Functional Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment


  • 1 Classification of functional ovarian cysts
  • 2 Causes of functional ovarian cysts
  • 3 Symptoms of functional ovarian cysts
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Dimensions of functional ovarian cysts
  • 6 How to remove functional ovarian cysts
    • 6.1 Surgery
    • 6.2 Treatment of functional ovarian cyst hormones
    • 6.3 The use of folk remedies
  • 7 Is it dangerous to functional ovarian cysts
    • 7.1 Break functional ovarian cysts
    • 7.2 Symptoms of functional ovarian cyst rupture
    • 7.3 Recurrence of functional ovarian cysts
  • 8 Clinical guidelines for functional ovarian cysts
  • 9 Prediction and prevention
  • 10 conclusion
  • 11 Reviews for the treatment of functional ovarian cysts

One kind of a tumor of the recessed type is functional ovarian cysts. Women's physiology is prone to the formation of cysts in various periods of the menstrual cycle. The norm is, if the cysts appear and dissolve on their own, however, with a long stay in the body, they cause disease and disruption of the genital organs.

Classification of functional ovarian cysts

At this point in gynecology distinguish between two types of functional ovarian cysts:

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  • follicular;
  • luteal or corpus luteum cyst.

The name of each species was due to the formation of the source. A functional ovarian cyst is manifested in a certain cycle stage, and does not harm the health of the woman. For example, follicular type formed from long persistent follicle. This is the most common type, which carries no danger, but requires constant monitoring.

Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Luteal type of ovarian cyst is formed from the long-lasting of the corpus luteum. Poor circulation and lymphatic drainage, leading to fluid accumulation in the bubble, which provokes the appearance of tumors.

Follicular type formed in the first phase of the cycle, luteal - second. In addition, they are:

  • two-chamber;
  • single;
  • recurrent;
  • one-sided;
  • multi-chamber (separated by partitions, and composed of several bubbles).

Causes of functional ovarian cysts

The reasons for the emergence of functional ovarian cysts in gynecology include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • endocrine disease;
  • artificial or spontaneous abortion;
  • use of medications during IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • Numerous depression and nervous breakdowns;
  • commitment to unbalanced diets;
  • inflammation of the genital organs.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

For these reasons, may be formed follicular and luteal ovarian cysts. Education can develop in only one ovary, the girl often does not think of its existence until the visit to the gynecologist.

Read more about the features of malignancy can be learned from the video:

Symptoms of functional ovarian cysts

Functional cyst of the left ovary or formed in the right ovary, often accompanied by pain. Her doctor can easily detect when viewed on a gynecological chair. Patients complain of such clinical manifestations:

  • pain in the lower abdomen section appearing due to the increase of the cortical layer of the ovary;
  • disorders of the intestine - manifested in large tumors, accompanied by difficulty in defecation;
  • menstruation delay;
  • amenorrhea;
  • small allocation of blood between periods;
  • bloating and abdominal discomfort.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Important! Luteal type often accompanied by painful than follicular.

When you see these symptoms, you should consult your doctor in order to prevent rupture of Education.


Events for the diagnosis of functional tumors begin with oral questioning a woman gynecologist. The doctor will inquire about the nature of pain and other forms of discomfort. After this examination will be performed on the gynecological chair, in which the doctor will experience ovarian neoplasm.

Further, assigned US (ultrasound), which is the main method of accurately determining the type and size of the tumor.

Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

When complicated situations gynecologist can prescribe MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - it is necessary to more precisely identify the problem when symptoms of malignancy.

Also used laparoscopy - a surgical research to visualize the problem.

Dimensions of functional ovarian cysts

The principle of the occurrence of cysts functional type the following:

  1. When the follicle matures, it is discharged into the body of luteinizing hormone.
  2. The amount of emissions is not enough, so there is no rupture of the follicle and ovulation.
  3. When the follicle has resolved not, he saves a liquid, gradually growing in size.
  4. While size is not more than 3 cm, it is considered safe for a woman.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Luteal type formed in this manner in the second part of the cycle. When the bubble sizes of more than 3 cm - this is called functional ovarian cysts.

How to remove functional ovarian cysts

The first 1,5-2 months no treatment, since doctors decide to observe the new formation. If it is not absorbed and does not pass for a specified time following treatment:

  • operational method;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • using folk remedies.


Often, surgery is subjected to multi-chamber functional ovarian cyst. Popular way to remove it is laparoscopy. The technique involves husking cavity neoplasms using special equipment.

Important! It is better to carry out the planned removal and not to bring health to the emergency surgical intervention.

Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

The doctor makes several punctures in the peritoneum, enters to the optical device and medical instruments. Susceptible neoplasm excision, and the appendage - recovery.

If it is impossible to make a laparoscopy, a cyst removed using open surgery, the rehabilitation period, which lasts longer.

Treatment of functional ovarian cyst hormones

Hormonal therapy is prescribed solely by the attending physician. Before recommending drugs, the doctor will send the patient to the delivery of the analysis to determine the number of female sex hormones. Thereafter, it is determined what drugs to use in this case.

Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

This type of treatment is aimed at restoring the hormone balance in the body, so the dosage is selected based on the specific parameters of blood analysis. Frequently used birth control pills, however, they are recommended only when there are no contraindications. When failure of conservative therapy applies operation to remove.

The use of folk remedies

The following methods of treatment is the best result among the popular recipes shown:

  • 3 tablespoons corn stigmas use 1 liter of boiling water, provarivaya weight - taking 50 g three times a day;
  • decoction of goose cinquefoil, infused for two hours, taken twice a day for a third cup;
  • shell nuts and pour alcohol insist two weeks, drink 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach;
  • decoction of chamomile flowers and lemon balm is used three times a day for half a cup.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Proven itself pumpkin, fresh juice - it not only helps to eliminate the cysts, but normalizes reproductive system. Use traditional recipes recommended in the early stages of treatment.

Is it dangerous to functional ovarian cysts

Functional cysts in the right ovary, or located in the left ovary, is dangerous because it can cause complications. The main consequence of untreated tumors is its rupture or relapse.

Another type of complication - torsion, what happens to the follicular type.

Luteal type of woman faces an increased release of hormones, provoking the formation of cysts tekalyuteinovyh.

Break functional ovarian cysts

The most common complication is rupture, which occurs in 60% of all cases. It is important to prevent such a condition, so doctors recommend to keep under ultrasound in the dynamics.

Several factors causing the gap:

  • heavy exercise;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • cessation of oral contraceptive use as a treatment;
  • lifting heavy objects.

Warning! The consequences of breaking acts severe pain and loss of blood at an internal hemorrhage.

Symptoms of functional ovarian cyst rupture

Symptomatic cyst rupture right or tumors located on the left, are such signs:

  • sharp, sudden pain localized in the lower portion of the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • constipation and flatulence;
  • copious blood from the vagina;
  • fever;
  • skin blanching;
  • fainting.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

The woman may lose consciousness, and a cold sweat, which testifies to the sudden changes in the state of the organism. To diagnose the gap gynecologist inspects a puncture, and then shall the blood test, doing ultrasound and CT (computed tomography).

Recurrence of functional ovarian cysts

In most cases, it is impossible to prevent the recurrence of tumors, however, can identify a number of reasons for relapse is likely:

  • functional ovarian cyst is associated with endocrine abnormalities;
  • Luteal type manifested due to hormonal tablets in the absence of control;
  • the presence of inflammation in the pelvic organs.

In women of reproductive age tumors treated conservatively, if the observations indicate the dynamics of the increase.

Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Tip! Women after 50 years is recommended to produce the surgical removal.

Clinical guidelines for functional ovarian cysts

Statistics says that in most cases the type of cyst lutein affected right ovary. Two-chamber functional follicular cyst Ovary occurs because menstruation disorders, as well as endocrinologic disorders. Luteal type formed when a woman has established a two-phase cycle. Clinical guidelines are as follows:

  1. The use of expectant management. This method allows you to watch the new growth for several months without harm.
  2. Complication is recommended to use surgery.
  3. When violations of ovarian supply and necrosis shows oophorectomy.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Treatment efficacy is demonstrated absence tumors within six months, as well as normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Prediction and prevention

If treatment is successful, the doctor appoints held ultrasound every three months to check for tumors. In addition, normal levels of hormones, if the cyst was established for this reason.

Important! Ultrasound is necessary to do the check on 6-7 days of the menstrual cycle.

Among preventive measures, gynecologists advise:

  • avoid stress and lack of sleep;
  • fight fatigue;
  • normalize the diet;
  • maintain moderate activity.
Functional cyst of the right and the left ovary

Functional ovarian cysts are always treated. If the cysts are formed on a monthly basis, the doctor as a preventive measure assigns a short course of hormonal therapy.


Functional ovarian cysts are not harmful to the body if you do not increase in size and eventually pass on their own. If the formation starts to grow, and observation is carried out subsequent treatment.

Reviews for the treatment of functional ovarian cysts

Polozhentseva Elena, 32 years, city Moscow

My functional ovarian cyst was 7 cm, reviews of medical forums have confirmed the fact of necessary treatment. It appeared because of the abortion. Went to the doctor, he said, need to watch. Observed 1.5 months, after which the gynecologist prescribed hormonal medication "Djufaston". Now I drink tablets and forward planning ultrasound. I hope that this treatment will help me.

Titova Irina, 28 years, city Kursk

I had a functional cyst, 5 cm. Over the past two cycles, I took the drug "Norkolut", which has appointed a gynecologist. Afraid of the consequences in the form of weight gain and other manifestations, but nothing happened. On the scheduled ultrasound tumor was not found. I hope that will not relapse.

Svetlana A. Krasikov, 52 years, city Kazan

After 50 years, the gynecologist has found out a cyst, it was decided to operate. My functional cyst of the right ovary, which symptoms bother me was the size of 4.5 cm. This age does not guarantee the elimination of self-education, and I went for an operation. It went well, I was assigned the restoration of a sparing diet, medications and rest. Now I feel good, do not bother abdominal pain anymore.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

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