Constipation before and during menstruation: Causes, what to do

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Before the onset of critical days, a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Women often experience severe headaches, become irritable, but sometimes may experience constipation, and before menstruation. The reasons for these changes in the body are different.



  • Why constipation occurs before menstruation
  • Causes of constipation not associated with menstruation
  • prevention tips
  • laxatives

Why constipation occurs before menstruation

Before menstruation the uterus begins to prepare for the rejection of the endometrium in the absence of fertilization. Since the body is cleansed of destroyed ovum, mucus and unnecessary substances are washed away with the blood during the critical days. For this reason, the reproductive organ before the arrival of regular blood accumulates, selecting it from the bloodstream. To do this, a sufficient amount of fluid in the tissues, which comes from the digestive tract.

Thus, the delay before menstruation chair provoke accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity and the liquid discharge from the intestine. In addition, in this period the changes in hormonal levels, due to which disrupted water-salt balance.

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Another factor that provokes constipation during menstruation, is the increase in the volume of the uterus and compression of the intestinal wall. The lumen therein decreases, the mass flow becomes difficult. Also affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract that degrades intestinal peristalsis because of its sluggishness during this period.

Causes of constipation not associated with menstruation

The main factor provoking change in the activity of the digestive tract - the wrong food. There are a number of products that can slow down the motility and impair digestion. If a woman after menstruation or before the onset of constipation occurs, then it needs to be adjusted nutrition during regulator: To give up baked goods, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate and fatty foods.

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Cause constipation various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Provoke this symptom can colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. With the development of pathologies observed following clinical picture:

  • pain in the epigastric;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • bloating.

When colitis fecal appear impurities such as pus, mucus or blood. Similar changes are observed in irritable bowel syndrome.

The causes of the problems with defecation can be due to hemorrhoids. It is considered that the development of this pathology causes constipation, but there is an inverse relationship. With a strong pain in the rectum woman tries to reduce the frequency of emptying. If the reflex is inhibited by a long period of time, the stool becomes harder as the excess liquid begin to be absorbed into the intestinal wall. As a consequence - constipation.

constipation during menstruation

prevention tips

The prevention of constipation is of particular importance the proper organization of the diet. A woman needs to give up sweets, sausages, pastries, muffins and alcohol. In moderate amounts should eat salty and spicy dishes. You also need to ensure that there were too many carbohydrates in the diet.

Many women who have been constipated before menstruation is not known what to do in this situation. In fact, to avoid such problems is quite simple. It is necessary instead of forbidden foods included in the diet:

  • corn oil, sunflower, flax, and olives;
  • Rye bread;
  • various dried fruits, in particular apricots;
  • products, which contain large amounts of fiber;
  • hibiscus tea and green tea;
  • vegetables in unlimited quantities;
  • Fermented milk products with the lowest fat content.

Equally important in the normalization of the bowel has a drinking regime. Woman before the critical days you have to drink a lot of water. Per day into the body should do at least 2.5 liters of liquid.

Restoration of the gastrointestinal system - a long and painstaking process. It can not always be put in normal functioning of the intestines, keeping only one diet. Thus it is necessary to carry out additional recommendations:

  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • do sport;
  • prefer active kinds of rest;
  • abandon bad habits (alcohol and smoking).

Constipation during menstruation will help eliminate a relaxing massage. To improve the tone of the digestive system organs succeed thanks to yoga classes.


If defecation problems are observed for a long time, then resorted to the use of laxatives. Their action is aimed at suppressing the process of absorption of the intestine walls and stimulate peristalsis. Most often used for this purpose magnesium. In its application must adhere to a strict diet.

Among common medicaments having a laxative action, is isolated and Dufalac Senade. By receiving these drugs should be resorted to only on doctor's advice.

If constipation is accompanied by a decrease in appetite and weakness, then apply medicines that increase the motility. One of the most popular drugs in this group stands Motilium. Acceptance of this tool is combined with probiotics.

In cases where the critical days before the psycho-emotional state is deteriorating and there is defecation delay is likely to develop spastic constipation. Relax the bowel wall will Fitosed, has a calming effect and helps to improve the condition of the nervous system.


Before menstruation in women may experience problems with defecation. Their causes are physiological and pathological. If these symptoms are observed short period, no reason to worry. In those cases when there is a delay of a chair, even after the end of regulation and accompanied by other clinical manifestations, need medical care.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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