What to do if the hair on the head falls out strongly

  • 1 Hair falls out strongly. What to do?
    • 1.1 Hair why fall out? Causes of
    • 1.2 Which doctor to consult if hair falls out very badly
    • 1.3 Hair falls heavily on the head in women - doctors advice
    • 1.4 The most effective chemist's masks, medicines and shampoos for hair loss
  • 2 Hair falls out - what to do at home?
    • 2.1 Ayurvedic massage from hair loss
    • 2.2 Folk recipes with the addition of vitamins and minerals
    • 2.3 Burdock oil from hair loss
    • 2.4 Folk remedies proven by time

It is considered the norm to have a slight hair loss, but if they fall out intensely, this is an occasion to ponderabout the causes of the problem and further treatment. How to find out the causes of hair loss, how to deal with them and what to do, why do they break, break, fall out, become thin and dull, how to make them thicker and lush, restore the natural look? We suggest to consider these issues in more detail.

Hair falls out strongly. What to do?

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Before you start the fight, you should find out the root cause( factors, including human ones, that affected the process of loss) and then fight it, and not with the investigation. Quite often it happens that such problems occur in infants or a newborn( dermatitis, focal( nested), subfebrile, androgenetic or androgenic infection), the main problem is that the head is itchy, which causes moodiness and stress in the baby. If you notice a disorder, we recommend that you first go to a dermatological center to find out and eliminate the disease. A lot of advice on the treatment of the child is given by Dr. Komarovsky.

Hair why fall out? Causes of

Shevelura mapping of the general health of a person is precisely for this reason to her condition of increased attention. So why is she getting into a deplorable state and starting to fall out heavily, what is causing her harm? If we reject the probability of genetic predisposition to baldness( usually a spot on the frontal part, more often the problem of men, even the strong and healthy ones, the cause of increased testosterone) and summarize the scientifically grounded evidence( human factor):

• ecology;

• the wrong image;

• irritating factors - stress, depression( taking antidepressants), after a tanning salon, laser hair removal in the cabin, often such problems occur in the spring( April to June);

• the main enemy in the life of the girl - staining the roots, painting or brightening / highlighting, spinning with a hair dryer / curl, etc.;

• age-related changes in the person( graying and falling out strongly);

• obesity( excess weight in humans) also causes a strong fallout;

• Dystrophy - even a slight lack of human weight can adversely affect the condition of the hair;

• food products;

• taking medications is the greatest harm from antidepressants, but other medicines can damage the human hair, the most aggressive drugs are prescribed for the treatment of dermatitis, HIV, in the treatment of hormonal diseases, antidepressants belong to the same category;

• diseases - hormonal diseases( especially female hormonal background), pregnancy, childbirth and lactation( with breastfeeding), HIV, dermatitis, at high blood pressure, after chemotherapy hair always scrapes, can stay on the comb with whole strands( experts recommend haircut nalyso), after the flu or pneumonia the same problems arise.

To which doctor to consult if the hair of

falls out very badly. The first thing that a person needs to do when a problem is detected( when the hair falls out in bundles, entire fragments remain on the comb) - find out the root cause. If these drugs( antidepressants, for example) - stop taking, etc. But it is better to consult a trichologist and take tests( blood for hormones, phototrichogram, tomography, etc.).

Hair falls heavily on the head of women - doctors advice

You should know that no one will offer you a magic pill, except for a correctly diagnosed cause and preferably at a young age( up to 30 years).On the advice of doctors, we can summarize the following recommendations, minimizing the human factor:

• daily walks in the fresh air for at least half an hour a day;
• small physical exertion of at least 10-20 minutes per day;
• balanced nutrition and its correct culture;
• Proper hair care - hair, like the whole body, requires a balanced diet, moisturizing, etc. This is well help cosmetic procedures( saturate the hair with vitamins and minerals).

The most effective chemist's masks, medications and hair loss shampoos

Care and treatment for strong loss from a wide selection of purchased cosmetic products, for example, TM: Recipes of Agafia's grandmother, Belita, Kaaral, Avon, Willows Roshe, Vichy, etc.), to the pharmacy( therapeutic) drugs: Alerana, Sulsen( paste), Selenzin, Pantobriar, Biocon, Roaccutane, Alopecia, Seborrhea Cream, etc. The medicines and recipes of traditional medicine( a huge selection of products( masks, spray, balm, supplementsin shampoo, etc.), which can be done in domashnyh conditions from ancestors and contemporaries).

Hair falling out - what to do at home?

Testimonials of practitioners speak of the tremendous effectiveness of the combined approach for treatment against severe loss: cosmetics, masks, massages, etc., with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Variations of treatment methods are recommended to be considered below.

Ayurvedic massage from hair loss

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian teaching. They claim that the curls are a side effect( remnant) of the formation of bones. The practice of recovery( treatment) consists of a mandatory head massage, which is desirable to do as often as possible in your situation. Can be combined with the application of a mask( ancillary combination).Recipes of masks are similar to our folk remedies and they are easy to prepare at home by yourself.

Traditional recipes with the addition of vitamins and minerals

Our ancestors used herbs( decoctions, tinctures), vegetables, fruits and clay. But since today the labor costs for preparing masks at home can be reduced, we recommend the most common and effective recipe for the treatment of head of hearing from many diseases provoking a strong fallout( dermatitis, inflammation, dandruff, etc.), which consists of oil( burdock, castor, sea-buckthorn, oliveand so forth, it is better to alternate them), glycerin and vitamins in ampoules. Strengthen the effect of minerals( vitamins and minerals are sold in the pharmacy without prescriptions in ampoules).

Burdock oil from hair loss

Oil can be used as an independent tool, or strengthen its effect by additional components. Ideal is the option of vitamins and minerals. You should also take into account the type of hair: for dry it is possible to add milk, egg white or sour cream to the composition, for fat add egg yolk( raw) or any sour-milk product with reduced fat content. This option will not only reduce the strong loss, but also help in dealing with the tips of the tips, strengthen the weakened and damaged hair, relieve dandruff, dermatitis, prevent brittleness and restore the structure. It is recommended to do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Folk remedies, time-tested

Ancestors believed that the strong fallout of human strands associated with damage( jinxed), with this phenomenon worked as guides, tracked according to the dream of enemies( believed that he should dream), etc. However, they always used proven recipesfor treatment. Here are some of them to stop strong loss and not to lose natural beauty( on oil basis, it is possible to apply on wet and / or dry locks):

# 1:

• wheat germ - 2 tbsp;
• oil( castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, essential oils);
• pepper( red, not more than ½ tsp);
• cognac( vodka, alcohol) - 1 tbsp.


• oil( variants are the same) - 2 tbsp;
• mustard( powder) - ½ tsp;
• sugar - 1 tbsp.
• yolk.

# 3:

• onion juice / infusion - 1 tea;
• oil - 1 tbsp;
• yolk;
• sour cream - 1 tbsp.

These recipes will help both men and women / girls, awaken sleeping bulbs that prevent strong growth. All these compounds are not very pleasant( after baking, especially if there are wounds), but are effective in strengthening hair and restoring the structure. Apply to every hair, roots, when applying, massage the skin. Leave on the hair for 10-20 minutes, then thoroughly wash your head.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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