Why swells the stomach before menstruation and during them: causes and options for disposal

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Bloating before menstruation is one of the most common symptoms of PMS. Women also often changes the mood, there is unreasonably irritable and exhibit other signs of hormonal changes. But that is no reason for concern, and is normal.

hands on stomach


  • Causes swelling
    • hormonal changes
    • Pregnancy
    • Ovulation
    • Food
    • Bowel problems
    • Lack of exercise, and uncomfortable clothing
  • How to get rid of the bulge
    • Diet
    • medication

Causes swelling

Physiological changes in the female body always leads to inflation of the abdomen before menstruation. Let's talk about the most common causes of this phenomenon.

hormonal changes

bloating during menstruation is associated with hormonal changes. During the menstrual cycle a woman is not just faced with hormonal changes that trigger bodily edema and swelling of the stomach.

Hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, are actively involved in preparing the body for pregnancy. Abdominal enlargement may be associated with blood flow to the pelvic organs during ovulation. When oxygen-enriched endometrium, uterus softened, then - swollen. Stomach muscles react to it accordingly.

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Hormonal changes associated also with increasing amounts of progesterone in the menstrual period. Without it, the egg can not be fertilized. It affects the process of softening and increasing the size of the uterus that provokes discomfort sensations and flatulence.

menstrual cycle


If you delay menstruation and bloating it is recommended to do a pregnancy test. Expectant mother often puchit, her dizziness occur regularly, morning and evening nausea. it also faces bloating and swelling.

Should not delay the campaign to the doctor in the case if in addition to swelling in the first trimester of pregnancy in the lower abdomen is often a discomfort aching. Regular abdominal pain in early pregnancy, accompanied by bloating, may indicate a miscarriage.


Swelling before menstruation - is a problem faced by all of the fair sex. Flatulence is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Progesterone acts on the uterus, preparing it for a possible pregnancy. In the ovulation period, i.e. approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the egg leaving the ovary and into the fallopian tube. Its movement often leads to uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen.

When in the middle of a monthly cycle uterus swells due to minor trauma - release of the egg from the ovary, bloating occurs.


Flatulence before menstruation often occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of healthy eating. A few days before the onset of menstruation in the body is slowing down production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. To compensate for a bad mood woman seeks tasty but unhealthy food.

junk food

Thus, the struggle with depression conducted using food as a result of increased gas formation occurs. Malnutrition leads to a failure in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There flatulence, constipation, heartburn and diarrhea before menstruation.

Bowel problems

bowel disease provokes a negative effect of female hormones on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You may experience bloating and constipation before menses:

  • dysbacteriosis. In this case, there is insufficient amount of enteric beneficial microorganisms that provoke swelling before menstruation;
  • intestinal obstruction. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of problems related to the excretion of gas from the body;
  • diseases of the abdominal cavity. Due to the negative impact of the disease on the pancreas to the stomach to digest food is bad;
  • intestinal infection. The disease is accompanied by frequent vomiting, flatulence and temperature rise;
  • stock intestinal helminths.

Lack of exercise, and uncomfortable clothing

When the bowel movement is broken, there is flatulence. This is explained by the fact that the gases can not escape from the stomach. With such a problem often faced by women, leading a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and a lack of physical activity, - a common cause, in which the belly swells after menses.

woman at the computer

Also provokes flatulence wearing uncomfortable clothes. To prevent this problem, wear a bra that does not compress the chest. As for pants and jackets, they should be comfortable and not very fit snugly to the body, not to was transferred by the stomach. Otherwise, the swelling will occur before menstruation.

How to get rid of the bulge

Eliminate flatulence problem by following simple rules.


Swelling before menstruation is often triggered by rotting undigested products and excess fluid in the body. Therefore, to get rid of this problem, you need to follow the rules of healthy eating and diet:

  1. A week before the month is not recommended to eat foods containing fats and carbohydrates. The food in these days should be as gentle to the digestive tract. Should be excluded from the diet beans, flour, cabbage, castor sugar.
  2. Should eat foods rich in protein, such as eggs and milk.
  3. It should be completely excluded from the diet salted and smoked products which delay fluid in the body, causing the occurrence of edema.
  4. For the prevention of bloating have to abandon carbonated drinks a week before menstruation.
  5. During the month and a week before they need to take food rich in magnesium and vitamin B.
healthy food


Treatment of gastric distention before menstruation drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. There are medications that contribute to the removal of swelling and the removal of the intestines of accumulated gases.

It is best to cope with this mission sorbents which act in the stomach as a sponge, absorbing pathogens, toxins. These substances have a negative influence on intestinal motility, contributing to a delay in the body of water.

Thus, medications that can help you get rid of the problem of bloating before menstruation:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. White coal.
  3. Enterosgel.
  4. Polisorb.
  5. Espumizan.
  6. Pepsan-P.
  7. Motilium.
  8. Neobutin.
  9. Laktofiltrum.
  10. Linex.
  11. Mezim.

If flatulence is accompanied by painful sensations, probably in the gut spasm occurred. Remove it to help antispasmodic drugs group. For example, you can take no-silos, Spareks or papaverine.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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