Swelling before and during menstruation: Causes, how to deal

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Swelling before menstruation - one of the common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, along with nervousness, fatigue, and general malaise. Often, they are not a sign of any pathological conditions of the body, they can be eliminated by simple and accessible ways.

a woman holding on to the legs


  • The causes of edema during and before menstruation
  • As manifested swelling
  • How to get rid of the swelling during menstruation
    • medications
    • Traditional methods
  • Prevention of edema

The causes of edema during and before menstruation

edematous form PMS syndrome regularly occurs in half of the fairer sex, and almost always considered to be physiological. The reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Excessive secretion of estrogen and progesterone provoke lack of swelling before menstruation. It is expressed in the swelling of the breasts, face and other body parts. Estrogen promotes fluid retention, progesterone - its exit from the body. Before menstruation also increases prolactin, too large amount thereof which may be indicative of various pathologies.
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  3. Stressful situations. Lead to hormonal disruption, particularly excess pituitary hormone corticotropin. This leads to the reabsorption of fluid in the kidneys and edema as in PMS, and in the other days of the cycle.
  4. Deficiency of vitamins. Lack of vitamin A, B, E and zinc leads to impaired metabolic processes influencing the occurrence of swelling during and after menstruation.
  5. Excess weight. Fat stores are the source of estrogen.
  6. Severe swelling during premenstrual syndrome. Typical for women with unhealthy kidney disorders and other work of the excretory system. On other days, the body can also swell, but before the critical days it appears brighter.

Swelling occur before menstruation, and in particular age periods of development of the reproductive system: in the stages of puberty and fertility extinction.

A small swelling is considered quite normal for 3-6 days before menstruation. She explained that under the influence of hormonal processes the uterus increases in size, Squeezing the neighboring and violating the metabolism of the whole body.

swollen legs

As manifested swelling

Edema during menstruation is easy enough to observe visually:

  1. Observed swelling of extremities - swollen legs, feet, at least - arms.
  2. Swollen face, eyelids and cheeks differ swelling.
  3. Before the start of the menstrual cycle in women swollen breasts. This is typical even for those of the fairer sex who are not prone to swelling in other parts of the body.
  4. Puffiness appears as excess fluid affects the volume and weight. Before menstruation a woman seems fuller and becomes harder to 1.5-3 kg.

Besides visible manifestations, edema is characterized by physical discomfort and painful sensations in those places where it appears.

Quite often, women face edema during menopause, So you should read further information on this topic.

How to get rid of the swelling during menstruation

Many of the fairer sex are wondering how to get rid of the swelling before menstruation, as well as what to do to avoid them. Most experts say that any method will work only at the time when they are applied. As soon as the reception of stop means, swelling back again, if a woman has a tendency to them. In order to alleviate the condition, it is recommended:

  • drugs used;
  • use of traditional medicines;
  • implement preventive actions constantly.
feet on the pillow


For the treatment of edema as a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, experts recommend taking diuretics. Their action is aimed at ridding the body of excess fluids. The most popular medication is considered Veroshpiron.

But the woman should be remembered that the swelling may be a symptom not only of premenstrual syndrome, but more serious pathological conditions. Therefore, you must first identify the cause, and then apply the treatment according to doctor's recommendation.

Traditional methods

Of puffiness in the days of menstruation can be eliminated using the methods of traditional medicine, which have diuretic properties. It decoctions, infusions and teas from rosehips, leaves and chamomile flowers, cranberries, bay leaves.

For preparing decoctions any need to 10 g dry grass pour 200 ml of boiling water, then hold on a steam bath for 8-12 minutes.

Besides fitonapitkov help such funds:

  • compresses on the eyelids of chilled tea bags of green tea brewed earlier;
  • face masks of the very cold milk (wipe them skin), sour cream and parsley, beaten egg whites;
  • grinding the swollen body parts diced frozen broth chamomile or black coffee.
cubes with chamomile

Prevention of edema

For women who are interested in how to deal with the swelling before menstruation, the best option would be their permanent prevention. Effective ways to fix the problem - the observance of a balanced healthy diet and drinking regime. Basic Rules:

  1. Drink a day how much pure water - 8 to 12 glasses. It is also allowed to use green tea, ginger with lemon, but without sugar. From sugary drinks and coffee is recommended to refuse.
  2. Do not drink a lot at night, if there is a kidney disorder - excretory system can not cope with a large amount of liquid. Beware of women with such problems should be addressed to the use of dairy products.
  3. Follow proper nutrition. Should abandon the use of food, provoking the appearance of edema: pickled, salted, smoked, sweet.
  4. Include in the diet of foods that have diuretic properties: watermelon, citrus fruits, beets, greens, cucumbers, pumpkin seeds, any fish, lean meat.
  5. Control your psycho-emotional state, and try to avoid stressful situations.
  6. Engage in sports - this will help speed up the metabolism and lose the excess liquid as a natural way and through the skin. Note that not all sporting activities during menstruation will be equally useful.
  7. Try to keep your weight under control and prevent its excess.
  8. Maximum exclude alcohol, it dehydrates the body to provoke fluid retention in the tissues.
  9. Respect the healthy sleep and avoid fatigue.

If swelling is not a manifestation of serious pathologies, it is recommended to facilitate his fortune using folk remedies. When the causes of the disease are, to fix the problem you need help with a qualified professional.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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