Why shivering before menstruation, freezes: causes chills

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On the eve of the onset of menstruation, many representatives of the weaker sex to notice that they begin to freeze. There are several explanations why a woman shivering before menstruation. Various factors may provoke an increase or decrease of the body temperature characteristics, resulting in an uncomfortable sensation as the cold. The main reasons because of which freezes the eve of the month, held alone in a new cycle of the first days and do not require treatment.

woman chills


  • physiological causes
  • Atypical form of PMS
  • inflammatory diseases
  • Anemia
  • other factors

physiological causes

In the last days of the menstrual cycle, body temperature fluctuates due to which it starts to freeze.

Raising or lowering the temperature indicator depends on ovulation: before this process and thereafter the measurement results below, and during the - above. As a result of these differences before the start of menstruation in a woman a feeling of chill, cold.

Another physiological condition that affects the appearance of a sense of coldness during menses, is to increase the level of progesterone produced. This hormone affects thermoregulation processes in the body, increasing the temperature indicator in the last days of the menstrual cycle.

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These physiological factors cause temperature changes before menstruation, with the result that the skin turns pale and trembling appears in the muscles. In some cases, a strong influence on the thermoregulation processes in girls may turn blue lips.

These symptoms disappear on their own menstrual cycle upon the occurrence of the next phase, but on condition body temperature rises above 37.6 degrees - this is a sign of pathology and require recourse to medic.

To know exactly what happens to a woman's body on each phase of the menstrual cycle, Be sure to read additional information on this topic.

woman with thermometer

Atypical form of PMS

Chills called atypical form premenstrual syndrome (SLM). There are 3 types of this phenomenon, but a girl can freeze only at one of them: hyperthermal. It is characterized by fever before menstruation to 38 degrees. With the onset of menstruation, this figure falls.

This phenomenon is associated with increased levels of progesterone on the eve of the critical days and its decline during bleeding occurs. In this case, a woman shivers before menstruation due to the temperature rise.

inflammatory diseases

The emergence of chills during menstruation can be triggered by inflammation in the genital area. Under these conditions greatly increases the body temperature: it exceeds the rate at 37.6 degrees. Among the main causes of heat before the start of menstruation release:

  1. inflammation and endometrium in the uterus - in infectious lesion organ mucosa. The inflammatory process in the end of the cycle appears on the background of a weakened immune system, due to which pathogens begin to actively proliferate. Symptoms of disease: constipation, pain in the lower abdomen during urination and the appearance of purulent or yellowish vaginal discharge. At gynecological examination the uterus is noted the increase.
  2. Adnexitis - an inflammatory process in appendages. With such pathology temperature parameter able to rise to 40 degrees. In this case, there may be nausea, vomiting, sweating, weakness. Also, a woman begins to freeze. The pain, which appeared in the lower abdomen, gives to his feet.

If the girl had problems related to gynecology, chills, before menstruation, she is an urgent need to consult a doctor to diagnose the cause of pathological symptoms. If time does not undergo the necessary treatment, reproductive function may fail.

woman at the doctor


Anemia can cause a condition where a woman shaking muscles during menstruation. In the presence of this pathology weakness and chills occur regularly - regardless of the cycle. Situation may be aggravated day before menstrual bleeding, with the appearance of PMS. In this case, not only the frost, but the shakes.

Reduced hemoglobin level triggers fatigue, the appearance of weakness. Because of this, under the influence of progesterone increase the body's thermoregulation process is disrupted, a woman of strong frosts.

other factors

Woman shivers, not only for these reasons, but also under the influence of factors such as:

  • emotional stress;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • period preceding menopause.

When body temperature rises to noncritical parameters and decreases with the onset of menstruation, chills a physiological response of the organism and does not require treatment. If a woman freezes, while there are strong temperature changes, there were signs of any disease, consult your doctor.

  • Oct 24, 2019
  • 39
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