- Usage in cookery
- Application in medicine
- Application in cosmetology
- Infusions, baths, lotions
- Massage, inhalations and other therapeutic procedures
- Contraindications
Oregano is an aromatic herb that grows everywhere in our country: on glades, forest edges, hills, near trees and shrubs. In Europe and the USA, oregano is cultivated.
In people this plant is called the motherboard, as it cures female diseases. Oregano has another name - oregano and is a spice, known throughout the world. Grass oregano is unique because it grows well on any kind of soil and is able to cure almost any ailment.
Healing properties of oregano have been known since time immemorial. This plant was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians. They called the oregano a wild marjoram, which should drive away evil spirits and protect the house from uninvited guests.
Dushitsu in Russia was called much easier - a flea or a bug. This plant was used to protect against harmful insects. Due to its unusual bright aroma, oregano, rich in essential oils, could scare off bedbugs, fleas, ants, mice.
In the photo we see that the oregano grass is a beautiful perennial plant blossoming with violet-pink inflorescences and having tetrahedral stems, which are colored red at the top. It exudes a wonderful aroma, thanks to which it received its name.
Application of oregano
Application in cooking
- Grass oregano has found its application in the culinary arts of many countries of the world, especially the upper part of the plant stem together with leaves and flowers. In dried and fresh form this herb is added to food: in Belgium - in mushroom dishes, in France - in julienne, in Italy - in pizza.
- The plant has a delicate, spicy aroma and a burning bitter taste.
- Oregano is a part of fragrant mixtures and seasonings, used for the preparation of some meat products: sausages, pates, liver.
- Oregano is a seed that looks like small brown balls. Today gourmets add oregano as seasoning to almost all fried, stewed or baked meat dishes, in sauces and gravies.
Piquant taste of dishes from vegetables and mushrooms is given exactly by the motherboard. - Oregano makes a filling for pies with meat and cottage cheese more fragrant.
- Oregano is often added to marinades and pots.
- Oregano is superbly combined with black pepper, rosemary, basil, marjoram and other spices.
- In Russia motherboard is widely used in the preparation of beer, kvass. It gives these beverages an incomparable smell.
- Dishes cooked with oregano are well preserved: they do not sour for a long time.
Application in medicine
- Oregano has pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties,
- Calms the human nervous system,
- Stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract,
- The mother is characterized by a powerful anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic action,
- Has a pronounced sweat and expectorant effect and is used for bronchitis and pneumonia,
- Medications, having in their composition oregano, eliminate neuroses, psychosis, hysteria, epilepsy, insomnia,
- The plant relieves pain and relieves spasmsthe musculature of the stomach and intestines,
- Cures diseases of the liver and gallbladder,
- Reduces toothache and inflammation of the gums,
- Has an antifungal effect,
- Application of oregano in medicine fortreatment of unpleasant skin diseases: eczema, furuncles, dermatitis,
- The plant restores the structure of subcutaneous fat and reduces the appearance of cellulite,
- Eliminates menopause and reduces menstrual pain,
- Increases libido,
- Has antihelminthic effect,
- Promotes good digestion and assimilation of food, reduces flatulence, nausea,
- Normalizes blood pressure,
- Essential oil contains thymol, phenol and free alcohols,
- Ascorbic acid and tannins are also found in the grass,
- For patients with diabetes mellitus it is recommended to use as a seasoning in the preparation of meatfish, and also can be added to various dishes fresh leaves of grass,
- Oregano is very useful for people with a genetic predisposition to cancer. It contains a lot of selenium, which occupies an important place in the fight against neoplastic diseases.
Ordinary tea made from oregano can prevent the occurrence of cancer.
Application in cosmetology
- Grapefruit herb contains pigments that color materials in a dark color. This property of the plant is used in modern cosmetologists to create a tanning effect on a person's skin.
To do this, carefully grind the freshly picked stems or leaves of the motherboard to the consistency of thick sour cream and add olive oil and honey. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face with a special spatula, soak and wash everything with a tampon moistened with alcohol. - Masks with oregano are able to give the skin a tanned appearance, reduce the severity of wrinkles and heal acne.
- The motherboard is very popular in spa-salons. Aromassives with oregano help to quickly relax, relieve tension and soothe.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Oregano is used alone or as part of medicinal herbs.
Infusions and decoctions of
- Oregano extract is used for the preparation of compresses and aromatic baths for the treatment of skin rashes and headaches.
- Broth rinse the throat with angina, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Hoarseness of the voice passes after using a decoction of the motherboard with milk, taken in equal proportions. Useful for these diseases and infusion of oregano with the addition of honey - it can be used as a rinse aid, and also drink during the day in small sips. For such a drink, it is best to use heather, sage, acacia or sweet honey, as these varieties compete most effectively with pathogens.
- Washing the head with a decoction of oregano is an effective remedy for hair loss and alopecia.
- In a thermos, put two tablespoons of dry grass, pour them half a liter of boiling water and stand for forty minutes. This infusion of oregano is used in gynecology for syringing with erosion of the cervix. Also, it is recommended to take inwards one hundred milliliters before meals to women who restore their health after delivery and those who try to get rid of intrauterine bleeding.
An infusion of oregano stimulates lactation, which should be taken into account when preparing the ration of nursing young mothers.
But, since this plant contains essential oils and is allergenic, the daily need for this infusion should not exceed three hundred milliliters.
Compresses, baths, lotions
- To treat boils use compresses from the decoction of the motherboard.
- Grass oregano is chewed by stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease or applied to a diseased tooth.
- Therapeutic baths from the motherboard help with neurodermatitis, eczema. On a bucket of water you need to take fifty grams of oregano.
- With a strong runny nose and a headache, it is recommended to smell a powder made from dry and ground grass.
- Compresses with oregano oil are put on muscular pain and hepatic colic. To do this, add three drops of oil in half a liter of warm water, moisten in this liquid multilayer gauze, which is applied to the sore spot. Hold such a compress for two hours.
Massage, inhalation and other medical procedures
- For the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, use an external massage of the throat and chest with butter mother. To do this, in twenty grams of massage oil, add five drops of butter mother.
- Oregano oil is also used as scraps to relieve pain in rheumatism.
- Angina and other infectious diseases of the throat are treated with rinse with a decoction of oregano. To do this, you can use this tool: three drops of oil are added to a glass of warm water, mix and rinse the sore throat.
- Additional methods of treatment of bronchitis and cold are inhalation with the mother. Fill the vessel with a liter of boiling water and add a few drops of oil, cover the head with a blanket and deeply inhale the vapors for five minutes.
- Stimulates lactation tea from oregano. For its preparation in ordinary black or green tea, add a little motherboard in small quantities, brew and drink.
- Oregano - a preventative for colds. In the aromatic lamp dripping butter motherboard and enjoy its aroma.
- To fight insomnia fill a small linen bag with herb oregano, mint, pine needles and bay leaves and put under a pillow.
- Collection for the restoration of normal intestinal peristalsis based on oregano.
For its preparation, take three pieces of goose foot, three parts of oregano, two parts of caraway, two parts of dandelion, one part of dill seeds, two parts of birch leaves, two parts of grass of the twig. The necessary amount of collection is poured with boiling water, insisted for two hours and taken before meals.
Contraindications to the use of oregano are the following:
- allergy,
- stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity,
- decreased cardiac activity,
- decreased potency in men.
Oregano is contraindicated in pregnancy because it can provoke miscarriage or premature birth.