Condoms Contex Lights: description, size, real price in pharmacies


  • 1 Description Contex Light
  • 2 Size Contex Lights
  • 3 material composition
  • 4 Terms of use of ultra-thin condoms Contex
  • 5 Shelf life
  • 6 Price in pharmacies on Contex Lights
    • 6.1 The price for 3 pieces Contex Lights
    • 6.2 Contex Lights 12
  • 7 Reviews of ContexLights
  • 8 conclusion

Many pairs of selected barrier method of contraception, such as condoms, due to ease of use and reliability. Condoms protect not only against pregnancy but also from sexually transmitted infections. Some partners ignore prevention method because of a possible decrease in sensitivity. Condoms Sontex Lights have been specially created to keep the thrill during intimacy.

Condoms Contex Light

Description Contex Light

Condoms Contex Lights are ultra products made from latex. In the production of condoms emphasis was placed on maintaining the maximum sensitivity during sex. However, at the highest level is the safety of coitus.

Light Konteks Condoms have thin walls. The product is practically not felt the partners during sexual intercourse, allowing you to focus on the pleasure.

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Condoms Contex Lights released in the following countries:

  • Korea (main plant);
  • Thailand (backup production);
  • India;
  • Vietnam.

Attention! All plants produce high-quality contraceptives. However, experts recommend to get it Korean condoms.

It is noteworthy that for the development and the subsequent release of products is also responsible ad hoc basis. Institution engaged in scientific research. This fact distinguishes Contex from other manufacturers.

Size Contex Lights

Contraceptive has no significant differences from other species barrier products, in terms of form. Condoms are characterized by smooth texture.

Konteks ultrathin made in standard colors. No peculiar smell. At the tip of the product is present for storage of sperm.

Konteks very thin have the following parameters:

  • 18 mm (length);
  • 52 mm (width).

Feature is thickness Contex Lights. condom walls have a thickness of 0.05 mm. Experts point out that the delicate matter is considered to be the result of the application of innovative developments. In modern condoms combined minimum thickness and increased strength.

material composition

Sontex ultrafine latex produced from natural materials which are of high quality. Condoms contain a sufficient amount of lubricant in the form of lubrication. Gel lubricant has no odor and is hypoallergenic. Allergic reactions observed in exceptional cases.

Attention! With a slight moistening of the vagina can rub condom during use.

Condoms Contex Light

Terms of use of ultra-thin condoms Contex

Condoms Contex thin pass all necessary tests:

  • dermatological;
  • technology;
  • clinical.

These tests ensure maximum safety in the use of condoms. However, the use of latex products requires adherence to certain rules that allow to maintain the reliability and safety of contraceptives.

Despite the fact that a condom - is the most effective contraceptive of genital infections, protection ensures its proper use. Contamination can occur when incorrect application of the condom, fail to comply with the storage temperature. Before buying Contex Lights need to assess their shelf-life.

Referred to the following rules Contex condom use particularly thin:

  • Training. The condom should be within easy reach before starting intercourse. Should not be pre-open packaging. Otherwise possible drying of gel lubricant that will necessitate the use of additional lubricant.
  • Application. Contex Lights should be worn at full erection. Condom use at insufficient erection can lead to disruption of the integrity of the product. Open container must be free of burrs and fingers with a pre-cut nails. Sharp objects can not be used. Before putting on Contex Lights need to take the condom's nipple in order to remove the air. Unroll the condom over the entire length needed after placing the product on the head.

Remove the member should immediately after intimacy. It is associated with reduced risk of erection and the outpouring of the contents of the condom into the vagina. Before removing the penis, it is necessary to hold the condom over the ring. Then you can gently pull the contraceptive.

Attention! Do not touch bare member of the genitals partner. The outer side of the product should also not be in contact with the penis. These rules will help to prevent possible infection.

Sometimes in order to improve contraceptive efficacy 2 partners use a condom at the same time. However, condoms was not originally developed for use in this way. Excessive friction can cause tearing of the latex product.

It should be borne in mind that the Contex Lights are not designed for anal sex. For this type of intimacy developed special condoms, characterized by high strength due to the thick walls.

Shelf life

Shelf life Konteks thin depends on compliance with the mandatory conditions of storage. Experts recommend to take with you means of barrier contraception with full confidence in their need. Otherwise latex products will experience a difference of humidity and temperatures. For storage should be allocated a separate pocket without the presence of foreign objects. These measures make it possible to keep the packaging intact.

Suitable temperature for storing products is considered to 0-25 ° C. Never store condoms Contex Lights in the glove compartment or on the balcony. Incorrect storage conditions lead to a change in the structure of the latex.

Shelf life is normally 3-5 years. In particular, Contex Lights are suitable for use within 5 years.

Price in pharmacies on Contex Lights

Price Contex Light differs democratic. The cost varies depending on the number of products in each package. A pack can contain both 3 and 12 condoms.

The price for 3 pieces Contex Lights

Buy condoms Contex Lights in the amount of 3 pieces can be at a minimum price of 169 Russian rubles.

Contex Lights 12

The cost of a large pack that includes 12 products, ranging from 449 Russian rubles.

Condoms Contex Light

Reviews of ContexLights

Reviews of Contex Light predominantly positive.

Irina V. Makarenko, 25 years old, Bataisk

We decided to try my husband and I make a variety of intimate life. Bought Contex Lights. Doubted strength condoms due thinned latex material. However, they have been tested. Indeed, feeling sharper.

A. Zagolovets March, 31, Zarechny

Heard good reviews about Contex very thin. However, when using no special difference and not notice. The same latex as usual. That's why I do not like a barrier.

Victoria V. Sychev, 38 years old, Tambov

Contex Lights we use quite a long time. Condoms have never let us down. It feels like they are much better than the products from the same line.


Contex Lights are popular Condom designed for barrier contraception. Latex products are small wall thickness, the anatomical shape and a sufficient amount of lubricant. A significant advantage is the reliability and preservation of sensation in intimacy.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 34
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