Birth control pills and alcohol: compatibility with hormonal contraceptives, reviews


  • 1 Is it possible to combine birth control pills and alcohol
  • 2 How does alcohol on contraceptive pills Activity
  • 3 Precautionary measures
  • 4 Possible side effects
  • 5 Comments on the compatibility of contraceptives and alcohol
  • 6 According to doctors
  • 7 conclusion

Many women choose the way of oral contraceptives to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. As a rule, they take long courses. Therefore, in women there is a question about the appropriateness of a combination of alcohol and hormones. Birth control pills and alcohol compatible, direct contraindications to this no. But may develop adverse reactions, changes in the drug's effectiveness.

Contraceptives and alcohol

Is it possible to combine birth control pills and alcohol

A clear answer to this question is difficult. It all depends on the amount of drunk alcohol. The important role played by the individual characteristics of the organism, namely the activity of the enzyme system of the liver.

World Health Organization (WHO) has set the maximum allowable dose of alcohol for women taking hormonal contraceptives. It is 20 ml of ethanol. Such an amount of alcohol contained in 50 ml of vodka, 200 ml and 500 ml wine beer. But should not be taken too literally recommendations. If you frequently drink alcohol during the course of hormones, there may be side effects.

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It can be concluded that the contraceptive pills with alcohol compatible. But we must use wisely and remember about the possible undesirable consequences.

How does alcohol on contraceptive pills Activity

The operating principle of the contraceptive pill based on the change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Directly on the number of alcoholic beverages does not affect. But alcohol affects the liver where it is converted virtually all drugs. Forcing the body to work more actively, alcohol accelerates the removal of the contraceptive pill from the body. Consequently, the reduced activity of the drug. It increases the chance of pregnancy.

The main function of this body clearly in the picture.

Contraceptives and alcohol

Large doses of alcohol toxic effect on the central nervous system. Women have a gag reflex. If oral contraceptives and alcohol drink with a small time interval, and after will be vomiting, tablets do not have time to be absorbed in the body.

Attention! If vomiting occurs during the first 4 hours after drug administration, it should enjoy another pill.

A small amount of alcohol is practically does not affect the contraceptive activity of the drug. This is especially true of wine and champagne. Sparkling beverages made from the high cost of good quality alcohol, because they impact on the function of the liver is less likely.

Precautionary measures

If she still decided to combine birth control pills and alcohol, she should be aware of some precautions:

  • drink regularly (not more than 2 times per week);
  • consumed in small amounts, according to the WHO recommendations;
  • observe the interval between reception of alcohol and contraceptive chasa least 3;
  • when consuming large amounts of alcohol, it is recommended to drink the adsorption device.

Possible side effects

Adverse effects from the modern control pills are rare. But large doses of alcohol after taking contraceptives contribute to their occurrence. The highest probability of their development is observed in the first 2 months after starting oral contraception. At this time, a woman's body adapts to the new hormonal background. Therefore, while taking hormonal contraceptives and alcohol may develop these side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • general tiredness and weakness;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

The use of alcohol during the course of oral contraceptives leads to bleeding between periods. As a rule, minor spotting, but it lasts a long time. The mechanism of this side effect is not completely understood, but it occurs in many women.

Important! If spotting disturbed girls often, you should consult a gynecologist.

Contraceptives and alcohol

Comments on the compatibility of contraceptives and alcohol

Martynova Elena, 25 years, city Ufa

I took hormones for over six months. During this time, there was a birthday, New Year and other holidays. Therefore, the question rose sharply on whether you can drink alcohol while taking contraceptives. The gynecologist said that a small dose of alcohol will not hurt. On New Year's, I drank quite a lot of champagne, but not simultaneously with contraception, and after 4 hours after. After that, there was a slight nausea, dizziness. But no more side effects did not occur.

Bobrova Olga Vitalevna, 30 years, city Omsk

Social control for a long time, more than 2 years. From time to time I can drink a couple of glasses of wine or beer. A couple of times were insignificant allocation of blood, but other than that, all is well. Contraceptive effectiveness is not decreased. Therefore, I believe that periodic alcohol intake does not affect the activity of tablets.

According to doctors

Doctors have expressed different opinions on the compatibility of contraceptives and alcohol. But experts agree on one thing: small doses of alcohol taken a few hours after pills, will not affect their performance.

Some did assure that the maximum negative impact of alcohol is to change the emotional state of women. Having used alcohol, she may forget to drink the medicine.


Birth control pills and alcohol - compatible concepts. The main thing to know the measure, and not to use them simultaneously. Please read these recommendations, every girl must understand for themselves: expedient if concomitant use of oral contraceptives and alcohol just for her. Because the body is different, and all the people respond differently to the same dose of alcohol.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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