- 1 Climax and its phases
- 2 Causes of
3 Symptoms and signs
- 3.1 ovaries
- 3.2 Uterus
- 3.3 urogenital area
- 3.4 Thyroid and mammary glands
- 3.5 Skin and bone
- 3.6 The heart and vessels
- 3.7 The nervous system and the emotional sphere
- 4 menopausal syndrome
- 5 definition
6 Relief of signs and symptoms
- 6.1 Lifestyle
- 6.2 hormonal treatments
- 6.3 Traditional medicine and phytoestrogens
- 6.4 Nutrition and physical activity
Menopause age is an important stage in a woman's life. This is a long process that takes place over many years. Climax has individual character, which is manifested by numerous signs and symptoms.
Climax and its phases
Menopause literally means the extinction of reproductive function, which occurs in response to hormonal changes in the body. In most cases, menopause begins after 45 years.
As part of the menopausal changes, a gradual menstrual dysfunction, which leads to the cessation of menstruation. Often, hormonal deficiency that occurs during menopause, stimulates vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders:
- hot flashes;
- sweating;
- tearfulness;
- irritability;
- pressure peaks;
- dryness of skin and mucous membranes;
- sleep disorders.
When menopause may experience dysfunctional bleeding, neuro-psychiatric disorders. As part of menopause changes occur opposite character, implying the termination of both fertility and menstrual function.
It is noteworthy that in Greek menopause means "ladder". Stage symbolize the steps that lead from the heyday of women's functions to their complete extinction.
Woman's life involves several age stages, each of which has its own characteristics in terms of physiology:
- Newborns - up to 10 days;
- childhood - up to 7 years;
- puberty - from 8 to 17 years;
- puberty - from 18 to 45 years old;
- Menopause;
- old age.
Climax, in turn, comprises several periods:
- premenopausal - from the age of 45 years and menopause;
- menopause - from the date of the last menstrual period covering the next year;
- postmenopause - menopause before 69 years of age.
Thus, when the average life expectancy of 75 years, at the climax of life account for a third of women.
Some women do not notice the onset of menopause. In some cases, hormonal changes leads to menopause.
Menopausal or menopausal syndrome occurs in 25-45% of cases and manifests disturbances in endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms and signs of menopausal symptoms significantly impair the quality of life of women and negatively affect her ability to work. That is why the treatment and alleviation of symptoms and signs of menopausal syndrome is an important task, not only in the field of gynecology.
It is noteworthy that the signs and symptoms of menopause have a single cause - the extinction of the reproductive function of the ovaries. In fact, numerous signs and symptoms are caused by the body's adaptation to hormone deficiency.
Gynecologists emit periods of menopause and conditionally indicate the time of occurrence and total duration. However, to determine the most likely time when a woman enters menopause in a particular phase is not possible. This is due to the fact that signs and symptoms are often different terms.
Climax all women comes in different ways. The nature and symptoms of menopause is influenced by:
- heredity;
- gynecological pathology;
- extragenital diseases;
- Lifestyle;
- accommodations.
In particular, the early onset of menopause occurs in women who smoke, as well as representatives of the living in the mountainous terrain. Heredity determines early menopause in 3% of cases and late menopause in 5% of cases.
Menopause may be early, late and physiological.
When menopause body first begins to operate at a limited number of hormones and then at their absence. To adapt the body to the lack of sex hormones, such as estrogen, it takes at least eight years.
Entry into menopause begins with pre-menopausal. Typically, menopause starts 4-6 years before the cessation of menstruation. During this period, the ovaries still synthesize hormones, however, to a much lesser extent. Hormonal imbalance and causes various signs and symptoms that indicate the violation of the internal organs.
Step menopause has fixed at its end. This is due to the fact that menopause occurs within one year after the last menstrual period. Within twelve months for statement of menopause should not be seen bleeding.
Some women identify menopause and menopause. However, the climax is a broader concept, which involves the gradual completion of the hormonal ovarian function. While menopause is a narrower concept, meaning only the last menstrual period and the year thereafter. In order to combine the premenopausal and the menopause, perimenopause, the term is used.
Postmenopause is the longest period of the menopause, unlike menopause. Noted early and late postmenopausal women. Early postmenopause lasts for the first five years.
For premenopausal observed irregular periods. However, after menopause spotting any number indicate pathology which needs to differential diagnosis.
The occurrence of pregnancy is possible only at the stage of pre-menopause, when there are more menstrual cycles and ovulation rare. After the entry of women in menopause pregnancy can not occur due to the lack of cycles, menstruation and ovulation.
In fact, menopause occurs because of a gradual reduction in estrogen levels, particularly estradiol. It is known that estrogens are synthesized by follicular unit, which is in a woman's ovaries.
