4 weeks of pregnancy: signs of what happens to the fruit, pulls the lower abdomen, discharge


  • 1 Gestational age 2 weeks after conception
  • 2 Feel
  • 3 development of the embryo
    • 3.1 Appearance
    • 3.2 The size of the gestational sac
  • 4 Diagnostics
    • 4.1 ultrasound
  • 5 possible complications
    • 5.1 dragging pain
    • 5.2 Spotting and bleeding

The fourth week of pregnancy, obstetric coincides with the delay period is the time of menstruation and for the primary diagnosis by the come conception tests, blood and in some cases US. At the fourth week the woman almost does not feel the signs of pregnancy, but it can reliably determine its current methods. On ultrasound the doctor can visualize the ovum small size (1-1.5 mm), but more often captures a sufficient thickness of the endometrium and corpus luteum.

Gestational age 2 weeks after conception

There are two main methods for calculating the duration of pregnancy: fetal and obstetric. In the first case, the period is counted from the moment of conception, or the day of ovulation, attributable to the mid-cycle. While maternity period is counted from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. And the embryonic period of two weeks less than the midwife.

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Thus, obstetric 4 weeks are equal to two embryonic weeks. At this early stage, most women only find out about the pregnancy, but some still are not aware of it.


Due to the strong hormonal changes in pregnant women following signs and symptoms may occur at 4 obstetric week:

  • increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • nagging pain in the back and lower abdomen;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • Sometimes there is a feeling of nausea;
  • strong sensitivity to the pungent smell;
  • increased salivation.

Severity of the above symptoms, each woman has individual character. Someone does not feel any changes, and will not even suspect that became pregnant, while others immediately experience a change even at this early stage.

A sure sign of pregnancy is a 2 week delay. Successful fertilization results in the cessation of production of ovarian hormones, namely estrogen. When the alleged occurrence of a new cycle has not occurred rejection of the endometrium and the onset of menstruation. From now until the end of pregnancy, the ovaries will not ripen new follicles.

development of the embryo

One of the main features obstetric 4 or 2 weeks is fastening fetal embryo in the uterus. Around him are beginning to develop vital extraembryonic organs: chorion, which further transformed into the placenta, yolk sac and amnion, subsequently transforming a fetal bubble.

Chorion at the very beginning of their education is gradually producing a specific hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. The rapid increase in the level of hCG in the blood is one of the main signs of pregnancy.

The yolk sac, in turn, is a consequence of the release of the egg and follicle destruction. In case of pregnancy the corpus luteum remains in a woman's body and up to 12 weeks synthesizes vital for fetal hormone progesterone. After the first trimester of this function begins to execute the placenta, and in the late 6th - early 7th month of pregnancy, the corpus luteum is in most cases completely resolves.


Outwardly, the embryo at 4 obstetric week is similar to the drive consisting of three layers. The layers are germ layers from which are subsequently formed organs and tissues.

  • endoderm. Is an internal germ layers, from which later develop lungs and digestive organs, including the liver and pancreas.
  • mesoderma - average embryonic leaf. It gives rise to the skeleton, muscular system, the kidneys, and the structures of the cardiovascular system.
  • Ectoderm. Represents an outer seed layer, which is intended for the formation of the skin, hair, eye lenses, tooth enamel, as well as of organs and tissues of the nervous system.

The development of the embryo organs and tissues is a characteristic feature of a later period, this process begins at 4 or 6 obstetric fetal gestation.

The size of the gestational sac

The unborn child at 2 weeks of pregnancy has minimum dimensions. Size ovum is from 0.5 to 1.5 mm, which can be equated to the value of a poppy seed.

Nutrition and healthy expectant mother played an important role in that from a very small three-layer disc has developed a strong and healthy baby, ready for the birth.


At such an early period, not all women know about his new position, and sometimes obvious signs and symptoms of non-existent. To confirm the successful fertilization and embryo attach to the uterus is most often carried out standard pregnancy test, examine blood hCG levels, in some cases further do an ultrasound.

