Many women are familiar with abdominal cramps shortly before menstruation and in its first days. The syndrome does not cause anxiety, as the reasons for it are explained many times by the doctors and are understandable. But if in the ovulation the lower abdomen hurts, this stirs bewilderment and fear. After all, the sign is not present in all women of reproductive age. And those who felt it on themselves, describe the pain in different ways. What causes it, can I do to make ovulation calmer, without discomfort in the chest and stomach?
- 1 Character of pain in the middle of the cycle
- 2 The duration of discomfort in ovulation
- 3 Why there is pain
- 3.1 Pathological causes of ovulatory pain
- 4 How to ease the condition of
- 5 When to be alert
The nature of pain in the middle of the cycle
Most women who are not concerned with procreation, that iswho follow mainly the terms of menstruation, and not ovulation, do not notice any changes in the state of health in the middle of the cycle. And if they had set such a goal, they found out more likely emotional uplift, increased sexual desire, and not a deterioration in their health.
But 20% of women who have menstruation complain that during the ovulation the lower abdomen hurts. A characteristic difference of this syndrome experts call various types of sensations. When interviewing patients who want a gynecologist to explain what is happening to them, it turns out that someone has dull and aching pain. In another case, it "stabs like a needle."Still others say they feel spasms or rezi in the stomach.
It's impossible to say how much pain is normal only by its nature. Because the sensations caused by the process of release of the egg can provoke any of the above types.
The intensity of the syndrome is also different. In one case, the pain is barely noticeable. In another woman is forced to endure considerable discomfort. Someone in the period of ovulation loses its capacity for work, as it transfers a strong, sometimes pain-depriving pain.
The duration of unpleasant sensations when ovulating
The egg is released from the follicle shell for one and a half to two days. The surface of the vesicle at first stretches, which causes a response to the nerve endings in the small pelvis. The first discomfort is felt at this stage.
Then the vial, in which the egg is enclosed, becomes too small for it, therefore it breaks. This is accompanied by injury to blood vessels. A woman feels how on the day of ovulation the lower abdomen hurts, and a little later. But in general, the period of discomfort should not be more than 48 hours. This includes a short time in which the female gamete is still preparing to break through the shell, the period in which it does this, and a short interval when the ovary adapts to the presence of the yellow body.
We recommend reading the article on the onset of ovulation. From it you will learn about the menstrual cycle, its duration, signs of the onset of ovulation, how to determine its onset.
Why there is pain
The fears caused by ovulatory pains are associated mainly not with the intensity of sensations, but with a lack of understanding of their nature. And if a large number of tissues of the mucous uterus exfoliate during a month, the organ contracts, pressing on the nerve roots, then the output of the female sex cell is not accompanied by anything similar. Then why does the abdomen hurt during ovulation?
The natural explanation is one, but it includes several components:
- the pressure itself on the walls of the graaf bubble can not be imperceptible;
- , after rupturing its membrane and damaging the blood vessels, the contents enter the abdominal cavity, which causes pain;
- the uterus does not remain immobile, but under the influence of hormones and the liquid leaking from its surface from the damaged follicle also decreases;
- ovary during the development of the egg, when it is practically complete, also stretches;
- fallopian tubes when moving in them female gametes are able to contract, delivering discomfort;
- emotionally unstable women can experience pain due to excessive fear of the event.
It's no wonder that those who noticed the described syndrome in the middle of the cycle are interested in where the stomach hurts after ovulation. Since the main event in this period occurs in the ovary, the main sensations occur in one of them, in which the follicle ruptured. That is on the right or on the left.
It should also be taken into account that the entire process is controlled by hormones. And for them, the target is also the uterus, and the mammary glands. Therefore, discomfort in the days of ovulation can normally be felt in these organs.
More pleasant( for those who want it) the cause becomes pregnancy. And if a week after ovulation pulls the lower abdomen, it is possible that so the body informs about the appearance in it of the rudiment of a new life. Some soreness can arise at the time of fertilization of the egg, its movement through the fallopian tube, then implantation into the uterine mucosa. And it can be felt for more than 2 days, rather 5 - 7. And if there is discomfort in the mammary glands, after 7-10 days it is worth making a test.