Estrogens have an effect on the entire body of women:
- affect the character of cervical mucus that moistens the vagina;
- support metabolism;
- prevent the accumulation of cholesterol;
- control the delivery of calcium and phosphorus into bone tissue;
- stimulate the immune system function;
- affect the milk and sebaceous glands.
Sex hormones, especially estrogen, directly affect the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, cause thermoregulatory processes. From estrogen dependent female emotional background.
Accordingly, by reducing the estrogen female body reacts characteristic symptoms that depend on individual characteristics. Each woman has a different set of symptoms during menopause.
Menopause can not be considered an illness. However, the existence of menopausal and postmenopausal women can be quite pronounced, requiring appropriate correction. If hormonal fading occurs smoothly, as a rule, women have signs of a slight indisposition. With a sharp decrease estrogen levels during a short time marked symptoms expressed.
menopause may occur during early menopause and artificial.
Late menopause is celebrated after 55 years. It can be both physiological and pathological. Normally, late menopause is caused by a genetic predisposition that occurs in about 5% of cases. Sometimes late menopause occurs due to the development of estrogen-dependent tumors. That is why a thorough examination is recommended for late onset of menopause women.
Artificial menopause is the result of removal of ovaries due to cancer, endometriosis, inflammatory processes. Symptoms occur suddenly and are characterized by a rapid increase of. In order to prevent the occurrence of symptoms of menopause, a woman recommended HRT.
Early menopause occurs due to genetic predisposition, smoking. In some cases, the onset of menopause before 38 years indicates serious pathology - POF syndrome.
Pathological early menopause develops in the functioning of the young organism. Sudden estrogen deficiency causes a kind of shock. That is why early menopause usually manifests severe symptoms and signs.
The development of early menopause can occur in different ways.
- Depletion fatal character. The ovaries are significantly reduced in size, there are no follicles. In this form of menopause occurs with severe signs and symptoms. Menstrual function is missing.
- resistant ovary syndrome. The follicles do not respond to their own hormonal stimuli. Menstrual function differs violation. The ovaries look diminished, they contain single follicles. At this stage, the appropriate treatment.
Causes of
In menopause and menopause change it affects the whole body of women:
- reduced immunity;
- observed number of autoimmune diseases;
- aging progresses.
In the ovaries cease to grow follicles to ripen and then ovulate ovum. Over time, the follicles are replaced by connective tissue. Thus, creating sclerosis and ovaries decrease.
At birth, the number of eggs varies from 1 to 3 million. Before the first menstruation in girls occurs in about 400,000 eggs. By the time of menopause is still only 10 000 eggs. And menstrual loss of eggs is negligible percentage. A significant part of the egg undergoes atresia. After menopause, are only a few follicles, which will soon also disappear.
Reduced estrogen levels leads to increased production of LH and FSH. A year after menopause FSH levels increased by 14 times, while LH - 3 times.
There is a cessation of production of estradiol and estrone predominance, which also has an adverse effect on the body and causes the development of a variety of symptoms and signs.
Menopausal syndrome is due to a sharp decline in estrogen levels and characterized by the features of the following disorders:
- vegetative nevroticheskrih;
- urogenital;
- dystrophic;
- psychological.
It increases the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, osteoporosis. The increase in life expectancy leads to a lengthening of menopause. Thus, estrogen deficiency becomes more pronounced, causing frequent development of menopausal syndrome.
It is known that the onset of menopause is not. Gynecologists conditionally accept 45 years of age as its starting point. As a rule, the majority of women in this age there are the first manifestations of menopause. After about five years of menstrual function is completed fully.
If at the beginning of menopause signs and symptoms are not different severity in menopausal and postmenopausal women, their intensity increases.
Age of the woman, where she entered the menopause, is not significant in the absence of pathology. It is believed that the later menarche occurs, the longer they maintain their performance.
Age at menopause is not determined by the number of pregnancies and births. The value has a genetic predisposition, living conditions and lifestyles. However, in any case, menopause is defined ovarian dysfunction and decreased estrogen. Estrogens regulate the functioning of almost all systems. Estrogen receptors located in the skin, brain cells and conjunctiva of the eye.
The following factors causing the appearance of early menopause:
- genetic predisposition;
- hypothyroidism;
- tumor and brain trauma;
- stress and depression;
- operation on the ovaries, which can cause damage or removal of the follicular unit;
- intrauterine pathology with ovarian damage due to mumps, influenza or measles.
Symptoms and signs
Signs and symptoms of menopause are characterized by their unequal. For different periods of menopause is characterized by its signs and symptoms.
Gynecologists are divided on the symptoms and signs:
- rannevremennye;
- time average;
- pozdnevremennye.
By rannevremennym signs and symptoms include:
- flushing, fever, headache, sweating, chills, pressure surges, palpitations (vasomotor);
- weakness, irritability, restlessness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, depression, inattention, decreased libido (psychological).
