Why do before, during menstruation want sweet, salty, chocolate

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Response to hormonal surges in women individual. This concerns not only the physical and psycho-emotional state, but also taste preferences. One during menstruation some reason you want sweet, the other pulls on the salty, others can not resist the hearty scones. Take it easy. Raging appetite and unusual desires - it is not an aberration, but the incoming and outgoing sign of menstruation, the only unpleasant consequences of which can become extra kilos.

eating cake


  • Physiological causes of eating habits before menstruation
  • As to trick the body
  • Eating habits as a sign of vitamin deficiency or PMS

Physiological causes of eating habits before menstruation

Craving for certain foods before your period is due to the physiological characteristics. The leaders of the nutritional needs of chocolates, cakes, sweets and cakes. Doctors know why in the month I want to eat a lot, Including sweet and explain this desire influenced by sex hormones. There are many, but the main participants in the regulation of hunger and satiety are considered to be estrogen and progesterone.

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Once in 28-30 days in the female body hormone balance is disturbed. This affects the health and psychological condition. Throughout the cycle actively produce estrogen required for oocyte maturation. The woman at the same time does not feel in the body hormonal changes.

Reaching peak concentration during ovulation, estrogen production ceases.

After maturation and release of the egg in the case turns on progesterone. It is this hormone is responsible for all the uncomfortable symptoms: decreased performance, mood swings in women irritability and other unpleasant surprises.

woman on the bed

Regular bouts of hunger and craving for sweets before menstruation occur for the following reasons:

  1. The day before menstruation accelerates metabolism. Active development of gastric juice enhances digestion. The body requires more calories, causing a constant desire to eat.
  2. Deficiency of estrogen affects the production of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin becomes smaller, respectively, the body needs replenishing this hormone. Hence the desire for sweets.
  3. Reduced estrogen levels affect the amount of endorphins, norepinephrine and serotonin. These hormones are a source of good mood. If their deficiency in the body there is a need to improve their condition through the use of products that can compensate for the deficiency. Help raise the spirits favorite sweets.

Craving for salty can be caused by weak immunity. Lost sense of taste, the food seems fresh, the body requires the missing elements. Another reason why before menstruation want salt, linked to inadequate water-salt metabolism. This takes place with a shortage of minerals such as sodium, potassium and chlorine.

As to trick the body

Many nutritionists recommend not resist the natural urge and do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat sweets during menstruation. This will allow to carry discomfort and depressive mood lighter. The only thing that bothers many women - a figure likely to spoil. The risk of gaining weight is really high, as calm the raging appetite and resist the urge to eat sweet or salty, very difficult.


The best and most sophisticated version - control hunger and satiety, to make the menu for each day and stick to the schedule meals. Here everything will depend on the strength of will, but when you consider that before and during menstruation, with strong-willed manifestations are having difficulty, it is necessary to use other means to cheat the body:

  1. Eat regularly and often. Divide the portion into several parts without increasing the volume.
  2. When choosing foods, pay attention to vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish. Optionally eat chocolate when pulling on the sweet. The increased amount of glucose is not safe for the female body. You can eat a banana or eat a spoon of honey. Favorite flour products change in the bread and porridge, they also are high in fiber. If you want salt before menstruation, not necessarily eating chips and nuts. Useful substitute could be cheese, salted cucumbers, sauerkraut, or crackers.
  3. Increase the amount of fluid consumed. This allows you to tame your appetite. Drink a lot, but only water as coffee and juice, on the contrary, increase the desire to eat something.
  4. Distract yourself from thinking about food. Walk, practice your favorite things, read.
  5. Try to avoid during the month of conflict and stress conditions. After the unpleasant stories and scandals, many fleeing their favorite goodies.

It is important to establish meals during menstruationTherefore we recommend to read additional information on this issue.

These measures will maintain the attractiveness of your figure, at least, critical deviations can be avoided. If you noticed that the weight was added, do not attempt to correct the situation.

During the month it is better to forget about weighing. Even if you starve yourself these days, extra grams, kilograms are not going anywhere. Such is the physiology. We'll have to wait and enjoy the result after menstruation.


Eating habits as a sign of vitamin deficiency or PMS

One of the possible factors that influence the taste needs during menstruation, is a vitamin deficiency. Deficiency of vitamins negative impact on the digestive system. frequent constipation during regulation or diarrhea, nausea and uncontrollable weight gain - all of his symptoms. Another sign is the change in the taste of food. Women may abandon the familiar menus and preferences to products which previously avoided. Appear obsessive desire: one like sweet, others somehow pulls on salty.

Such manifestations, as in the case of PMS, are temporary. Enough to fill the balance of the missing vitamins and all restored. But premenstrual syndrome desire to eat sweet or salty will return monthly. The reason is the lack of endorphin. Insufficient production of the hormone of joy impairs mood, causing depression and despondency.

Correct this condition for a few days before menstruation helps favorite treats, and the brain is like to be a source of joy - funny comedy, a beautiful dress or a piece of cake.

Sweets during the menstrual cycle into the body more often than other products. But eating chocolate will not solve the problem. The mood will improve, but it is unlikely you will appreciate the view of the figure, losing shape. Deal with food addiction, especially during the critical days, very difficult. To get rid of excess weight is much more difficult. You choose!

  • Oct 24, 2019
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