PMS or pregnancy: the main differences and similarities signs

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Discern, PMS or pregnancy manifests as irritability and pulling pain in the abdomen, for women is problematic. Indeed, signs of approaching menstruation and successful fertilization are very similar due to the intensive production of progesterone in these states. The first thing to do if the delay is accompanied by PMS - carry out a rapid test. But he does not always give an accurate answer.

woman wondering


  • Differences from PMS symptoms of pregnancy
    • taste preferences
    • Pigmentation
    • hyperptyalism
    • Sentimentality and temper
  • Similar symptoms of PMS and pregnancy
    • breast tenderness
    • Fatigue
    • Abdominal pain
    • Low back pain
    • mood swings
  • How to determine exactly

Differences from PMS symptoms of pregnancy

There are certain differences between the PMS and pregnancy. When approaching a woman is experiencing critical days mood swings, Restlessness, anxiety, and aggression, in the case of a successful conception, its spectrum of emotions is much wider. mood swings can be observed: the crying, the joy.

Regardless of whether you plan to get pregnant or not, you need to carefully monitor the menstrual cycle. Delay is often noted not only for successful fertilization, but in the case of serious pathologies.

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That is why it is so important to know what is the difference between PMS syndrome and pregnancy, and to be able to distinguish one state from the other.

taste preferences

Changes in taste preferences for both states is quite typical. PMS desire to try any new foods due to a lack of trace elements and vitamins. During early pregnancy there is an increased craving for salty and sour foods.

The difference between these states is that premenstrual syndrome want to try something new, but in the first weeks of pregnancy, you may receive an aversion to certain types of food. This is due to an organism intoxication products fetal life.

Learn more about how why it would be desirable to have a monthlyIn our article on the site.

Woman sick


Distinguish pregnancy from PMS, you can change the state of the skin. The appearance of pigmentation on the face, nipples and the white line of the abdomen - signs that are typical only for successful fertilization. In such symptoms occur during the premenstrual syndrome.


Toxemia begins immediately after the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall. After just a week after became pregnant, possibly the first of its manifestation. When the products of metabolism in the blood reaches a sufficient concentration, nausea amplified. The first pregnancy was on such grounds the easiest way to distinguish this condition from PMS.

Sometimes the background toxicity, there is another symptom - hypersalivation (excessive salivation). Premenstrual syndrome, such changes are not observed.

Sentimentality and temper

Woman's mood during PMS and fertilization is significantly different. In the first case, the color of the emotional background becomes negative, there Depression before menstruation. She feels anger and rage, becomes irritable. It is these feelings cause tears.

In case of a successful conception all felt a little differently - much brighter and sharper. The woman in this period becomes vulnerable and sensitive. Emotions that she experiences, can be both negative and positive, and the mood is changing dramatically and unexpectedly.

man calms a Woman

Similar symptoms of PMS and pregnancy

It can not always be easily distinguished from PMS pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during the menstrual cycle and luteal phase at conception hormone progesterone in the body is contained in a large amount. That is why the symptoms of these conditions are very similar.

breast tenderness

Breast tenderness and swelling of her triggers hormonal failure, typical of pregnancy and PMS. Therefore, these symptoms occur in both states.

The only difference is that the breasts premenstrual syndrome hurts more days, and in the case of conception swelling and breast tenderness accompanied by a woman for a long period time.

Read more about why sore breasts before menstruationIn due time to distinguish the symptoms of PMS from pregnancy.


The feeling of fatigue is accompanied by a woman before menstruation and the early stages of pregnancy. Under these conditions in the body contains the maximum amount of progesterone, which provokes the appearance of such sensations. As a rule, with the advent of menstruation fatigue passes, and can remain for a long time at conception.

Abdominal pain

During PMS is an active production of progesterone prepares the uterine tissue to the embryo attachment. There is a build-up of the endometrium and its subsequent detachment. Therefore such symptoms appear monthly as pain in the lower abdomen.

If conception occurs the embryo attaching to the uterine wall and its immersion in the mucous membranes. These are due to abdominal pain in early pregnancy.

woman holding her stomach

Low back pain

On approaching the beginning of menstruation signal pain in the lumbar region. In pregnancy, these symptoms occur in the second trimester, but sometimes due to hormonal changes observed in the early stages.

mood swings

Excess of progesterone in the body provokes mood swings as in PMS, and in case of successful fertilization. With the onset of menstruation, this symptom disappears, and in pregnant women there is a long period.

How to determine exactly

Determine approaching month pregnancy or by using special test. If there is a delay, then the probability of obtaining a valid response is large enough. In rare cases, it turns out false negative.

If menses do not appear, a week is recommended to retest. At this point in the urine will have a sufficient concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin, from which depends the result of the study.

Know for sure the pregnancy or PMS will be possible with the help of a blood test hCG. This hormone starts being produced only in the case of conception.

To get the exact answer you may need to do an ultrasound. With it is possible to confirm the fact of conception is already on a three-week period, but to resort to this investigation is necessary on prescription.

Pregnancy in the early periods and premenstrual syndrome have a number of similar symptoms. That is why women are often unaware that pregnant, perceiving changes in the body of the manifestations of PMS. If in any doubt it is recommended to be examined by a gynecologistWho will be able to distinguish one state from the other without difficulty.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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