Hygiene during menstruation

In young women and girls, regular menstruation is an important indicator of health. To ensure that they remain so, it is important to pay enough attention to such an aspect as hygiene with menstruation. This is not only a matter of personal comfort and alleviation of the symptoms of the process, but also of safety.


  • 1 Why is cleanliness so important these days
  • 2 How to protect yourself during menstruation
    • 2.1 Men's shower funds
    • 2.2 How often to change linen
  • 3 Hygienic products on critical days
    • 3.1 Gaskets
    • 3.2 Tampons
    • 3.3 Which of the hygiene products is better?

Why is cleanliness so important these days

To understand this, it is necessary to imagine how the process of removing menstrual excretions from the body occurs. The largest part of them are cells of the upper layer of the endometrium. It is the organ lining the inside of the uterus. When the time comes for changing the functional layer of the endometrium, its neck widens slightly so that blood and mucus are released without hindrance, without creating favorable conditions for bacteria. But this feature also facilitates the penetration of microorganisms inside if they stay in close proximity, that is, on a stale gasket, tampon or skin of the perineum.

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To prevent this will help to maintain hygiene with menstruation. These are not only conditions of cleanliness, but also some limitations that will save health in an infectious period.

Another reason that explains the need for frequent bathing, taking care of the skin and mucous membranes. Having close contact with a pad filled with secretions, they become irritated, start to itch, which adds to the discomfort, which is already more than enough in critical days.

How to protect yourself during menstruation

To wash during menstruation is much more often than on other days. The hygienic agent is supposed to be changed once in 3-4 hours, then water procedures are required. If possible, it would be good not only to wash yourself, but also take a shower. It is noticed that during menstruation, sweating is intensified, because hormones are involved in the process.

The perineum needs to be washed first and then the anus, so that the germs from the rectum do not reach the external genitalia and beyond.

The rules of hygiene during the month do not allow the adoption of the bath and bath visits. There are several reasons for this:

  • Do not overheat, which provokes a rush of blood to the small pelvis and increased bleeding;
  • Wider opening of the cervix, allowing bacteria to penetrate. The water in the tub is not sterile and will make it easier for them.

Means for showering with menstruation

It is not always advisable to use usual soap or a usual shower gel. This is especially true for those who have dry and prone to irritation skin. Typical detergents for the body, as a rule, have a highly alkaline composition. They will subject the skin to an even more severe test, and yet it already feels uncomfortable because of contact with the gasket. Therefore, the best option is a gel for intimate areas of the body, which removes secretions and sweat, relieves germs, but it will do so more gently. Still it is possible to use a children's soap in which there are no aromatic substances, artificial dyes, in a word, that could provoke irritation or intolerance.

How often it is necessary to change linen

First, it needs to be selected correctly. Nothing to wear lace, seductive, synthetic in critical days is not worth it. Artificial tissues prevent the skin from breathing, create a "greenhouse effect" in this part of the body, which does not contribute to improving well-being during menstruation. The shape of the panties also matters. Hygiene with monthly requires that they keep the gasket well and do not let the tampon pull out the cord.

Change clothes at least 2 times a day, even if it has no noticeable spots from the discharge. One way or another, germs will enter the tissue, and the smell of sweat during this period will be stronger.

Hygiene products on critical days of

There are two ways to prevent leakage. These are special sanitary pads for critical days and tampons. Everyone has their own pros and cons, so do not give preference to any one remedy. Gynecologists advise them to alternate in order to combine comfort and safety.


These hygiene products with monthly can be used at any age for all possible gynecological diseases. Gaskets are dense, but soft packs, most often having an anatomical shape and consisting of several layers. The bottom is sticky, so it does not allow the hygienic product to cling to the laundry, it firmly anchors it. Some gaskets also have "wings", which protect panties from leaking and even more firmly hold a hygienic sachet on them. In the middle of the gasket there are several absorbent layers, and also polyethylene. All of them prevent the flow of secretions, each in its own way. The top layer, which contacts the skin of the perineum, is made of artificial materials or natural. The first do not allow secretions to seep upward and come in contact with the body, but are contraindicated to allergic people. The natural material is more pleasant to the sensitive skin, but lets moisture pass to it.

Gaskets are selected according to their absorbency level. On the package it is marked with drops. With scant excretions, do not use thick and bulky pads. And with intensive it is better to choose a means that can absorb a large amount of moisture. There are also gaskets for day and night use. The former are usually less dense, narrower. And night means are made so that they were enough for a long time without replacement. In this case, there is no need to get up every 3-4 hours to change the gasket. At night, excretions are not so active due to the horizontal position of the body.

Gaskets are flavored, many women prefer just such. But choosing them, it is worth considering the possible allergic reaction and the fact that they drown out the smell of secretions. The latter quality with gynecological disease can become negative, as long does not provide an opportunity to learn about it.


These funds are more convenient for menstruation, since they are invisible under the thinnest clothing, they allow you to do much of what is impossible with the gasket. Tampons are small, dense tubes with an exhaust thread at one end. Some of them are equipped with an applicator, which greatly facilitates the introduction into the vagina, where this means should be. Hygiene with menses requires that the tampons are also matched with the number of excretions. According to this principle they are divided into:

  • Mini, which is suitable for young girls, with poor menstruation;
  • Normal, required for an average volume of precipitates;
  • Super, suitable for intensive menstruation.

Tampons should be changed with no less regularity than pads. In a menstrual blood-filled remedy that contacts the vaginal mucosa, bacteria quickly become active. This can bring not only to an inflammatory or infectious disease, which then will have to be disposed of for a long time, but also to a life-threatening syndrome of toxic shock.

Which of the hygiene products is better?

If we talk about those that can be used constantly, then the gasket is preferable. They are able to absorb much more moisture, do not allow stagnant discharge in the vagina. But in some cases, tampons have an advantage over them:

  • If there is a need for physical activity;
  • If you want to swim in the pool or outdoor pond;
  • If the heat does not allow you to comfortably wear the gasket because of skin problems.

Regarding the second of these circumstances, the use of tampons here has special safety rules. Water, unless it is boiled or distilled, is full of microorganisms. By the exhaust cord of the tampon they are able to reach the internal genitalia. To prevent this from happening, the hygiene product must be replaced before swimming. And immediately after leaving the pond too.

Gaskets can be used almost always and all. Tampons have contraindications:

  • Period after childbirth;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and various parts of the uterus;
  • Venereal and other infections of the genital organs.

Compliance with hygiene with monthly is not difficult. On the contrary, it helps to survive critical days with the least discomfort. And modern hygiene means give the chance to lead a habitual way of life, keeping health.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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