Pathological causes of ovulatory pain
Spasms and abdominal cramps around the ovary during the egg release period do not always have physiological causes. Specialists in 70% of such cases diagnose one of the pathologies:
Disease | How affects |
Hormonal disorder | Failures are different, without treatment quickly aggravated. Therefore, the slightest change in the state of health in the middle of the cycle should be encouraged to go to the polyclinic. |
Endometriosis | The fact that after an ovulation the abdomen hurts, and closer to monthly sensations accrue, not its only sign. The presence of cells similar to the uterine lining of the uterus in other parts of the reproductive system, especially in the sex glands, also causes bleeding in the intervals between menstruation. |
Ovarian cyst | Neoplasm on one of the organs or both creates obstacles for the development of follicles, the release of the egg. Overcoming them is accompanied by pain, deterioration of the general condition. |
Ectopic pregnancy | Ovulation is the only chance for conception. But the fetal egg can be implanted not in the wall of the uterus, as it should, but be attached inside the tube or in the cervical canal. If the stomach hurts after ovulation, pregnancy of this kind can not be ruled out. |
Appendicitis | Inflammation of the intestine may be located approximately in the same area as the right ovary. And if appendicular colic coincides in time with ovulation, at first glance the sensations will be similar. |
Salpingitis | With it, the inflammatory process affects the fallopian tubes, which can not but cause pain. In its amplification, the provoking factor is ovulation. And although the ovaries and fallopian tubes are different organs, they all belong to the reproductive system, the condition of some inevitably responds to others. |
Small pelvis varicose veins | Ovulation of lower back pain, the abdomen causes due to increased blood filling in the area, that is, it becomes very sensitive. Increase this property and disease, and getting fluid from the damaged follicle into the abdominal cavity. |
Spikes in the small pelvis | Pathological tissue fusion can result from chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs or after the abatement of an acute period. Naturally, in this case there is less space in the small pelvis for an unhindered exit of the egg. During the process of its release, newly formed tissues may be affected. |
Education on internal reproductive organs | It's not just about benign tumors of the ovaries and uterus. Cancers for a long time do not show themselves, but for some minor changes in the work of the organs one can understand the seriousness of the problem. One such is the appearance of painful sensations during ovulation. |
Mastopathy | Breast diseases almost all hormone-dependent. To benign neoplasms in them, this applies to the full. If there is ovulation, the breasts hurt, the abdomen reminds oneself of discomfort, it is impossible to exclude the effect of estrogen on the tissues that have grown in the mammary glands. |
How to relieve the condition of
If discomfort in ovulation arose once, interrupting a period in which nothing like this was found, surely one should go to a gynecologist. Confirmed absence of pathology examination allows the adoption of independent measures to relieve pain. Although it is not harmful to health, and talk about help can go only for the sake of maximum comfort in days of ovulation. To make the period as smooth as possible, you need:
- to be less nervous, to try to get only positive emotions;
- drink a lot of water, this will help to prevent the tension of the abdominal wall and internal organs during defecation;
- several times a day apply a warm water bottle to the stomach to relieve spasm from all muscles or lie down for 15 minutes in a bath, filling it with not very hot water;
- take decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, calendula and lemon balm, which relax the smooth muscles and relieve nervous tension.
If you can not cope with the problem with sparing methods, the doctor can prescribe pain medication tablets:
- "No-Shpa",
- "Ibuprofen",
- "Naproxen",
- "Paracetamol".
To accept them it is necessary no more than 2 days, therefore to be afraid of medicines should not.
When to be on the alert
The probability of ovulatory pain due to pathology dictates the need to go with her to the doctor in any case. Sometimes a woman neglects it, although it is always better to be safe. Especially specialist consultation and tests are needed if the following features of the condition are present:
- severe pain with ovulation in the lower abdomen, which is difficult to transfer them and on bed rest;
- loss of consciousness from spasms in the small pelvis, close to it areas of the body or with of vegetative-vascular manifestations;
- discharge from the vagina with blood, not corresponding to the phase of the cycle;
- fever, fever;
- diarrhea and vomiting, especially with the inclusion of blood in them;
- soreness when urinating;
- dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations.
Therefore, do not ignore the pain due to fear or laziness. Especially if the sensations experienced during ovulation have changed strongly and suddenly. Timely appeal to a specialist will help to get rid of a disease or vain experiences faster and without a trace, when there is no pathology.