Solgar Vitamins for women in menopause


  • 1 Solgar herbal complex for women and menopause
  • 2 The composition and dosage form
  • 3 Indications and Benefits
  • 4 application
    • 4.1 course duration
  • 5 Contraindications

Sooner or later, the climax comes in the life of each of the fair sex. Its manifestations make a woman irritable, overly emotional, cast doubt on its own beauty. In this difficult period, "hormonal storm", even in the absence of severe symptoms, will not be superfluous to provide body support.

Solgar herbal complex for women and menopause

There is not a woman who would not have wanted to stay young and beautiful throughout life. Upcoming menopause adversely affects the skin, hair and nails, affects mood, overall health worsens.

Solgar vitamins women are able to help the body cope with the symptoms of menopause. Excessive irritability, tides, fluctuations in blood pressure, sweating remain only in memory.

Reviews Many women regularly taking Solgar vitamins, prove it.

The composition and dosage form

Solgar vitamins are made from natural ingredients. Their composition is balanced, which has a positive effect on a woman's body during menopause. A convenient form of release capsules allows to always have them with you.

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Effect on the body

Content, mg

Seed extract soy isoflavones

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticellulite (due to influence the differentiation of fat cells);
  • It stimulates the regeneration of the epithelium;
  • enhances cell renewal;
  • It stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid fibroblasts;
  • reduces the effects of hyperpigmentation.


Black cohosh root extract

  • reduces hyperhidrosis;
  • reduced hot flushes;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • a positive effect on the emotional sphere: it reduces anxiety, tearfulness;
  • having spasmolytic effect.


berry extract of Vitex sacred

  • regulates the balance of sex hormones;
  • a positive effect on mood;
  • restores normal sleep;
  • stimulates regeneration processes.


The extract of angelica root drug

  • It improves the condition of vessels, normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the bone skeleton;
  • reduces cholesterol in the blood;
  • It tones the nervous system;
  • It has a spasmolytic effect.


Extract herb motherwort heart

  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • It has a mild hypotensive effect.


The powder raw root of Astragalus membranaceus

  • stimulates regeneration processes of epithelial cells;
  • reduced hot flushes;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • It has a bracing effect on a woman's body.


Milk thistle seed extract

  • positive effect on the liver;
  • It stimulates the regeneration of tissues.


Powder from raw angelica root drug

  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • It has a positive effect on psycho-emotional condition of the woman.


Indications and Benefits

Solgar vitamins, thanks to its balanced composition, fully take into account the physiological characteristics of women during menopause. Natural ingredients have an effect on hormones, so the herbal complex can be successfully used to correct the following conditions:

  • menstrual disorders: algomenoree, dysmenorrhea;
  • syndrome premenstrual tension;
  • in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • prevention of osteoporosis.

Reasons for taking vitamins Solgar during menopause, are:

  1. Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy.
  2. Symptoms of menopause expressed in mild to moderate severity.
  3. sleep disturbances.
  4. Problems of emotional sphere: tearfulness, resentment, irritability, frequent changes of mood.
  5. The emergence of the first signs of aging: reduction of skin and muscle tone, sagging skin, the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation, brittle nails and hair.
  6. decreased libido.
  7. Headache.
  8. Blood pressure drops.
  9. Related gynecological inflammatory diseases.

Benefits of Vitamin Solgar for women during menopause is the absence in their composition dyes, preservatives, sugar, gluten, yeast, and animal products. This plant complex has a high efficiency. For a lasting effect requires coursework Solgar vitamins.

Despite the apparent security, before taking vitamins Solgar should consult a specialist. He will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient, give advice on reception, will determine if there is enough will receiving a herbal complex or need to connect additional drugs for the relief of symptoms menopause.


Solgar Vitamins are used inside during or immediately after a meal. One or two capsules should be washed down with water.

In some cases the treating physician and the individual regimen herbal complex.

course duration

The duration of drug administration is 30 days. Then, in the need to make a break for a month. The highest efficiency can be achieved if the course of application.


The components that make up the Solgar vitamins are of natural origin, so the incidence of side effects are extremely rare. Of the most probable - the occurrence of allergic reaction in persons with hypersensitivity.

It should be noted that taking vitamin complex is prohibited during pregnancy planning, gestation and lactation. The ingredients that make up the Solgar vitamins, can have a negative effect on the fetus.

To permanently preserve good health, look great and feel attractive even during menopause, a woman needs support. Solgar Vitamins are able to provide it. Their effectiveness proved by a large number of representatives of the fair sex. All of them noted a significant improvement in patients receiving herbal complex: improved mood, skin and hair get healthy appearance, menopause symptoms subside, there is life energy.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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