- 1 As monthly affect weight
- 2 whether the weight is added during menstruation
- 3 How many days before the monthly weight increases
4 As far as the weight increases during menstruation
- 4.1 Norm weight gain before menstruation
- 5 Why the weight increase before menstruation
- 6 How many leaves weight after a month
- 7 How not to gain weight before menstruation
- 8 conclusion
Many women say that during menstruation weight increases. The increase could reach 1-3 kg. Simultaneously, it can be seen the appearance of edema and disruption of defecation process. Weight increase before menstruation begins. After the end of menstruation scored kilos disappear.
As monthly affect weight
Hormonal changes, taking place in the body with the beginning of menstruation, a woman is reflected in the title. In the 2nd phase of the cycle in the body increases the concentration of progesterone - a hormone of pregnancy. Under the action of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase is activated, the body begins to extract from the received food more nutrients and store fat.
Some during menstruation weight continues to increase. This is caused by malformed diet during the emergence of premenstrual syndrome.
Weight gain also contribute to edema. Accumulated superfluous liquid provokes the appearance senses gravity in the abdomen, nausea. The accumulation of water in brain tissue causes irritability, nervousness, depression. Changes in hormonal levels also leads to mood swings.
A few days after the onset of menstruation hormones stabilize, swelling takes place and the woman manages to take control of appetite and review the dietary habits.
whether the weight is added during menstruation
Many patients complain of gynecologists, the weight increases by 1-2 day cycle. During this period, weighed undesirable because of fluctuations of concentration of progesterone, estrogen deteriorates serotonin - the hormone responsible for the good mood. Seeing that weight increases, many are upset begin seizing stress sweets.
weight gain during menstruation due to female physiology. If you follow the diet, reduce the amount of consumed coffee, strong tea, to give up alcohol, it appeared gain disappears at 5-7 day cycle.
Important! Weight increases when during menstruation there are constipation, bloating occurs.
With the onset of menstruation hormonal changes and the extra weight gradually leave.
How many days before the monthly weight increases
The increase in body weight caused by hormonal changes, starts in phase 2 cycles. progesterone concentration increases gradually after ovulation. Many notice the appearance of weight gain before menstruation even for 5-7 days prior to their commencement.
Dialed kilos should leave at the time of completion of menstruation. If the weight is not normalized, it continues to grow, so there were violations diet. At this point, the excess fluid is discharged with urine, stool normal.
As far as the weight increases during menstruation
Due to fluid retention, change and deterioration peristalsis food preferences body weight increases. But to sit on a rigid diet, noticing the appearance of excess kilograms on the scales, it is not necessary. This cyclic physiological changes caused by an abrupt change in hormone levels.
Deduct dialed kilograms to hormonal changes, monthly passes in the body, it is possible only under the condition that the weight comes back to the original performance. Do not be afraid if you do not go during menstruation weight. He begins to decrease after 3 days of the cycle.
If kilograms remained after the end of menstruation, for the normalization of the state, it is desirable to add exercise and diet to reconsider. Sometimes after the menstruation is a small increase. The increase in mass of 300 g is not a problem, but if the girl will recover so every month for a year, you can quietly collect 3.6 kg.
Norm weight gain before menstruation
Before the start of menstruation a woman can get better. There are no set rules, every body is different. No trace may disappear growth of up to 1 kg. It is considered acceptable weight fluctuation, which should not be a cause for concern.
Many say that the body weight in the 2nd phase of the cycle is increased by 2-3 kg. Such weight gain before menstruation is considered to be physiological if, after their completion status of normal and customary value appears on the scale.
Women who gain more than 3 kg per month, doctors are advised to follow the diet and lifestyle to reconsider. Such swings provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.
Why the weight increase before menstruation
Those versed in the female physiology, it is recommended not to worry because every kilo added in anticipation periods. There are several reasons cause the girls get better:
- fluid retention;
- increased appetite;
- diet change (increase in the number of simple carbohydrates and foods delaying liquid).
Progesterone is a hormone of pregnancy, under his influence, the body starts the process of accumulating reserves. Nutrients are absorbed more active at the same time increases the appetite. So the female body prepares for a possible pregnancy.
Attention! If the Phase 2 does not break the diet, follow the diet, not to succumb to temptations, the sharp increase in weight before menstruation will not. But fluctuations in the range of 1 kg can not be avoided.
In the 2nd phase lining of the uterus is trying to accumulate moisture. But fluid can not stay only in the mucous membranes, it is distributed by the existing fat. Also under the influence of progesterone begins to linger urine. Most such bodies swell:
- mucous membrane of the uterus;
- buttocks;
- thighs, calves;
- stomach;
- face (the nasolabial region).
Accumulation of fluid necessary to the body during menstruation has not begun to suffer from dehydration. 1-2 days before menstruation, provided that fertilization has not occurred, the progesterone content drops, and estrogen levels begin to increase. But the swelling is not lost during this period. Estrogens promote sodium retention in the cells, due to this water collects in them.
After the release of the egg begins production of prolactin. It leads to a surplus of water retention. Women who have elevated prolactin levels, it is hard to lose weight, all dialed kilograms remain.
How many leaves weight after a month
Weighed on the day of onset of menses is not recommended. During this period, the swelling still persist, so the numbers on the scale may be upset. Permissible even a slight weight gain during menstruation, because hormonal changes going on in this period.
Bouncing back indicators begin on day 3-5 of the cycle. For 5-7 days the metabolism is normalized, accumulated water is completely away from the body. This ensures that the weight stabilized.
Important! If 5-7 day monthly status is not normal, to lose weight without changing diet and other physical activities will not succeed.
How not to gain weight before menstruation
The girls, who after every critical days is overweight, it is desirable to review the way of life. Particular attention should be given to 2-cycle phase. If you curb your appetite and do not forget the need to moderate physical activity, you will not be of increases. It does not increase the weight of women who adhere to the following guidelines. Nutritionists with gynecologists advise:
- minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates;
- refuse from the food consumption which leads to water retention in the body: sausages, pickles, sausages, other harmful products;
- increase physical activity;
- control weight.
Nutritionists advise to exclude from the menu of pastries, confectionery, chocolate. Provide the body with carbohydrates, you can use cereals, fruits, vegetables, corn bread.
Women who have critical days before the weight increases, trying to get rid of it using the grueling workouts. As a result, the body is under stress, the need for serotonin increases. The easiest way to get to produce the hormone of happiness - to eat the sweetness. With a lack of willpower, you can get a vicious circle.
Moderate exercise, bringing emotional satisfaction, reduce appetite. During the period of activity is produced adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones increase the tone of the brain, relieve depressive mood and stimulates the process of lipolysis. Moderate load contributed to the fact that the weight will stand before menstruation. A slight increase in weight can be triggered by edema, and not increasing the volume of fat tissue.
Noting that during menstruation increases the weight, do not worry. It is necessary to determine the amount of increase and to find out how the body weight after the end of menstruation. An increase is a physiological process which is triggered by the appearance of hormonal changes in the body.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.