Why sick before menstruation: Causes vomiting, malaise

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Women of reproductive age are often faced with the unpleasant symptoms of the second phase of the cycle. The reason is the premenstrual syndrome, combining a number of negative feelings. Common manifestation of PMS stands discomfort on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, and the question of why sick before menstruation, many are interested in the fairer sex.



  • Simple causes nausea before menstruation
  • Dysmenorrhea - one of the common causes
  • endocrine pathology
  • possible pregnancy
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Nervous system problems
  • Strenuous exercise
  • hormonal contraceptives
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • How to get rid of nausea
    • medicines
    • Diet
    • Physical exercise

Simple causes nausea before menstruation

If a woman is sick before menstruation, the reasons may be lurking in the presence of a number of diseases and physiological conditions. In order to get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you need to understand, because of which it arose.

A woman's body in the second phase of the menstrual cycle is subject to hormonal fluctuations, and that's fine. Imbalance of hormones before and during menstruation can cause an aggravation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Often a symptom such as nausea, evidence of toxic poisoning or malnutrition. Each case requires a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Dysmenorrhea - one of the common causes

Menstruation - is a physiological phenomenon, but over 30% of women report discomfort at which a stomach ache, nausea before menstruation. This state of the body may be exacerbated by vomiting, weakness and other disorders. Since the symptoms of dysmenorrhea appear - monthly pathological process accompanying the critical days. It is necessary to pass inspection - before menstruation nausea can be caused by other reasons.

girl at the gynecologist

endocrine pathology

The activities of the human body is regulated by the endocrine system. Modern science has about 150 hormones.

Any hormonal changes lead to unbalance the body, but particularly the impact of hormones on women due to jumps of estrogen, progesterone, prostaglandin and serotonin (which is their number varies throughout cycle):

  1. Progesterone contributes to the accumulation of intracellular fluid and swelling gastrointestinal tissues may cause nausea before each menstrual cycle.
  2. Increased levels of prostaglandin inhibits the production of gastric secretion, decreased rate of cleavage of food, which also leads to nausea.
  3. Reducing the level of serotonin causes an increase in the amount of cortisol (stress hormone), which in turn affects the composition of gastric juice. The food stays in the stomach, causing nausea.

In addition to the physiological hormonal changes before menstruation sick for violations of the pancreas and thyroid glands, which already applies to the pathology requiring medical correction.

possible pregnancy

If women who have sex without using contraceptives and had previously not seen nausea, before menstruation at the end of the cycle is morning sickness, it should be understood that these unpleasant symptoms associated with PMS, and are one of the first signs of what happened conception. To verify the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to test or take a blood test for levels of hCG.

Woman with test

Laboratory research hcg levels provides the most accurate result, it increases with each week of fetal development. Changes in the body continue throughout the pregnancy.

Diseases of the digestive system

Nausea and vomiting before menstruation can be as PMS symptoms, as well as a violation of the digestive tract.

If a woman has a sore stomach or right upper quadrant, it is necessary to carry out the digestive tract examination. Pancreatic diseases, disorders of bile production process, its stagnation and many other chronic diseases may be exacerbated during the second phase of the cycle.

Nervous system problems

Every woman in his experiencing stressful situations. Some people have an aversion to food, while others have a habit of "jam" trouble. Both of these reactions are equally harmful to the digestive tract.

Women who do not know how to relax and react violently to the slightest excitement nauseated before menstruation, they are experiencing weakness after any traumatic situations. Dizziness and nausea before menstruation can occur in response to a minor annoyance.

Strenuous exercise

In professional athletes, bodybuilders and those who run long distance, often nausea occurs in response to a high physical activity. The body gives the signal that has not happened exhaustion unbearable loads. A few days before menstruation is necessary to reduce the intensity of your workouts and during menstruation should avoid exercises involving heavy lifting. Also, doctors do not recommend rock abs during menstruation.

girl runs

hormonal contraceptives

Taking birth control pills can be only after consultation with a gynecologist, he will assign the most appropriate medication. The list of side effects of any contraceptive appear nausea and vomiting. Poor health mark almost all who have just started to take the pills.

If a woman is sick before menstruation while taking contraceptive, you must consult your doctor and choose another method of contraception.

Premenstrual syndrome

Nausea PMS - an independent symptom, indicating the development of premenstrual syndrome cephalgic type.

PMS and nausea caused by regular variations in estrogen, progesterone and prostaglandin. If the current menstrual cycle, conception has occurred, a week before the monthly hormonal system prepares the body for the rejection of an unfertilized egg and endometrial epithelium. In the case of a woman suffering from chronic diseases that can be nausea, during PMS, these effects are amplified.

For more details about What is PMSYou can in a separate article on our site.

How to get rid of nausea

A woman should take care of their health status, visit the gynecologist, undergo medical examination and timely detection of the disease to treat. Compliance with these rules will reduce the chance of nausea before menstruation.

Keeping a journal will help to analyze the state of health for a number of cycles and to identify the causes of nausea. To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms, there are several techniques.

taking notes in the calendar


For the treatment of nausea using drugs that normalize the digestive system. The most common are Reglan and Motilium.

It is important to understand that these drugs have a symptomatic effect, while a full recovery is necessary to identify and cure the cause of nausea.


Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition improve wellbeing women before menstruation, get rid of excess weight. It requires abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, sugary sodas. You should try to:

  • reduce the consumption of coffee, chocolate and sugar confectionery;
  • to minimize the presence of dietary fat and smoked foods;
  • give preference to vegetable oils;
  • enter in the daily menu of foods rich in dietary fiber. They are contained in the unpolished cereals, green vegetables and bran.

In addition, it is recommended every day, drink at least 2 liters of water, drink herbal infusions and reduce the use of salt.

Physical exercise

Exercise has a bracing effect on the organism:

  • improves the immune system;
  • trains the cardiovascular system;
  • aligns hormones;
  • normalizes body weight.

Alleviate their condition before menstruation can any woman. Hiking, cycling, jogging and yoga classes are shown in the second half of the cycle and during menstruation.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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