. To this end, gynecologists prescribe to treat women in menopause preparations with lactobacilli.
Herpes infection is treated with ointments and creams:
- Gerpferon;
- Zovirax;
- Famvir.
Treatment involves comprehensive and includes mandatory use of vitamins and immunomodulators:
- viferon;
- Imunofan.
For the treatment of dermatitis it is advisable to use diet and antihistamine creams:
- solkoseril;
- Radevit.
Treating infections caused by specific microflora, it requires the use of antibacterial drugs. To improve the efficiency of treatment prior to administration of the drug should carry out an analysis on the sensitivity.
Homeopathic remedies and methods of traditional medicine
Sometimes during menopause vaginal mucosa it reacts negatively to traditional means of hygiene. In these cases, you can use the bath and cleaning the decoctions and infusions of herbs.
For the daily hygiene of the vagina and intimate area, you can use the following herbs:
- chamomile;
- celandine;
- yarrow;
- succession;
- sage.
Have a good effect intimate hygiene zones that include moisturizing ingredients and lactic acid, e.g., Epigen, Ginokomfort.
Gynecologists following popular called homeopathic agents that compete successfully with the burning and itching during menopause and may be used as a treatment for intimate zone:
- Tsikaderma ointment;
- Calendula ointment;
- Iricar cream.
behavioral therapy
In order to prevent the occurrence of burning and itching intimate area should reconsider lifestyle. In the first place, should be abandoned:
- excessive consumption of alcohol and confectionery products;
- smoking.
Women in menopause often have a sedentary lifestyle, which contributes to the aggravation of unpleasant symptoms in the intimate area. Very useful walks and stay on fresh air, exercise.
It must be remembered, that during menopause the vaginal mucosa may react negatively to the usual means of intimate hygiene. In this case it is possible to use infusions and decoctions of herbs for intimate hygiene area to be alternated.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.