Laparoscopy ovarian cyst: how the operation, reviews, postoperative period


  • 1 What is an ovarian cyst, and when treatment is necessary
  • 2 Benefits
  • 3 Preparation for laparoscopic ovarian cyst
    • 3.1 Assays for laparoscopic ovarian cyst
  • 4 Laparoscopy ovarian cyst: the operation passes
  • 5 The postoperative period after laparoscopic ovarian cyst
  • 6 Recovery from laparoscopic ovarian cyst
  • 7 Complications after laparoscopic ovarian cyst
    • 7.1 Pain and discomfort in the shoulder and chest
    • 7.2 Allocation after laparoscopic ovarian
    • 7.3 infectious complications
    • 7.4 injury to organs
    • 7.5 Temperature after laparoscopy ovarian cysts
  • 8 Contraindications
  • 9 Reviews
  • 10 conclusion

Laparoscopy ovarian cysts is common in the field of gynecological surgery. Cyst can cause pain and disorders of the reproductive function, which requires their removal. A laparoscopic method is a treatment option sparing enabling shorten the recovery period.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

What is an ovarian cyst, and when treatment is necessary

Cyst - is mostly benign formation, which can be both on the surface and in the body of the column. In appearance resembles a cystic neoplasm bubble. The structure and contents depend on the etiology of education.

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Attention! The cyst has a number of varieties, some of which have to regenerate the property. Process involving degeneration benign cells called malignancy.

Gynecologists are the following types of cysts:

  • follicular;
  • luteal;
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid;
  • mucinous.

Most cysts are single entities. If follicular neoplasms have multiple character, talking about PCOS. The syndrome often provokes a sustained reduction in fertility due to a variety of endocrine disorders. In such cases, perform the notches on the ovaries.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

Removal of follicular and luteal be formations which have not undergone the regression. When surgery is required endometrioid tumors, if the drug therapy was ineffective. Dermoid cyst and mucinous treated only with surgery.

The reproductive cycle of paired organ are trying to preserve. Complete removal of the ovaries with cyst may hold female menopause. Laparoscopic technique requires hospitalization and preliminary examination.


Laparoscopic surgery to remove ovarian cysts relates to a sparing interventions. Traditional sectional view offline, since surgical procedures are carried out by means of several incisions in the abdomen.

Call the following advantages of the method:

  • lower risk of the formation of adhesions, intestinal hypotension;
  • insignificant probability of formation of a hernia;
  • small rapid healing of postoperative wounds;
  • minor limitations in the recovery period;
  • the absence of gross visible scars.

After the operation the woman can as soon as possible to return to the familiar for her lifestyle.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

Preparation for laparoscopic ovarian cyst

A laparoscopy is a full surgical procedure, which requires the necessary examinations. The woman is usually hospitalized in the hospital for 1-2 days prior to the intervention. It is compulsory to the patient talk with the anesthesiologist the day before surgery.

Before laparoscopy patient need to follow a diet that excludes the use of gas-forming foods and beverages. The last meal is carried out not later than 18.00. Women are allowed to drink water to 22.00. On the day of surgery you can not eat and drink.

Preparation for intervention also includes hygienic shower, hair removal in the pubic area and perineum.

Assays for laparoscopic ovarian cyst

List of tests for laparoscopic ovarian cyst usually includes:

  • blood tests (total and biochemical), urine;
  • screening for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • ultrasound organs located in the pelvis;
  • fluorography lungs;
  • definition of Rhesus blood group;
  • gynecological smears (shared, bakposev, detection of genital infections).

Inspection may also include determining the concentration of sex steroids, and thyroid hormone. A woman visits a therapist, who appoints the ECG, coagulation detection contraindications to intervention.

Laparoscopy ovarian cyst: the operation passes

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In most cases, it is recommended tracheal intubation, which allows control of the respiratory function and maintain anesthesia for the required time. Eve carried premedication, sedation implying administration in conjunction with hypnotic.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

A table on which is performed a laparoscopy must be tilted at the head end by 30 degrees. It is necessary for the adoption of the necessary provisions of the intestine in order to obtain access to the ovaries.

Stomach area is treated with antiseptic. Then the navel operate puncture for filling the abdominal cavity with carbon dioxide, is introduced laparoscope. This is a special tool with a camera and light source. Side in the groin puncture to make space manipulators with the necessary tools. Laparoscopy right ovary is most often carried out by the statistics.

