How are monthly and is happening in a woman's body during their

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All girls need to know their physiological characteristics: both are monthly, what sensations at the same time are considered normal, but when you need to contact a specialist. It is necessary to take into account the fact individuality of each organism, and the impact of external factors on health. One important question concerns what should be monthly: texture, color, odor, quantity.

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  • Phase of the menstrual cycle
    • desquamation
    • Regeneration
    • Proliferation
  • The normal menstrual cycle
  • What a woman feels during the critical days

Phase of the menstrual cycle

All of the fairer sex since puberty is menstruation every month - of bleeding, sometimes accompanied by weakness and pain in the genital authorities.

Gynecologists, answering the question how the menstruation, explain this phenomenon regularly features of the hormonal system of women, and in accordance with the processes occurring in the body, divide the whole cycle phase.


Experts allocate 2 phase regulating loop:

  1. Ovarian associated with oocyte maturation and consisting of three steps: follicular, the ovulatory and luteal.
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  3. The mother, depending on the processes in the body during menstruation (they all occur in the uterus under the influence of hormones secreted by the ovaries). It consists of desquamation, regeneration and proliferation.

Desquamation - the first of three stages of the uterine lining changes (endometrium), which happens every month 1 time if fertilization has not occurred. At this time it is winding down production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which impairs the power of the functional layer of tissue.

As a result of this process dead cells appear. Their exclusion and yield from the organ of bleeding - something that normally occurs during menstruation. Completely out of these cells in the 3-4th day of menstruation.



After leaving dead cells of mucosal tissue regeneration occurs at monthly - restoring the epithelium basal layer due to the endometrium. A second step lasts uterine phases of the menstrual cycle, about one day.


Proliferation - the third stage, which occurs in about 5 days after the start of menstruation and is characterized by the fact that the form:

  • new epithelium with tubular gland cells by dividing the existing ones;
  • the blood vessels that nourish the prostate gland and epithelium.

This stage lasts up to 2 weeks. During this time, the thickness of the functional layer appeared tissue reaches 8 mm.

The normal menstrual cycle

The time interval between the first day of every month for girls called menstrual cycle.

The normal duration of the cycle is between 21 to 35 days. Such frequency is adjusted with the onset of a period of regular menstrual periods, that is, a few months after the first discharge. They begin in the norm of 11-15 years, more exact age depends on the characteristics of the organism girls.

The exact figure, how much should go monthly girls, no. Their duration and intensity of individual. Averaged values ​​- from 3 to 7 days with separation of 40-50 ml of blood from the uterine endometrium necrotic layer through the cervical canal.

Monthly should have a substantially uniform structure and color. But the first days are burgundy, dark red - in the following. At the end of menstrual blood can be scarlet, and after a few days of normal considered spreadable scant brown discharge.

Change cycle can occur in physiological and pathological reasons and always related to the amount and the ratio of hormones produced by different bodies.

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An occasion to address to the gynecologist a woman of childbearing age are considered to be monthly, that:

  • 3 and last less than 7 days;
  • too scarce or abundant;
  • come more than 1 time in 3 weeks or less often than once a month;
  • They have a non-uniform texture and contain large blood clots;
  • unpleasant smell;
  • accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

What a woman feels during the critical days

On the way pass monthly every woman, influenced by such factors:

  • Genetics - some of the fairer sex inherit the pain or, conversely, their absence;
  • lifestyle - stress situations and the lack of regular sexual activity may aggravate the condition of women in the critical days;
  • the state of health in the current period - if the body is weakened by illness, it is very likely that the menstruation process will be accompanied by a general deterioration of health.

Menstruation in a woman's hormonal changes occur that affect its health. Sensations are different depending on the day spotting:

  1. When the starting month, and copious, the girl may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen. They appear as a result of uterine contractions, the buoyancy of the dead themselves endometrial cells. The first days of menstruation also affect the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Vessels constrict, blood pressure may drop, especially if a woman has a tendency to hypotension. The emotional state is unstable due to hormonal fluctuations. Many observe at indigestion - allocated at this time of the active substance prostaglandins reduce the tone of the intestine.
  2. On the 3rd to the 6th day of the amount of blood discharge decreases, the mental and physical condition returns to normal. Occasionally the woman feels the pain and other symptoms of menstruation at this time.
  3. After the closure body is updated critical days, being improved, it increases libido.

Gynecologists recommend to refrain from sexual activity with the 1st to the 3rd day of menstruation. During this period, when torn away unnecessary layer of tissue similar to the uterine surface of the wound, and is very sensitive to infections. In addition, the aching pain and general discomfort affect the sensations during sex.

  • Oct 24, 2019
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