Monural for chlamydia: does, instructions for use


  • 1 Does Monural for chlamydia
  • 2 In some cases, you can use Monural for chlamydia
  • 3 According to doctors
  • 4 conclusion

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system using broad-spectrum antibiotics. One common drugs is Monural. The means is highly effective with minimal adverse events. Doctors recommend taking Monural for chlamydia those patients whose infection has provoked the development of cystitis, urethritis and other urinary tract diseases.

Does Monural for chlamydia

To get rid of chlamydial infection is selected such antibiotics which can act on intracellular pathogenic microorganisms. This tactic of therapy due to the fact that chlamydia penetrate cells mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, and develop within them.

If chlamydia is most often used antibiotics, which refer to the macrolide group. They penetrate into the body's cells and destroy microbes, including pathogens of urogenital chlamydiosis, which do not have cell walls. If the disease has passed in the chronic form, the doctors prescribe a combination of antibiotics. The dosage, mode and duration of reception are selected individually.

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Monural not used for chlamydial infection. Fosfomycin, which is the active ingredient of said drug inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis. Therefore, it can not affect the chlamydia. They destroy the power of the antibacterial agents which are capable to inhibit protein synthesis and DNA of pathogenic microorganisms, even if they are located inside the human body cells.

Monural for chlamydia

In some cases, you can use Monural for chlamydia

If chlamydia is a combination therapy. It should be directed to:

  • destruction of disease pathogens;
  • elimination of symptoms of disease;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulation of liver, kidney possible to prevent intoxication.

A number of patients with acute exacerbation of chronic chlamydia or forms of pathology appear symptoms of cystitis, urethritis. Patients come to doctors with complaints that there is a burning sensation when urinating, pain.

If during the inspection it is found that the cause of the symptoms became chlamydia, the drugs are produced based on fosfomycin, will be ineffective. When said infection using macrolides fluoroquinol, tetracycline agents which may affect the chlamydia. During the antibiotic therapy symptoms disappear. In cases where the state is not normal, it needs further examination. It is necessary to determine which microorganisms can provoke the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

Important! Monural for treatment for chlamydia is not used. But while maintaining the inflammation symptoms after treatment is completed it can be assigned to improvement.

Monural destroys a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens - some species of enterococci, staphylococci and other pathogens klebsiel cystitis. Under the action of the drug's ability to adsorb to bacteria of the urinary tract epithelium deteriorates. Therefore, some of its application in the complex therapy.

According to doctors

Yuri Podgorny, urologist and gynecologist

Treating his patients were prescribed only after passing all tests. If a man came with complaints of symptoms of cystitis, but no STDs have been identified, then I appoint Monural or analogs, otherwise the therapy is directed at getting rid of venereal disease.

Avdoteva Irina Antonovna, gynecologist

In identifying Chlamydia constituting a complex therapy. If the patient complains of pain during urination, even after completion of the therapeutic course, I recommend further Monural.


Monural for chlamydia is not used. This antibacterial agent recommended for the treatment of acute and chronic recurrent cystitis. But it is not used if the disease occurred under the influence of chlamydia or other pathogens that are transmitted through sexual contact.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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