Sea buckthorn oil with cervical erosion

Sea buckthorn oil is used as an alternative method of treatment, and as an auxiliary means, supplementing the basic therapy for various gynecological diseases. Sea buckthorn oil has many useful properties, the most famous of which - the ability to provide a wound healing effect. This healing effect specialists also used as a treatment for erosion, which is often found in the cervix.

Cervical erosion is no accident is considered one of the most common pathologies that affect the female reproductive sphere. Ulcerative defect that appears on the vaginal part of the cervix, can occur for a variety of reasons a woman of any age.

Cervical erosion is a certain degree insidious pathological condition. Flowing asymptomatic, it can transform into a malignant tumor. In this connection, special importance attaches to regular preventive checkups at the gynecologist and timely treatment of cervical erosion.

When erosion affected vaginal part of the cervix, which can be visualized in the gynecological mirror. Supravaginal part is not available for inspection. The cervix has a rather complicated structure, follow a few basic functions. Inside the cervix is ​​lined with cylindrical cells of the cervical canal, which is due to the narrowness and the presence of mucus protects the uterus from infection.

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The surface of the vaginal part of the cervix flat cell lining forming stratified epithelium. A single-layer epithelium of the cervical canal and multilayered, which is located in the vaginal section, found in the area of ​​transformation. This area is inherently vulnerable to external influence that causes it is often defeated.

Cervical erosion - is the common name for various pathological conditions. When talking about the true erosion, doctors imply injury arising as a result of violation of the integrity of the epithelium. This injury occurs due to traumatic, infectious, burn factors. True erosion there two weeks, and then either heal or becomes ectopia.

Pseudo or ectopia is a result of improper healing of the true shape. In this case, the wound is covered by cells not stratified epithelium, and the cervical canal. The doctor determines the reddish stain as cylindrical cells have a darker color compared to the squamous epithelium.

Ectopic dangerous because it often occurs simultaneously with the inflammatory process. If untreated, it may progress into cancer. That is why this kind of erosion, doctors strongly recommend to timely detect and treat.

Less dangerous congenital and physiological erosion. Congenital defect formed when shifting and becoming visible in utero transformation zone, which usually does not occur normally. As the maturation of the cervical epithelium is a spot or gradually regresses or complicated by infection.

Physiological erosion is typical for women with hormonal fluctuations of up to 25 years. This pathology is also advised to observe and treat only if no recourse and accession infection.

Erosion, which occurs at the same time inflammation, called complicated by.

The clinical picture of erosion is not expressed. This means that the disease is latent. The only symptom that can alert a woman - the emergence of abundant mucous discharge. When sexual acts arise contact separation.

Detecting cervical erosion occurs during the inspection of the neck part of the uterus in the mirrors. True erosion looks like a wound or ulcer, however, such a defect is detected rarely because of its short flow.

In most cases, doctors diagnose ectopic, which must be cured in a timely manner. Tactics of treatment of cervical erosion are diverse and depend on the following factors:

  • the patient's age;
  • presence or absence of parity;
  • reproductive plans;
  • features of the disease;
  • comorbidities.

Effectively cure cervical erosion is possible by means of an integrated approach that includes both conservative and surgical techniques. As an additional means of treatment, many experts recommend the use of sea buckthorn oil with essential useful properties.


Sea-buckthorn oil contains a lot of nutrients that can be used to cure a variety of gynecological diseases. buckthorn berries contain vitamins and amino acids, plant acids and tannins.

erosion treatment of sea buckthorn oilSpecialists are the following properties of sea buckthorn oil:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improving local metabolism;
  • boosts immunity.

Treat buckthorn oil can burn, wound and eroded surface. It is known that the basic property of healing are the vitamins A and E, a part of sea buckthorn oil.

Treatment buckthorn oil shown in the following embodiments erosion:

  • true;
  • congenital;
  • ectopia;
  • eroded ectropion.

Oil of sea buckthorn also help cure chronic cervicitis, and will contribute to the healing of the wound surface after treatment of cervical cauterization.

Treatment of cervical erosion, sea-buckthorn oil is not only effective, but also safe. Sea buckthorn oil with cervical erosion can be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding after the preliminary recommendation of the attending gynecologist.

In some cases, to treat diseases of the sea buckthorn oil is undesirable. Doctors are the following contraindications for treatment of sea buckthorn oil:

  • any degree of dysplasia;
  • HPV in the active phase;
  • exacerbation of chronic cervicitis;
  • coleitis;
  • leukoplakia;
  • polyps or papillomas, located either in the cervix or in the cervical canal.

Gynecologists pay attention that before you begin to treat the pathology of sea buckthorn oil, you must pass a general smear and PCR for infection, and it is desirable to perform a colposcopy.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment can cause the following complications:

  • activation of HPV;
  • the rapid growth of warts and polyps;
  • exacerbation of inflammation that occurs in the chronic phase;
  • the progression of dysplasia;
  • formation of malignant tumor.

In order to avoid possible complications Before starting treatment with oil of sea buckthorn, you should consult your gynecologist.

Many women are interested in how to treat cervical erosion, sea-buckthorn oil. Experts believe that the best way to cure the erosion is the use of tampons based on sea buckthorn.

sea ​​buckthorn oil treatment is reduced to the following algorithm of actions.

  1. Before use, the tampon is desirable douche sage extract or chamomile to remove secretions in the vagina.
  2. Gauze or tampon soaked in sea buckthorn oil, to enter as deeply as possible into the vagina.
  3. Eight - ten hours a tampon should be removed.

To cure the erosion, can be used tampons with sea buckthorn oil in front of a night's sleep. Some experts recommend to introduce swabs twice a day. such a course of treatment is up to fifteen days.

After conducted treatment should visit a gynecologist and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with oil of sea buckthorn. It proved that the treatment of sea buckthorn oil from erosion may be a good alternative cautery women did not realize the reproductive function.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 79
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