A woman decides on Eco procedure or artificial insemination if she can not get pregnant on her own. Probably, in no other situation, so much do not wait for the delay of the monthly, than in this one. And every day the absence of excretions, the hope for a successful conception only grows stronger. However, not always the delay of menstruation after Eco can mean pregnancy, and the woman will suffer a bitter disappointment. In order not to embarrass yourself with vain hopes, it is better to know what are the peculiarities of the monthly after IVF.
Monthly after an unsuccessful eco: when to wait for
Undoubtedly, the procedure of in vitro fertilization has a serious impact on the hormonal balance of a woman. The received dose of hormonal and concomitant preparations can lead to temporary disturbances in the body. A certain period must pass before the body develops its own hormones that will regulate the activity of the ovaries. To a large extent this is reflected in the timing and nature of menstrual flow after eco. Each organism reacts to such interference in different ways.
It is important to know that if the hCG test indicated that the transplantation was unsuccessful and the embryo did not catch on, the monthly after the eco must begin necessarily, only delays are possible. What day after planting can they occur? Everything is very individual. Doctors do not call any exact terms. According to the reports of women who underwent eco and received a negative result, bleeding can begin in the period from 3 to 12 days. First, during the first day, this is only a small brown daub, and then full-fledged monthly starts. As a rule, such an event is unexpected and unhappy, you need to react correctly.
There is also another situation when a woman knows for sure that the procedure was unsuccessful, and there is no menses. Ideally, if the monthly come just on time. Their beginning should be expected in 3 to 5 days after the cancellation of support. But when this does not happen, do not think that, perhaps, you are still pregnant or wary of an ectopic pregnancy. A blood test for the presence of the hormone "human chorionic hormone" in it is 100% reliable, and the cause must be sought in another.
Doctors usually do not see this as a big problem, indicating that the period of restoration of natural physiological processes is in progress. Small delays are not considered an indicator of a poor state of the endocrine or reproductive system.
One of the reasons for the delay after the eco can be psychological stress, prolonged depression, into which a woman empties, if such a procedure does not bring the desired result. Nerve disorders and in normal conditions can cause a prolonged absence of menstruation, and with an unbalanced organism this factor may manifest even more.
Sometimes it happens that the first time critical days arrive on time, but later delays begin, the is set to an irregular cycle. Complete normalization of the monthly after an unsuccessful eco can take from three to six months. In some cases, this period can last a year.
It is very rare, but it happens that monthly ones have to be called with special preparations. They are prescribed only by a doctor!
Monthly after IVF: what can change
What changes during the month after IVF are women noted? Most say that menstruation of the first cycle is most common. Allocations may be more abundant with clots. This is due to the influence of stimulation on the condition of the endometrium. It can become thicker, hence the clots. If, in the process of superovulation, the endometrium tightly adheres to the walls of the uterus, then the critical days will be more painful, since the uterus will have to shrink more.
If the pains in the abdomen are sharp, you can not take an analgesic yourself. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.
The forums often say that after an unsuccessful eco, the menstrual cycle is shortened, as ovulation occurs faster. This may be residual effects after the stimulation. On
, doctors note the increased size of the ovaries, which will gradually return to normal after a while.
Another unusual phenomenon is the secretion of bright red blood without the slightest clots, which is extremely unusual for menstruation. This is a rare phenomenon doctors explain the result of the use during preparation for IVF some drugs. It must necessarily go to the next cycle.
Many women with menses after menstruation experience sensations like toxicosis, they have nausea, weakness, pulls and whines back. Such a condition, again, is the result of the restructuring of the body and nothing more.
Unusual monthly course after eco or prolonged delay may be signs of cysts, polyps or other neoplasms that appeared after the procedure. Particular attention should be given to the state of health in the case when unpleasant sensations are manifested and the second cycle of menstruation. It will not be superfluous to undergo ultrasound and consultation with a doctor. It is necessary to pay attention to such phenomena, if they arise after repeated procedures of in vitro fertilization.
Irregular monthly after IVF: what to do
Do not try to independently adjust your menstrual cycle with the help of hormonal drugs.
This can significantly exacerbate the situation. Especially dangerous is the unreasonable intake of hormones in days of unstable hormonal balance that occur after the rejection of the embryo. To facilitate and normalize the condition, you can use dietary supplements, phytopreparations, recipes of traditional medicine.
To improve the general condition and as a consequence, the hormonal balance will help the proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. After the IVF procedure, physical exercises are not contraindicated, only the strains of the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles should be avoided.
The delay in the monthly after Eco does not affect the possibility of doing a repeat procedure of artificial insemination. After you normalize the menstrual cycle, go through the examination and moralize, it is worth trying again.