Is it possible to do a tattoo during the month, why not

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For the first time tattooing began many centuries ago. Now there are different ways of applying the pigment, allowing not only to move the selected pattern to the skin, but also to give the exterior a more sophisticated look. To resort to such actions or not - is a purely personal decision. The only thing - you need to know in advance, it is possible to do a tattoo during menstruation or is it better to postpone this process for a couple of days.

girl doing tattoo


  • Tattoo during menstruation
  • Why it is not recommended to tattoo in the critical days
    • Increased sensitivity to pain
    • Increasing the time of healing of wounds
    • Increasing the risk of allergies
    • Increased risk of bleeding
  • Contraindications to the procedure

Tattoo during menstruation

Closer to the coming of the regulation in the body of a woman has been a dramatic change in hormonal levels. For this reason, you may want to do something that previously simply did not have the courage. This explains the spontaneous decision to put tattoo in the critical days.

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It is worth noting that doctors say unequivocally that the tattoo and even normal hair coloring is highly undesirable in this period. This is due to the fact that such manipulations have a negative impact on health. Organism during menstruation excessively weakened and susceptible to any influence. So the tattoo is not recommended during menstruation, but an absolute contraindication critical days are not considered.

Why it is not recommended to tattoo in the critical days

Before you beat a tattoo, you need to know what complications can arise as a result of this procedure. First of all, we should bear in mind that there is a risk of infection, and this is definitely a negative impact on health. In addition, with the advent of menstruation in a woman's body undergoes a series of significant changes:

  • marked excessive irritability and unexplainable mood swings;
  • lowered pain threshold;
  • skin swell and become friable;
  • there are skin rash;
  • resistance to pathogenic agents is significantly reduced.
after applying the tattoo

Due to the fact that the procedure is accompanied by damage to the skin, it is not recommended during the critical days. It is possible that in the future there will be problems in the healing process of wounds.

Increased sensitivity to pain

Fill pattern on the body in the monthly period is not recommended primarily because the woman in the critical days becomes susceptible to even insignificant painful sensations. It is natural that during menstruation tattooing will be much more painful than if implemented in other phases of the cycle.

Tattooing in those areas where the skin is thin enough to cause even more discomfort. If a woman does not tolerate the pain, it is unpredictable (loss of consciousness and low blood pressure) when a further stimulus response of the body.

If prior to the application pattern on the body will be taken painkillers, the situation may be even more difficult. Not excluded allergic reaction and rash. In addition, certain medications of this group contained vasodilators components that could lead to expansion of the cutaneous vessels, accelerate blood flow and the increase in body temperature. As a result, it suffers not only the general condition of the woman, but the quality of the picture.

girl drinks tablet

Increasing the time of healing of wounds

After tattooing for several days in the areas of image observed swelling and redness. The puncture site is marked hemorrhage, and after a while the formation of a crust. Such discomfort is transient and passes through 5-6 days. At this point, the structure of the skin time to recover, small wounds disappear.

If do tattoo during the critical days, the healing period is longer. This is due to the fact that the increased bleeding stimulates blood from flowing into the wound, and the body is so weakened that it can not send forces to the wound.

It should be noted that the blood is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic micro-organisms. Due to its large clusters at the puncture increases the risk of infection and suppuration.

Increasing the risk of allergies

Among the reasons for not doing the tattoo during menstruation should also mention the risk of an allergic reaction. The pigment is made up of chemicals which may trigger the process. In the critical days, when the body is weakened, the chances of these complications increases significantly.

In addition, inflammation and allergy at the puncture site can lead to a significant increase in the period of wound healing, abscesses and suppuration or damage caused simply drawing wizard.

allergy to tattoo

Increased risk of bleeding

When are monthly, do not tattoo stands still because the enzymes that are released into the blood, reduce its viscosity and increase blood flow. For this reason, the punctures will bleed heavily. To tattoo properly in such conditions, the master will not work. It is possible that the picture will turn out with flaws, which in future will be very difficult to fix.

In addition, there is a risk that after the tattoo at the puncture site will be large hematoma. As a result, the skin otechet and festering risk increase. Yes, and the healing process will be longer.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are a number of contraindications, the presence of which the tattoo procedure is running. The list is the same for both permanent and temporary tattoo:

  • liver disease and kidney disease, occurring in the chronic form;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to chemicals;
  • skin diseases;
  • herpetic rash.

Menstruation is not considered an absolute contraindication to tattooing, but physicians strongly recommend to perform this procedure during the critical days. Wound healing formed in menstruation phase occurs substantially longer. In addition, it increases the risk of complications. For this reason it is best to postpone the trip to the salon to complete the end of regulation.

Also during menstruation there are a number of contraindications, so please read further about what is possible and can not at the monthly and why.

  • Oct 24, 2019
  • 48
  • 405