Pregnancy test - is one of the first and the available ways to determine pregnancy even before the first signs and symptoms of conception. The second strip of varying degrees of severity indicates the presence of pregnancy. Some test systems can show the estimated time period.

However, the presence of only one strip is not always a clear sign of the lack of pregnancy. It may have been a late ovulation, so from the moment of fertilization insufficient time has passed for the accumulation of hCG in the urine.

blood levels of hCG study will determine the pregnancy is already a week after conception. In the second week of embryonic one of the signs is the concentration of hCG in the blood of at least 25 mIU / ml, while the average values ​​of the laboratory tests are within 100-120 mIU / ml.


If a woman notices the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy, but the tests are negative, the doctors often prescribe ultrasound. At this early period can be seen only indirect signs of pregnancy and fetal development, namely:

  • differs fetal bag;
  • been an increase in uterine blood vessels, associated with the need to deliver nutrients to the fertilized egg;
  • You may notice the yolk sac, which is a ring formation.

At the 4 week obstetric yet it is impossible to consider the developing embryo. One of the only signs of pregnancy is the presence of yolk sac, which subsequently feed the embryo.

possible complications

Fertilization, its attachment to the uterine cavity and the start of development of the embryo correspond to the first month gestation and are very complex biochemical, molecular processes requiring adjustment hormonal system mother.

In this regard, the presence of complications and other signs indicative of a pathological condition, 4 obstetrical week much more than, for example, in the middle of the second trimester.

The main symptoms of anxiety for pregnant women during the first weeks are pulling pain in the lower abdomen and occurrence of bleeding. However, not all these signs are symptoms of pathologies.

dragging pain

Drawing in the lower back and lower abdomen - this is quite a common symptom in early pregnancy. Moreover, it is quite natural sign of new life.

corpus luteum formation, necessary for the synthesis of progesterone, on the site of the follicle is often accompanied by pain in the ovary. After 12-13 weeks the corpus luteum gradually dissolves, and unpleasant sensations cease.

In addition, the nagging pain may be associated with a gradual increase of the uterus and a sprained ligament apparatus. However, such symptoms are rare in obstetric 4 weeks of pregnancy and more are a characteristic feature of a later period.

If the pain in the lower abdomen do not cause severe discomfort and do not interfere with everyday living, are not accompanied by bleeding, should not be afraid.

If the intense pain, worsening general health, it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor.

Spotting and bleeding

At week 4 of pregnancy spotting are frequent enough signs and symptoms. Isolation often become anointing character. The most common cause of such discharge are due to lack of progesterone, blood coagulation problems.

The outcome of pregnancy pathologies becomes chorionic detachment at week 4, which is accompanied by a gradual bleeding in the form of spotting or breakthrough bleeding. If there is any degree of bleeding intensity in the fourth week of pregnancy is necessary to seek medical help.

The appearance of secretions and even bleeding can be a main feature of the pathological process.

  • Cervical erosion processes. Untreated cervical erosion may bleed at week 4. Currently, there are ways to treat erosion and during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal disruptions. If a woman's body has any hormonal disorders, the mucous membrane begins to be gradually removed from the uterus. Therefore, such a symptom as spotting often arises precisely with hormonal disorders. The lack of progesterone, thyroid hormones, excess male hormones, prolactin can cause retinal detachment.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous causes of bleeding. It is the result of consolidation of the ovum is not in the uterus and the fallopian tubes or elsewhere. Most often it requires surgery.

In order to avoid serious complications with the appearance of any symptoms and signs of disorders of pregnancy it is recommended to consult your doctor immediately.

Fourth obstetric fetal or second week of pregnancy - a very responsible and difficult period that requires careful woman relationship to your body and track any changes. If desired, the woman to continue the pregnancy any adverse symptom to be voiced by a doctor. If pregnancy 4 weeks to be interrupted, this procedure is performed by medical abortion or vacuum aspiration.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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