In the process of intervention perform husking cysts, as well as the wedge-shaped excision of the ovary. In some cases, it requires the removal of the entire organ. The doctor examines the surrounding tissues. If necessary, laparoscopy is complemented by the classical operation.

In the absence of bleeding tools recovered, and carbon dioxide is aspirated. In region punctures applied sutures, sterile bandage.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

At the final stage of the anesthesiologist checks breathing woman, her general condition. In the absence of patient complications transferred to the ward. Usually intensive care is required.

Histology after laparoscopic ovarian cyst is carried out in cases of suspected oncology.

The postoperative period after laparoscopic ovarian cyst

After the intervention is usually recommended to rise from the bed a few hours later. The patient can gently move around the room. Appointed a special light diet. The diet includes stewed meat, vegetables, dairy products.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

joints treatment is carried out on a daily basis. Antibiotics after laparoscopic ovarian prevent inflammation development. It is also necessary to control body temperature. A woman usually prescribed for 3-5 hours. Sutures are removed in the outpatient clinic (7-10 days). After 2 weeks of work capacity is restored. Physical activity after laparoscopic ovarian cyst should not be excessive.

Recovery from laparoscopic ovarian cyst

Rehabilitation after laparoscopic ovarian cyst is different short duration. The consequences of interference observed in rare cases. After 10-14 days, the hospital after laparoscopic ovarian cyst is over, the woman returns to the normal rhythm of life.

it is recommended to use contraception to prevent pregnancy until the end of the cycle. Treatment after laparoscopic ovarian cyst is usually required when removing endometrial formations. If the intervention is carried out on the functional and lutein cysts, planning a pregnancy can be a few weeks. Visit a solarium after laparoscopic ovarian cysts is not recommended during the month.

Complications after laparoscopic ovarian cyst

Recovery after removal of ovarian cysts by laparoscopy usually passes without features. Effects of distance education laparoscopically are infrequent. Complications may have an individual nature and be a consequence of various disturbances during operation.

Pain and discomfort in the shoulder and chest

bloating after laparoscopic ovarian is the norm. Pain syndrome disturbs the patients during the first day. Pain after laparoscopic ovarian cyst should not be intense. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the region puncture, groin and shoulder right. Phrenic nerve gases irritate the remains, which leads to short-term pain. Bandage after laparoscopic ovarian cysts can reduce the severity of symptoms.

In addition to local pain, and observed body aches and swelling. Some patients are marked back pain after laparoscopic ovarian cyst.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)

Allocation after laparoscopic ovarian

In the first days after the intervention may cause smearing, sukrovichnyh selections. Normally, spotting after laparoscopic ovarian cyst should not be abundant

infectious complications

Joining infection possible non-compliance with the rules of asepsis. Sometimes the cause of infection becomes chronic inflammatory process. On the development of complications indicates a significant increase in temperature, intense pain, the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor.

injury to organs

Violation of the integrity of the organs in the pelvis (bowel, bladder) occurs infrequently. Filled with carbon dioxide, a video camera equipped devices reduce the risk of organ injury. Otherwise it may require repeated intervention to repair damaged tissue.

Temperature after laparoscopy ovarian cysts

Perhaps the increase in body temperature to subfebrile units after surgery, including laparoscopy. Elevated temperatures may occur within a few days after the intervention.

A significant rise in temperature indicates the accession of infection and the development of complications.


Spaying laparoscopic technique may be contraindicated. Typically, the operation is not carried out in the following cases:

  • obesity stage 3-4;
  • stroke and heart attack;
  • hemostatic disorders;
  • abdominal surgery, which was carried out less than 6 months ago;
  • oncological alertness;
  • peritonitis;
  • shock states;
  • blood loss;
  • fistulas;
  • purulent lesion of the skin.

Some contraindications are relative. When eliminating them may be deleted by laparoscopic techniques.

Laparoscopy ovary (cyst removal)


Laparoscopy appendages is sparing surgical option. Reviews of patients indicate a low trauma and efficiency of operations. Stitches after laparoscopic ovarian cyst left little cosmetic defect, which is important from an aesthetic point of view.

In contrast to open surgery, laparoscopic plan pregnancy after removal method is possible from the next cycle. Reviews of patients indicate that surgical intervention does not affect the reproductive function. Hematoma after laparoscopic ovarian cyst resolves usually without consequences.


Laparoscopy ovarian cyst - a modern operation, wherein low-trauma and lack of serious complications. Intervention allows to maximally preserve the paired organ tissue and reproductive function.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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