Properties and use of mint broth

In medicine, pain relieving, antiseptic and vasodilating properties of mint broth are most often used. This effect is provided by menthol, a monohydric alcohol of plant origin. In its pure form, it is a clear crystalline substance with a strong minty odor. From mint it got its Latin name Mentha.

When applied externally, as part of the decoction, menthol has the ability to affect the cold receptors of the skin, causing a feeling of coolness and freshness, while internal - increases blood circulation, improves digestion, tones up.

Composition of mint

The properties of the decoction of mint are primarily dependent on the composition of its ingredients - the source of plant raw materials, which are leaves and herbaceous shoots of the plant. They contain a large number of essential oils, mainly menthol, flavonoids, saponins and other biologically active substances.

Chemical composition of peppermint:

  • essential oils;
  • tanning agents;
  • flavonoids;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral substances.
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Essential oil, due to which, in general, mint is appreciated, consists of menthol and esters. In leaves it contains about 2-3%.In the inflorescences, the amount of oil increases and is already 4-6%.Menthol is the main active substance that determines the analgesic, antiseptic and tonic properties of the decoction.

Vitamins mint is also not deprived. The composition contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP.It has a lot of vitamin C. Its amount can reach 32 mg / 100 g, despite the fact that the human need for it is 80 mg per day.

Copper, manganese, zinc and iron are found from microelements. The trace elements are represented by calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. For medicine, potassium is of particular importance, it is involved in the regulation of the water-salt balance and is necessary for the heart, brain, nervous system.100 g of mint contains about a fourth of the daily human need for this mineral - 569 mg. A lot of calcium is also 243 mg.

Tannins - tannins, give astringent taste to the broth. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, remove toxins, increase blood coagulability. Saponins and flavonoids act in a similar way.

Peppermint is often used as a raw material for the decoction of

An interesting fact! Mint was used for medicinal purposes even in ancient times. Mention of her is found in the Gospel of Matthew, her remains are found in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Useful properties of the decoction

In medicine, the following medicinal properties of the decoction of broth are most often used:

  • analgesic
  • antiseptic
  • vasodilator
  • soothing
  • toning
  • choleretic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diaphoretic
  • soothing
  • spasmolytic.

Also, the broth has an antiemetic property, which allows it to be used as a medicine for a "marine" disease. With external application, it accelerates wound healing, disinfects and alleviates pain. When ingested, it strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the rhythm of the heart, soothes and relieves stress, increases efficiency, restores strength, invigorates.

Broth of mint for cold helps to get rid of heat and pain

Receiving broth for the night heals from insomnia. In the morning, it tones up and fills with energy. It is also known the property of a decoction to remove toxins from the body, which is used in the symptomatic treatment of all kinds of poisoning. Women use it to get rid of varicose veins and veins on the skin.

Decoction of mint helps with colds. It improves sputum evacuation, anesthetizes the throat with angina, kills pathogenic bacteria, and has antipyretic effect. In viral diseases and the flu, the broth helps fight infection, strengthens, removes toxins.

Nutritionists recommend to include a decoction of mint in the diet when losing weight, as it speeds up cellular metabolism, reduces appetite and dulls the feeling of hunger. It also helps to cleanse the intestines from decay products and improves overall health.

With constant use, mint broth improves digestion, helps to get rid of heartburn. It also has the property of lowering blood pressure, which is very important for hypertensive patients.

Tip! It is not necessary to abuse the decoction. With an overdose, there may be problems with digestion, nausea, dizziness.

Application of

The healing properties of mint broth provided him wide application in medicine. It is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, colds, heart and nerve problems. With external application, it helps to get rid of many skin diseases, anesthesizes, strengthens regeneration processes. Also, the broth is used in cosmetology. It is a part of rejuvenating masks and lotions.

Application medicine

In medicine mint broth used in the treatment of the following diseases:

When bronchitis applied inhalation broth peppermint
  • bronchitis
  • angina
  • pharyngitis
  • asthma
  • gastritis
  • cholecystitis
  • angina
  • hypertension
  • insomnia
  • neuroses
  • urolithiasis
  • flatulence
  • dermatitis
  • eczema
  • flu
  • boils
  • colitis
  • enterocolitis
  • enteritis.

It is also used for indigestion, chronic fatigue, stress, hysteria. During a month's period, the broth helps to reduce soreness, improve mood. It is also used for obesity to increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Application in cosmetology

Lotion from broth of mint will help to remove eye fatigue

Decoction of mint is applied not only in medicine. It is also used in cosmetology for the preparation of refreshing lotions, rejuvenating masks, medical compresses. Foot baths with decoction help get rid of sweating, fungus, calluses, relieve fatigue and swelling.

The broth helps to get rid of shadows and bags under the eyes, tones up the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles. It is also used for narrowing of expanded pores, treatment of acne. Men with sensitive skin, the broth is recommended in the form of compresses after shaving.


Broth of mint is not useful to everyone, it can not be taken with the following diseases:

  • hypotension
  • of individual intolerance
  • acute cholecystitis.

With caution, the broth is used in pregnancy and lactation. Children under 5 years of age should not be given it because of the high risk of developing allergic reactions. It is categorically contraindicated because of a possible violation of the respiratory function.

How to prepare mint for the winter, see in this video:

  • Mar 10, 2018
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