Rannevremennye signs observed in both premenopausal and postmenopausal, postmenopausal women. Such women are observed gynecologists, psychoneurologists and therapists. Often develop high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, neurosis and depression.
Time average symptoms and signs include:
- dryness of mucous membranes of the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, urination, urinary incontinence (urogenital);
- wrinkles, dry skin and hair, hair loss, brittle nails (of the skin).
Signs and symptoms of the nature of time average observed after menopause and are characterized by atrophic processes of the urogenital tract and skin. Symptomatic treatment often does not bring relief.
Among pozdnevremennyh manifestations called:
- osteoporosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular nature;
- disorders of the ears, eyes.
Pozdnevremennye violations related to metabolic or exchange. They occur after five to ten years after menopause is complete. The lack of sex hormones cause changes in bone and lipid metabolism.
Gynecologists say that in 40% of cases of menopause and menopause occurs with the least severe signs and symptoms. Thus, the patient does not need serious treatment.
The very first symptom is the change in menstrual function associated with fluctuations in hormone levels. In perimenopausal symptoms worse. Women notice breast tenderness, appearance hot flashes and other symptoms.
In 75% of women among the complaints is dominated by a variety of psycho-emotional deviations. They are related to the fact that the centers of the brain responsible for the regulation of physiological and psychological, are located in close proximity to and influence each other.
The earliest changes are observed with respect to the functioning of the ovaries. Reduced production of sex hormones, which leads to numerous signs and symptoms.
First, the cycle time is changed. Cycles can be either shorter or longer. Menstrual discharge may be both abundant and scarce.
Follicles in the ovaries gradually disappear. In postmenopausal women, the follicles are completely absent. The ovaries decrease in size.
after menopause estrogen synthesis stops. In particular, a small amount of estrogen is synthesized by adipose tissue.
Hormonal changes affect the functioning of the uterus. It is known that the endometrium is extremely sensitive to estrogen. That sex hormones responsible for the growth of the functional layer in the first phase of the cycle. This phenomenon is necessary for the implantation of the ovum. If conception occurs, the endometrium surface layer is torn away during the second phase of the cycle, periods occur.
Unstable hormone levels in premenopausal sometimes leads to hyperplasia processes or excessive growth of the endometrium. As a result, it may develop polyposis, which is dangerous malignant transformation.
For some women, there is the appearance of adenomyosis. When the pathology observed casting and germination of endometrial cells in the myometrium and uterine parameters.
urogenital area
At menopause there is atrophy of the mucous membranes of the vagina and bladder. Loss of tissue elasticity, weakened sphincter, changes cervical mucus qualities associated with estrogen deficiency. In addition, the fabric also lose its protective properties.
These changes lead to the appearance of vaginal dryness, painful intercourse. Women rarely appear disbiotic processes in the vagina, urinary incontinence, cystitis and urethritis.
Thyroid and mammary glands
In premenopausal breast engorgement observed. In menopausal and postmenopausal women observed changes in breast shape. This phenomenon is due to the progressive atrophy of glandular tissue.
Women after menopause should pay close attention to the state of the mammary glands. Malignant breast tumors prevalent among other types of cancer in women. This is due to the fact that the tumor is hormone-dependent, which is of particular importance in the menopause and postmenopause.
It is known that the thyroid gland is dependent on the functioning ovaries. When menopause is often a lack of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is a dangerous condition that can be triggered by various pathological signs and symptoms.
Skin and bone
For women in menopause dry skin is different, the presence of wrinkles. The changes also undergo hair and nails, which are characterized by increased fragility.
After menopause annual volume of bone is decreased by 3%. Calcium and phosphorus are not absorbed in the bones without the involvement of estrogen, it is dangerous to the development of osteoporosis.
It is noteworthy that osteoporosis is not accompanied by any distinctive symptoms and signs. A woman is not concerned about pain. Often the patient will learn about osteoporosis after the first fracture. Without treatment, osteoporosis can lead to serious consequences - a fracture of the femoral neck, which implies a disability.
The heart and vessels
Cardiovascular tissue work with the increased load. Vessels lose elasticity. Microcracks on vascular walls contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol deposits. Elevated cholesterol affects the risk of heart disease and vascular pathologies. Often there is an arrhythmia, tachycardia and hypertension.
pressure surges and also heart attacks occur when tides. If hot flashes are accompanied by fever or chills, redness of the skin, repeated many times, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases manifold.
The nervous system and the emotional sphere
Women in menopause and postmenopausal women often distinguishes irritability, moodiness, increased anxiety, sleep disorders, which are directly linked to changes in the nervous system. Quite often, headaches and migraines.
menopausal syndrome
The pathological progression of menopause marked vasomotor symptoms and signs in 80% of cases. Symptoms appear tides at which dramatically expands the capillaries face, head, neck and chest. This may locally increase the body temperature. Hot flashes are usually accompanied by sweating, blushing, palpitations. Often tides occur at night, accompanied by sleep disorders. In severe hot flashes during their frequency may reach twenty. These signs and symptoms often lead to a decrease in efficiency.
