How long PMS, how many days before menstruation begins, the symptoms in girls

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The concept of premenstrual syndrome in women is associated with poor health. With the approach of menstruation, it is really deteriorating, but the number and severity of premenstrual symptoms differ. Knowing how much lasts PMS, it is easier to tune and prepare for the coming changes, but the exact timing of its occurrence and duration difficult to predict. It depends on many factors and reasons. Most of them are associated with mental and physical characteristics of an organism.

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  • What day wait for PMS
  • How many days it lasts
  • Why is PMS
  • syndrome symptoms

What day wait for PMS

Menses and PMS observed monthly and only for those women who have reached puberty. In some first symptoms are observed for 2 days before menstruation, while others - 10, in rare cases, the duration is 14 days.

To determine the exact date when the PMS begins, it is easier for women with regular cycles, that is, when the monthly occur at regular intervals. The fact is that every day of the menstrual cycle accompanied by certain changes in the female genital organs. Knowing about the features

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cycle phase regulatorsYou can calculate the number of days before menstruation symptoms begin to appear.

First comes the oocyte maturation. By the time this period lasts for at least 14-16 days. In the middle of the cycle the egg is released from the follicle. Then comes the last (third) phase, when the body either prepares for pregnancy, or getting rid of all the excess.

Significant changes in the female body starts during ovulation and after it. The second and third phases of the cycle are on average 1-2 weeks. It is in these days marked uncomfortable symptoms of PMS. The woman feels unwell, weakness, becomes irritable.

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The norm is the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome for 10 days before menstruation. If the condition worsens over the week, it is not critical. Start PMS for 12-14 days applies to the dangerous conditions. To find out why you need to see a gynecologist.

How many days it lasts

Weekly duration of the syndrome before menstruation is considered normal. Some do not know how much lasts PMS in women, because they do not feel any discomfort and are not familiar with premenstrual symptoms.

The duration depends not only on health and physiological characteristics. Cases when the absence of problems manifest symptoms of premenstrual syndrome 10 or more days before the onset of menses.

This may be due to external factors: environment, lifestyle, nutrition, climatic conditions. Even the mood and temperament of women can influence the severity of symptoms and duration of premenstrual syndrome.

PMS can begin and take place in the form of weak and heavy, but in any case it is necessary to control their condition and always pay attention to the number of days and the symptoms. Protracted (more than 14 days) at the ICP many negative manifestations - a sign of illness, and abnormalities in the body.

woman at the doctor

Why is PMS

The causes of PMS and health disorders in women on the eve of the monthly lot. Most of them are connected with internal factors:

  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • the effects of a difficult delivery and abortion;
  • psychological disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • bad habits and neglect of a healthy lifestyle.

Yet the main reason for the start of the ICP are considered to hormonal changes. With the restructuring of the hormonal changes linked to virtually all of the body in women of any age.

After ovulation, hormonal balance is disturbed. In the middle of the cycle there is a decrease in estrogen and an increase in the amount of progesterone, which is important for pregnancy and maintaining the cycle. This imbalance of hormones in the body before menstruation affects the physical condition and behavior of women.

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syndrome symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome - a set of unpleasant symptoms that have a negative impact on the physical and emotional state. Typical symptoms of PMS before menstruation can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Psychological: stress, tearfulness, depression, irritability, frequent mood swings during menstruation and feather them, panic attacks, aggressiveness, unreasonable fears.
  2. Physiological: headaches, nausea, edema, swelling and breast tenderness, elevated or reduced pressure, weight gain, pain in the abdomen, heart and loins, shortness of breath, vision problems, loss of interest in sex, drowsiness, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In mild leakage occurs 3-5 PMS symptoms. With the onset of menstruation, they are. Severe form characterized by numerous manifestations of the syndrome and the duration of more than 10-14 days before menstruation.

For more details about What is premenstrual symptom, The basic concepts and interpretation of symptoms, you can read in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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