Endometrial hyperplasia is cancer or not


  • 1 What is called endometrial hyperplasia
  • 2 Hyperplasia and cancer
  • 3 Symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia
  • 4 The causes of cancer with endometrial hyperplasia
  • 5 How to treat hyperplasia, so as not to develop cancer

Any pathological changes of tissues in the body and scare suggestive of cancer. In the area of ​​women's reproductive health diagnosis "cancer" or "precancers" is increasingly being. This is due to the general increase in life expectancy, modern facilities to diagnose the disease in its earliest stages, as well as environmental degradation in the world. Improper diet and a lack of ideas about a healthy lifestyle leads to disorders of the endocrine system and metabolism, which inevitably leads to malfunctions of the reproductive system.

Endometrial cancer in Russia has the second highest incidence rate among women after breast cancer. Every year, this type of "younger" cancer, and today there is a large increase in the incidence of young women under the age of 29 years.

What is called endometrial hyperplasia

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Endometrial hyperplasia - a diagnosis, which is put upon detection of abnormal tissue growths inside lining of the uterus, characterized by increasing the number of endometrial cells. It is not cancer, but in some cases, without timely treatment can lead to a diagnosis of "precancer" and the further development of endometrial cancer.

Endometrium - hormone-dependent tissue of the uterus, which normally is completely replaced within a month. In the first two - three days of the cycle (at the time of bleeding) there is a complete rejection of the old cloth, and then gradually capacity of the new mucosal layer that ideally, a 26-28 day from the beginning of menstruation, will have a thickness of about 1-1.3 centimeters.

Endometrium grows under the influence of female sex hormones (estrogens). When hyperplasia, often because of hormonal balance, it is found not only thickening of the mucus layer within the uterus, but also increased formation glands abnormalities in their shape and size.

Normal figures uterine lining thickness on ultrasound:

  • 5-7 day cycle, the early phase of proliferation - 3-7 mm;
  • 8-10 day cycle, proliferation phase average - 5.10 mm;
  • 11-14 day cycle, the late phase of proliferation - 7-14 mm;
  • 15-18 day cycle, the early phase secretion - 10-16 mm;
  • 19-23 day cycle, the phase of the average secretion - 10-18 mm;
  • 24-27 day cycle, late phase of secretion - 10-17 mm.

There are several forms of the disease, depending on the structure formation:

  • glandular - membrane thickening and overgrowth due to changes in the shape gland tissue;
  • glandulocystica - complemented by the expansion of tissue cysts of the glands;
  • cystic - the formation of numerous cysts in the mucosal tissues;
  • atypical hyperplasia - changing the structure of tissue cells;
  • Alopecia (polypous) - is the formation of glandular, cystic and glandular-cystic polyps inside the uterus.

The first three types are simple form of the disease are characterized by thickening of the mucous layer uniform over the entire surface, and atypical, alopecia and polypous hyperplasia characterized by pathological changes in tissues only in certain surface regions and belong to a complex (or complex) hyperplasia.

Hyperplasia and cancer

By itself, endometrial hyperplasia - it's not cancer. Nevertheless, the presence of such diseases requires timely monitoring and treatment, as well as some form of uterine hyperplasia can cause precancer.

Consider the likelihood of developing cancer of endometrial hyperplasia:

  • simple hyperplasia - the risk of cancer - 1 in 100;
  • Complex - 3 cases out of 100;
  • with simple hyperplasia with presence of atypical cells are increased risks to 8 per 100;
  • in complex with atypia - up to 29 cases per 100.

In this way, it becomes clear that the untimely treatment of hyperplasia can be dangerous and cause uterine cancer.

Most doctors believe that the complex hyperplasia (atypical or polypous) - this is a precancer. The threat of degeneration to malignant neoplasm without treatment is up to 14 percent.

Endometrial hyperplasia adenomatous type - is also a precancer. Glandular proliferation of cells characterized by impaired maturation of cells and tissue atypia, precedes carcinoma of the endometrium. Risk of disease in cancer transformation is, according to some reports, between 20 to 30 percent.

lobular hyperplasia in appearance very similar to cancer. Therefore, removal of polyps is always directed to a detailed histological examination.

Symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia

Given that hyperplasia can cause cancer, you need to be attentive to any symptoms that may indicate the manifestation of cancer. Of course, the presence of one or even several of these symptoms can not say that it was cancer, but still needs attention: medical consultation, diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms that indicate endometrial hyperplasia.

  • Pain in the lower third of the abdomen (below the navel). The pain may be localized in one point or have blurred boundaries, it is often only in the premenstrual period and bleeding time.
  • The increase in the abdomen below the navel can talk not only about the fact that a woman gained weight. If diet and physical activity remained the same, pay attention to your female health.
  • Back pain. Pain in the lumbar region or lower often indicates a problem in the reproductive system.
  • Bleeding between periods. Any allocation of blood at the wrong time (spotting, breakthrough bleeding, blood in the mucus) are abnormal and require early advice gynecologist.

The causes of cancer with endometrial hyperplasia

Sex steroid hormones provide normal uterine mucosa changes in different phases of the cycle. In case of violation of hormonal background, they lead to the proliferation of hyperplastic education, which creates background for the development of cancer.

The exact causes of the transition of hyperplasia in precancer or cancer scientists are still unknown. However, there are a number of risk factors that are proven to increase the likelihood of malignancy.

The aetiology of pre-cancer and cancer of the uterus:

  • endocrine metabolic disorders (obesity, hypertension, diabetes);
  • disruption of the hormone system (excess or deficiency of the female hormone imbalance);
  • tumoral processes in appendages (many tumors are accompanied ovarian endometrial cancer or precancer);
  • a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • failure of sexual system functions inherent nature (sex, pregnancy, birth of children);
  • menopause later laid age (after 55 years);
  • stimulated prolonged treatment with hormonal therapy to treat breast cancer ( "tamoxifen").

In 70 percent of cases Endometrial cancer is a combination of factors such as the overproduction of the hormone estrogen endocrine and metabolic disorders. In this case, non-aggressive malignancy, characterized by slow growth and weak metastasis.

How to treat hyperplasia, so as not to develop cancer

After a full examination of the patient, the doctor will determine the best treatment option problems. Today used as a surgical, and after conservative treatment of the endometrium growths.

Surgery It can be directed to the removal of diseased tissue or organ affected entirely. By minimally invasive hyperplasia can be removed by means of scraping with the hysteroscope. This treatment is carried out in cases not started in order to preserve the reproductive function of women. When recurrent or running hyperplasia prescribe full or partial hysterectomy. This allows you to get rid of the problem and eliminate the possibility of cancer.

Adenomatous hyperplasia type It can only be removed by surgery.

Conservative treatment It involves taking hormonal preparations, aimed at elimination of the cause of the disease (hormone disorder).

Today in medicine there is every opportunity to avoid the development of cancer of the uterus of endometrial hyperplasia. To do this on a regular basis (at least once a year) to visit the gynecologist and carry out the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures recommended by the physician.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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