1 Get fat whether by birth control pills
- 1.1 From any birth control pills can gain weight
2 Is it possible to lose weight on birth control pills
- 2.1 What is better to choose birth control pills
- 2.2 How to lose weight by taking birth control pills
- 3 How to choose the right contraceptive pill, not to recover
- 4 The names of birth control pills that do not affect weight
- 5 According to doctors
- 6 conclusion
- 7 Reviews of birth control pills for weight loss
There is a preconceived opinion that the hormones contribute to weight change due to the effects on the endocrine system. Many women want to know the answer to the question whether there is a birth control pills that are not fattening.
Get fat whether by birth control pills
COCs are popular and effective way to protect against unplanned conception. Despite the current shortcomings, hormonal positive effect on the endocrine system, reducing the likelihood of developing benign and malignant tumors. Some representatives of use contraceptives, so as not to gain weight. Weight loss is one of the side effects of drugs.
Important! The main indication for the use of COCs is considered contraception. Contraceptives should not be taken solely in order not to gain weight.
Selection of drugs provides the gynecologist, guided by data history and examination. Otherwise, the state of health may deteriorate due to the occurrence of undesirable effects. A well-chosen contraceptives provide protection and help to not gain weight.
Oral contraceptives can be used for weight loss because of the following properties:
- normalizing the hormonal background of contained progestin formulations;
- improved functioning of the internal organs due to endocrine changes.
Gradually, the fats are converted into energy. Thus, the woman is not fattening.
From any birth control pills can gain weight
In order not to gain weight from the COC, it is necessary to take into account their variety. Birth control pills for weight gain is usually presented three-phase preparations. In these contraceptive combination of artificial hormones changed three times during the cycle.
Women sometimes get fat on these birth control pills:
- Klayra;
- Three-Mercy.
High-dosage preparations may contribute to an intensive weight loss. However, often during fattening triphasic COCs:
- Three-regolith;
- Triziston;
- Trikvilar.
Important! In order not to gain weight, the drugs should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.
Is it possible to lose weight on birth control pills
Birth control pills and weight have a relationship. If a patient receives a properly selected drug for a long time, it will not gain weight. However, it should also take into account a balanced diet and adequate physical activity.
What is better to choose birth control pills
Contraceptive slimming usually presented monophasic contraceptives. These drugs contain evenly distributed throughout the cycle, the level of synthetic hormones. Weight reduction due to the absence of significant hormonal spikes. The woman did not fattening, weight goes slowly.
Names monophasic contraceptive slimming with mikrosoderzhaniem hormones:
- Jess and Jess plus;
- Zoeli;
- Dimia;
- Lindinet-20;
- Miniziston;
- Logest;
- Novinet.
Gynecologists believe that the following low-dose monophasic birth control pills work without gaining weight:
- Belarus;
- Diane-35;
- Bellona-35;
- Jeanine and Jeanette;
- Lindinet-30;
- Silest;
- Silhouette;
- rigevidon;
- Marvelon;
- regulon;
- Mikroginon;
- Yarina Yarina and Plus.
Contraceptive vysokodozirovannye monophasic pills slimming effect:
- Ovidon;
- Non-Ovlon.
Drugs with a high dose of hormones are often used for therapeutic purposes in various disorders of the cycle, leading to weight gain. That is why these drugs make it possible not to gain weight.
How to lose weight by taking birth control pills
In order not to gain weight when taking contraceptives, should undergo a detailed examination before COC use. Incorrectly selected agents may exacerbate hormonal imbalances and lead to weight gain.
Birth control, promotes weight loss, you need to take a long time. Several years ago, gynecologists believed that continuous COCs disrupts the functioning of the ovaries. Modern studies have proven the safety of long-term use of drugs of this group.
How to choose the right contraceptive pill, not to recover
Before using hormonal contraceptives should visit a gynecologist, who will appoint the following studies:
- determining the level of the major sex steroid;
- general tests (blood and urine);
- Smear on the flora and onkotsitologiyu;
- ultrasound of the internal genital organs.
Where indicated, are diagnosed infections colposcopy. Sometimes you need advice mammalogy.
Important! Experts point out that the contraceptives from which lose weight, do not exist. Weight loss is an additional effect of the drug.
To increase the likelihood of weight loss, you need to strictly abide by the rules of COCs. Pills taken at a set time. Skipping pills can reduce the contraceptive efficacy of the drug and an adverse effect on hormones.
Pills take 21 or 28 days, depending on the presence of tablets in the package-placebo. Sometimes a patient is assigned a so-called extended mode in which the preparation needs to drink for 63 days. This is followed by a 7-day break. This scheme reduces the number of menstrual periods to four times a year, which can help reduce weight.
Attention! If the COC woman begins to gain weight, you should consult your doctor in order to replace the drug.
The names of birth control pills that do not affect weight
Birth control pills that promote weight loss are adequately selected oral contraceptives. Often hormones have no effect on weight, which is not indicative of the absence of their effectiveness.
Progestin drugs or mini-pill contains only progesterone analogue. Their use is recommended in the following cases:
- breastfeeding;
- the use of female smokers over 35 years old;
- Contraindications COCs;
- contraception in the late reproductive period.
Mini-pill medications are presented:
- Charozetta;
- Mikrolyut;
- Laktinet;
- Eksklyuton.
Important! The efficacy progestin contraceptive means lower compared with COCs.
According to doctors
Birth control pills, from which women sometimes lose weight, are not applicable for weight loss supplements. Their use for its intended purpose is possible only after examination and consultation gynecologist. In order not to gain weight, you must eat right and provide the body with adequate exercise.
It should be remembered about the possible appearance of adverse reactions and to identify contraindications to. Oral contraceptives may also lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Smoking during use of COCs greatly increases the risk of thrombosis.
Birth control pills that are not fattening, are selected individually. Their operating principle is based on the normalization of the synthesis of sex hormones, improving the functioning of internal organs.
Reviews of birth control pills for weight loss
In a review of birth control pills, from which grow thin, various contraceptives are described.
Natalia Semenovna Bonadyk, 25 years old, Astrakhan
I have elevated levels of male sex hormones, as well as have a tendency to be overweight. The doctor has appointed Diane-35 due to its additional androgenic effect. Very afraid that I would gain weight while taking the contraceptive. However, I was even able to lose some weight. No adverse reactions while taking the drug had not noticed.
Irina Leontievna Sergeeva, 41 years, Perm
The gynecologist recommended me Novinet due to mastitis and uterine fibroids. I used to use only candles with spermicide. The feedback to the name of the drug have read that there are birth control pills, from which grow thin. Novinet also helps not to gain weight due to the normalization of hormonal levels. COC accept only a few months. During this time she lost 3 kg.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.