When menopausal syndrome are sometimes found astenonevroticheskih disorders that manifest tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, fear. These symptoms occur before menopause. Vasomotor symptoms can last for five years after menopause.
Menopausal syndrome occurs simultaneously with urogenital, sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis. Perhaps the emergence of atypical shapes:
- sympathetic-adrenal crises, characterized by headache, hypertension, polyuria;
- myocardial dystrophy, which is characterized by pain in the heart;
- hives;
- vasomotor rhinitis.
To determine that the woman is in menopause, you can use the analysis to the level of FSH. And FSH level must be greater than LH. estrone concentration considerably higher than estradiol. Testosterone levels are also not correct.
Parallel to evaluate heart function of the thyroid gland. Doctors also prescribed for laboratory diagnostics. Status of internal genital organs is determined by ultrasound.
To detect osteoporosis, you need to perform DXA. A study to determine the bone density and compare the rate with normal values. Usually, diagnosis is assigned to reception of calcium preparations or to assess the effectiveness of treatment.
Relief of signs and symptoms
Menopause is not a disease. However, in most cases there is a need for a drug and non-drug methods to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.
Essential to ease unpleasant symptoms is the correct way of life. Doctors pay attention to patients in the high-grade long night's sleep, the observance of the regime of work and rest, regular exposure to fresh air. Refusal of bad habits, such as smoking, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and malignant diseases.
hormonal treatments
Often, to ease the signs and symptoms of menopause hormone therapy prescribers. Typically, physicians use a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
If vaginal dryness prescribe creams containing estrogen. Also, the estrogen contained in preparations with different dosage forms:
- pills;
- rings;
- sprays;
- gels;
- patches.
Before the appointment of hormonal woman should be screened. It is associated with numerous side effects that have hormones.
In postmenopausal hormone therapy is appointed in the following cases:
- hot flashes;
- emotional manifestations;
- vaginal dryness;
- urinary incontinence;
- the development of osteoporosis.
In postmenopausal hormones are the prevention of osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and may be appointed at:
- autonomic disorders;
- vaginal dryness;
- incontinence.
Hormone therapy is appointed for a term of three years and has the following contraindications:
- malignant tumor;
- bleeding;
- hyperplasia;
- thrombosis;
- hypertension;
- coronary heart disease;
- intolerance to medication.
Doctors prescribe hormonal agents with caution in the following cases:
- fibroids and endometriosis;
- migraine;
- gallstones;
- epilepsy;
- after the age of 6 years.
It is believed that the best period for the purpose of hormone therapy - perimenopause. In pre-menopausal hormone therapy is assigned courses. In postmenopausal women receiving hormonal agents may be on a continuous basis. Appointed as monotherapy, and comprehensive treatment. When used together, progestogens and estrogens increase the risk of heart attack, breast cancer, stroke. Admission only estrogen increases the possibility of stroke, endometrial cancer. In elderly women increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Reduce the frequency of hot flashes can be using antidepressants. Prevention of osteoporosis can be carried out by drug-bisphosphonates. These drugs can be used instead of hormone therapy.
Traditional medicine and phytoestrogens
Many medicinal plants have been recognized by official medicine, and are widely used to relieve the symptoms and signs of menopause and menopause. In particular, St. John's called a natural antidepressant thanks to the calming effect. Reduce the incidence of hot flashes and can enhance bones plant black cohosh or black cohosh, which is an alternative to drug treatment.
Phytoestrogens are appointed by the intolerance of hormonal methods. They are characterized by a mild exposure and without severe adverse events. In particular, using soy protein, red clover and primrose. However, the use of phytoestrogens, as well as other traditional medicine, is possible only under medical supervision.
Disorders of the cardiovascular, urogenital, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastro-intestinal tract are treated by physicians of different specializations together.
Nutrition and physical activity
A spokeswoman for menopause should avoid consumption of sharp, salty dishes and gifts. Before going to bed is not desirable to drink strong coffee or tea. Women should stick to a diet low in fat to prevent the development of metabolic syndrome.
The abundance of fruits, vegetables, herbs useful for the general well-being. It is advisable to choose lean meats, saltwater fish and seafood. You need to eat a fractional, small portions.
A proper diet must be combined with adequate physical activity. When menopause and climacterium necessary to select kinds of physical activity in accordance with the history, general state of health and level of preparation. Useful hiking, swimming, exercises from a sitting position and lying. Prevent uterine prolapse, and strengthen the muscles of the urogenital area, you can use the Kegel exercises. It is advisable to exercise complex picking a specialist after a preliminary examination.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.